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deleting git branches
I ended up deleting the old branches already.

metulburr@ubuntu:~/repos/ShooterGame$ git branch -D cleanup2
Deleted branch cleanup2 (was 81cdf23).
metulburr@ubuntu:~/repos/ShooterGame$ git branch -D cleanup3
Deleted branch cleanup3 (was ecef4a5).
metulburr@ubuntu:~/repos/ShooterGame$ git branch -D cleanup
Deleted branch cleanup (was c657adb).
I assumed that pushing those changes would remove them from the repo as well, but that did not occur.

If i try to delete them remotely i get:
metulburr@ubuntu:~/repos/ShooterGame$ git push cleanup_after_menu --delete cleanup3
fatal: 'cleanup_after_menu' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Recommended Tutorials:
The remote name you have to provide is most possibly origin, so change
git push cleanup_after_menu --delete cleanup3
git push origin --delete cleanup3
i figured that out right before you posted and accidentally deleted my last branch cleanup_after_menu
metulburr@ubuntu:~/repos/ShooterGame$ git push origin cleanup_after_menu --delete cleanup3
Username for '': metulburr
Password for 'https://[email protected]': 
 - [deleted]         cleanup3
 - [deleted]         cleanup_after_menu
metulburr@ubuntu:~/repos/ShooterGame$ git push origin cleanup_after_menu --delete cleanup2
Username for '': metulburr
Password for 'https://[email protected]': 
error: unable to delete 'cleanup_after_menu': remote ref does not exist
error: failed to push some refs to ''
metulburr@ubuntu:~/repos/ShooterGame$ git push origin --delete cleanup2
Username for '': metulburr
Password for 'https://[email protected]': 
 - [deleted]         cleanup2
metulburr@ubuntu:~/repos/ShooterGame$ git push origin --delete cleanup
Username for '': metulburr
Password for 'https://[email protected]': 
 - [deleted]         cleanup
metulburr@ubuntu:~/repos/ShooterGame$ git checkout -b cleanup_after_menu 
fatal: A branch named 'cleanup_after_menu' already exists.
Recommended Tutorials:
Did you want to delete the remote cleanup_after_menu branch?
I am glad that you are happy with your git now :)
no i didnt want to delete that.

I undid that (at least i think so) by hard reset from the reflogs
metulburr@ubuntu:~/repos/ShooterGame$ git reflog
ecef4a5 HEAD@{0}: checkout: moving from cleanup_after_menu to add_game_over
ec53c60 HEAD@{1}: checkout: moving from master to cleanup_after_menu
1875a5e HEAD@{2}: checkout: moving from cleanup_after_menu to master
ec53c60 HEAD@{3}: commit: cleanup after adding menu
ecef4a5 HEAD@{4}: checkout: moving from cleanup3 to cleanup_after_menu
ecef4a5 HEAD@{5}: reset: moving to HEAD~3
e4dd5fe HEAD@{6}: commit: cleanup3
81cdf23 HEAD@{7}: checkout: moving from cleanup2 to cleanup3
81cdf23 HEAD@{8}: commit: cleanup2
c657adb HEAD@{9}: checkout: moving from cleanup to cleanup2
c657adb HEAD@{10}: commit: cleanup after menu
ecef4a5 HEAD@{11}: checkout: moving from add_game_over to cleanup
ecef4a5 HEAD@{12}: commit: added game over and restart
787630d HEAD@{13}: checkout: moving from options_menu to add_game_over
787630d HEAD@{14}: commit: added options menu
7944f09 HEAD@{15}: checkout: moving from adding_menu_system to options_menu
7944f09 HEAD@{16}: commit: added basic menu system
3308118 HEAD@{17}: checkout: moving from organizing_states to adding_menu_system
3308118 HEAD@{18}: commit: organizing states
04b3f8f HEAD@{19}: checkout: moving from adding_state_machine to organizing_states
04b3f8f HEAD@{20}: commit: added state machine
810571e HEAD@{21}: checkout: moving from moved_main_loop_into_data to adding_state_machine
810571e HEAD@{22}: checkout: moving from master to moved_main_loop_into_data
1875a5e HEAD@{23}: checkout: moving from moved_main_loop_into_data to master
810571e HEAD@{24}: commit: moved into data and renamed it to
0f3405e HEAD@{25}: checkout: moving from move_player_and_enemy_to_modules to moved_main_loop_into_data
0f3405e HEAD@{26}: commit: moved player and enemy classes out of main file and into their own modules
8ada1e8 HEAD@{27}: checkout: moving from move_tools_to_labels to move_player_and_enemy_to_modules
8ada1e8 HEAD@{28}: commit: removed pycache
16c56b9 HEAD@{29}: commit: added gitignore
5d8611b HEAD@{30}: commit: moved the rest of tools to labels
171ad9d HEAD@{31}: checkout: moving from move_tools_class_to_tools_prep to move_tools_to_labels
171ad9d HEAD@{32}: checkout: moving from make_game_work_again to move_tools_class_to_tools_prep
171ad9d HEAD@{33}: commit: fixed convert
77808a8 HEAD@{34}: commit: made game work again
f3f369d HEAD@{35}: checkout: moving from moved_files to make_game_work_again
f3f369d HEAD@{36}: commit: moved resources
1875a5e HEAD@{37}: checkout: moving from resources_same_directory to moved_files
1875a5e HEAD@{38}: checkout: moving from master to resources_same_directory
1875a5e HEAD@{39}: commit (initial): first upload
metulburr@ubuntu:~/repos/ShooterGame$ git reset --hard ecef4a5
HEAD is now at ecef4a5 added game over and restart
metulburr@ubuntu:~/repos/ShooterGame$ git status
On branch add_game_over
nothing to commit, working directory clean
metulburr@ubuntu:~/repos/ShooterGame$ git checkout cleanup_after_menu 
Switched to branch 'cleanup_after_menu'
metulburr@ubuntu:~/repos/ShooterGame$ git status
On branch cleanup_after_menu
nothing to commit, working directory clean
metulburr@ubuntu:~/repos/ShooterGame$ git push origin cleanup_after_menu 
Username for '': metulburr
Password for 'https://[email protected]': 
Counting objects: 10, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
Writing objects: 100% (10/10), 1.56 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 10 (delta 7), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (7/7), completed with 6 local objects.
remote: Create a pull request for 'cleanup_after_menu' on GitHub by visiting:
 * [new branch]      cleanup_after_menu -> cleanup_after_menu
Im pretty sure that i am at the final result i want. I find this all to be confusing Wall, but thank you
Recommended Tutorials:
That looks good, you recovered your branch :)
Yeah git can be kind of confusing. I had to rewrite my git history for work last year and in the beginning a messed a lot of things up, not realy badly but still time consuming. But when you did it once you get the hang on it :)
i dont use it enough to remember when i mess something up. Im okay with pushing/pulling and making new branches, but when something odd occurs, im screwed. I dont often use git reset, so hopefully next time i remember that. Thanks again :)
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