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Generating a dict from provided randomizer
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Generating a dict from provided randomizer

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Soo i am far away from this Dance
But still need much of help Pray
for saving time purpose Wall

in between i decide to not use overlapping code provided by DeaD_EyE because i am not able to use it. Still recieve bound method error with adress so i change to "if" Razz
I am constructing an "Wheater" system to my game
for now one i need a temperature dictionaries for today tomorrow and 8 day +. Total 10 days
I would like to make it by for function but i can not to use it

I think it should be an list because pop and append option because today will be deleted and 10th will be new by append

Go to Wheater Section
  1. Soo code making range of temperatures of month
  2. Here should make an a dictionary of 10 days temperatures
    Here i am not sure i wat to have dict because i am not familiar with dicts and i get different result exacly no result.
  3. next after that will make pop from 1st item on list and append on last to make move of temperatures by day
  4. The temperature comes by daytime temperature changer
  5. Here will come atmospherics wind and phenomen but in farther evolving code

Also Issues
I am not able to get "It's weekend" in weekend. It is showed only on saturday or block on whole week
Line 59 and 194

Make an slow progress temperature
in betwen daytimes there are gaps of temperature soo i would like to make an slow progress by minutes to temp grow or get down by time to change by daytime modifier

Please save my time

also i think i should inherit from Clock class but do not know how and i bet u know-how

Arrow LINE 310 i think Huh
 #  _______ _                                  _    _____      _                _            
 # |__   __(_)                                | |  / ____|    | |              | |           
 #    | |   _ _ __ ___   ___    __ _ _ __   __| | | |     __ _| | ___ _ __   __| | __ _ _ __ 
 #    | |  | | '_ ` _ \ / _ \  / _` | '_ \ / _` | | |    / _` | |/ _ \ '_ \ / _` |/ _` | '__|
 #    | |  | | | | | | |  __/ | (_| | | | | (_| | | |___| (_| | |  __/ | | | (_| | (_| | |   
 #    |_|  |_|_| |_| |_|\___|  \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|  \_____\__,_|_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|\__,_|_|   

 # In "Time and Calendar" section simply count time flow. Time is counted from 
 #    @ miliseconds - use for quests "time is runnin"
 #    @ seconds minutes hours - use for normal time counting
 #    @ days months year - use for calendar purpose including leap year
 #    @ season - use for changing daytime during season like in winter dusk comes faster than in summer
 #    @ daytimes weekdays- use for depend on it a schelude of player and npc

 # This section works fine

 # To do:
 # >>Make an reset miliseconds if it is not an a quests
 # >>make an a counter from actual miliseconds to how much more miliseconds left
 # >>make a schelude section

init python:
    weekdays = ["Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday","Sunday"]
    daytimes = ["Midnight", "Night", "Dawn", "Morning", "Noon", "Afternoon", "Dusk", "Night"]
    months = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"]
    seasons = ["Winter", "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn"]

    class Clock(object):
        def __init__(self, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, weekday, season, daytime, weekend):
            self._year = year 
            self._month = month 
            self._day = day 
            self._hour = hour 
            self._minute = minute 
            self._second = second 
            self._millisecond= millisecond
            self._weekday = weekday
            self._season = season
            self._daytime = daytime 
            self._weekend = weekend
        def add(self , hours , minutes , seconds, milliseconds):

            if self._month < 3 :                                    # Week day segment
                __m = self._month + 12
                __y = self._year - 1
            else :
                __m = self._month
                __y = self._year
            __weekday = ((__y+__y/4-__y/100+__y/400+(13*__m+8)/5+self._day) % 7) - 1
            if __weekday == 5:
                self._weekend = True
            elif __weekday == 6:
                self._weekend = True
                self._weekend = False

            self._weekday = weekdays[__weekday]

            self._millisecond += milliseconds
            self._second += seconds                         #Adding time segment
            self._minute += minutes
            self._hour += hours

            self._second += self._millisecond // 1000
            self._minute += self._second // 60
            self._hour += self._minute // 60
            self._day += self._hour // 24

            if self._month in (1,3,5,7,8,10,12):            # Limit day segment
                if self._day > 31:
                    self._day = 1
                    self._month += 1
            elif self._month in (4,6,9,11):
                if self._day > 30:
                    self._day = 1
                    self._month += 1
            else :
                if (self._year % 4) == 0 and (self._year % 100) != 0 or (self._year % 400) == 0:
                    __d = 29                     
                    __d = 28

                if self._day > __d:
                    self._day = 1
                    self._month += 1

            if self._month > 12:
                self._month = 1
                self._year += 1
            self._millisecond = self._millisecond % 1000
            self._second = self._second % 60
            self._minute = self._minute % 60
            self._hour = self._hour % 24

            if self._month in (12,1,2):
                self._season = seasons[0]
                if self._hour == 0:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[0]
                if self._hour > 0 and self._hour < 7:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[1]
                if self._hour > 7 and self._hour < 8:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[2]
                if self._hour > 8 and self._hour < 11:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[3]
                if self._hour == 12:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[4]
                if self._hour >= 13 and self._hour < 16:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[5]
                if self._hour > 16 and self._hour < 17:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[6]
                if self._hour > 17 and self._hour < 24:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[7]
            if self._month in (3,4,5):
                self._season = seasons[1]
                if self._hour == 0:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[0]
                if self._hour > 0 and self._hour < 5:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[1]
                if self._hour > 5 and self._hour < 6:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[2]
                if self._hour > 6 and self._hour < 11:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[3]
                if self._hour == 12:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[4]
                if self._hour >= 13 and self._hour < 18:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[5]
                if self._hour > 18 and self._hour < 19:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[6]
                if self._hour > 19 and self._hour < 24:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[7]
            if self._month in (6,7,8):
                self._season = seasons[2]
                if self._hour == 0:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[0]
                if self._hour > 0 and self._hour < 4:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[1]
                if self._hour > 4 and self._hour < 5:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[2]
                if self._hour > 5 and self._hour < 11:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[3]
                if self._hour == 12:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[4]
                if self._hour >= 13 and self._hour < 20:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[5]
                if self._hour > 20 and self._hour < 21:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[6]
                if self._hour > 21 and self._hour < 24:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[7]
            if self._month in (9,10,11):
                self._season = seasons[3]
                if self._hour == 0:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[0]
                if self._hour > 0 and self._hour < 5:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[1]
                if self._hour > 5 and self._hour < 6:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[2]
                if self._hour > 6 and self._hour < 11:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[3]
                if self._hour == 12:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[4]
                if self._hour >= 13 and self._hour < 18:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[5]
                if self._hour > 18 and self._hour < 19:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[6]
                if self._hour > 19 and self._hour < 24:
                    self._daytime = daytimes[7]

        def nm(self):
            name_month = str(months[self.month])
            return name_month

        def test(self):
            return __weekday
        @property                       # properting for easy use
        def wk(self):                   # [clk.wk] ---> weekday name
            return self._weekday

        def we(self):
            if self._weekend:
                weekend = "It's weekend"
                weekend = " "
            return weekend

        def sz(self):
            season = str(self._season)
            return season           
        def dt(self):
            daytm = str(self._daytime)
            return daytm
        def yy(self): 
            year = "000" + str(self._year)
            return year[-4:]        
        def mn(self):
            month ="00" +str(self._month)
            return month[-2:]
        def dd(self): 
            day = "0" + str(self._day)
            return day[-2:]
        def hh(self):
            hour = "0" + str(self._hour)
            return hour[-2:] 

        def mm(self): 
            minute = "0" + str(self._minute)
            return minute[-2:]
        def ss(self):
            second = "0" + str(self._second)
            return second[-2:]

        def ms(self):
            millisecond = "000" + str(self._millisecond)
            return millisecond[-4:]

# #################################################
#  _    _            _   _               
# | |  | |          | | | |              
# | |  | | ___  __ _| |_| |__   ___ _ __ 
# | |/\| |/ _ \/ _` | __| '_ \ / _ \ '__|
# \  /\  /  __/ (_| | |_| | | |  __/ |   
#  \/  \/ \___|\__,_|\__|_| |_|\___|_|   
# ################################################
    Temperatures = ("Freezing", "Cold", "Unconfortable", "Confortable", "Hot", "Scorcher")
    Winds = ("Without", "Light", "Medium", "Strong", "Hurracane")
    Clouds = ("Sunny", "Slightly Cloudy", "Cloudly", "Overcast" )
    Atmosperics = ("Clear", "Breeze", "Rain", "Storm")
    Temp_dict = {}
    class Weather(Clock):
        def __init__(self, temp_out, wind, cloud, phenomen):
            self._temp_out = temp_out
            self._wind = wind
            self._cloud = cloud
            self._phenomen = phenomen
        def change_weather(self, temperature_outside, actual_wind, actual_atmospheric, actual_phenomen)

        if self._month == 1:
            min_temp = -10
            max_temp = 15
        elif self._month == 2:
            min_temp = -8
            max_temp = 20
        elif self._month == 3:
            min_temp = -1
            max_temp = 23
        elif self._month == 4:
            min_temp = 6
            max_temp = 27
        elif self._month == 5:
            min_temp = 10
            max_temp = 32
        elif self._month == 6:
            min_temp = 15
            max_temp = 36
        elif self._month == 7:
            min_temp = 16
            max_temp = 37
        elif self._month == 8:
            min_temp = 16
            max_temp = 38
        elif self._month == 9:
            min_temp = 10
            max_temp = 30
        elif self._month == 10:
            min_temp = 0
            max_temp = 26
        elif self._month == 11:
            min_temp = -5
            max_temp = 21
        elif self._month == 12:
            min_temp = -25
            max_temp = 15
            min_temp = -256
            max_temp = 1450

        if Temp_dict is None:
            in range(10)

        if self._hour == 0
            day_temp = random.randrange(min_temp, max_temp)
            if self._daytime == daytimes[0]:
                temp_dayt = day_temp -2 
            elif self._daytime == daytimes[1]:
                temp_dayt = day_temp -5
            elif self._daytime == daytimes[2]:
                temp_dayt = day_temp -6
            elif self._daytime == daytimes[3]:
                temp_dayt = day_temp -3
            elif self._daytime == daytimes[4]:
                temp_dayt = day_temp +3
            elif self._daytime == daytimes[5]:
                temp_dayt = day_temp +5
            elif self._daytime == daytimes[6]:
                temp_dayt = day_temp +2
            elif self._daytime == daytimes[7]:
                temp_dayt = day_temp 


#  _____                      _                       #
# |     |                    | |                      #
#   | |  _ ____   _____ _ __ | |_ ___  _ __ _   _     #
#   | | | '_ \ \ / / _ \ '_ \| __/ _ \| '__| | | |    #
#  _| |_| | | \ V /  __/ | | | || (_) | |  | |_| |    #[;/]
# |_____|_| |_|\_/ \___|_| |_|\__\___/|_|   \__, |    #
#                                            __/ |    #
#                                           |___/     #
#                                                     #

    sizes = ["Tiny", "Small", "Medium", "Big", "Huge"]

    class Item(object):
        def __init__(self, name, quantity, volume, size, weight, spiece, info, price, craft, thumb, image):
   = name            #1 Nazwa            Name of item for identification purpose
            self.quantity = quantity    #2 Ilość            Amount of items we have                               Ex. 15xbatteries
            self.volume = volume        #3 Objetosc         Amount of volume taken from Container                 all items(volume)<=max_volume
            self.size = size            #4 Rozmiar          Amount of volume taken from Container                 (huge, big, medium, small, tiny) huge>big>medium>small>tiny
            self.weight = weight        #5 Ciężar           Strengh(actual_max_weight)=>weight<max weight container
            self.spiece = spiece        #6 Rodzaj           Type of item
   = info            #7 Informacje       Infos         
            self.price = price          #8 Cena             Price
            self.craft = craft          #9 Tworzenie        Crafting
            self.thumb = thumb          #10 Miniaturka      Thumbinal
            self.image = image          #11 Obrazek         Bigger thumb 

    class Container():
        def __init__(self, max_size, max_volume, max_weight, spiece, info, image, ):
            self.inventory = []                 # List for items
            self.max_size = max_size            # 
            self.max_volume = max_volume        # Max amount of total volume of items
            self.max_weight = max_weight    
            self.spiece = spiece
            self.image = image

        def add(Item):
            #if max_size == sizes[5]:


#def __init__(self, year, m, da, ho, m, s, m,ms)   
default clk = Clock(2019, 8, 25, 10, 0, 0, 0, "A Day", "An season", "An daytime", " ")
# deflaut wea = Weather(22,"Light","Slightly Cloudy","Clear")

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