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May i get help see how am i going,
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May i get help see how am i going,
Hi All,
OS: Ubuntu 18.04
Python 3.7
Editors PyCharm and Jupyter Lab
I am Talking Course For Machine Learning.
i have some code i made its some functions and i try to give it Class decorative, and i have issue in the code for accessing methods from other class. can you help me with a clue to search for ,i trued to search but i didn't get to any of this i had, mostly i got for creating class and access it. First of all i had to change my functions to OOP.

i Just Need Clue to search for and go on after what i reached, i don't need to tell me the Solution,
Here Is GitHub OOP Package Link:

Here is my code:
import numpy as np  # For Matrices Manipulations
import pandas as pd  # For Data frames etc
import xlrd  # For Excel Files
import os  # For Changing to the Correct Directory

# -------------------- #
class CharacterFind:
    def __init__(self, func):
        self.func = func

    def __call__(self):
        return self.func()

def character_find(target_string, icon_symbol):
    Custom Function Takes 2 Parameters String and Symbol and Find Where This Symbol and How Many in Target.

    :param target_string: to loop inside and look for symbol
    :param icon_symbol: will look for it inside that target
    :return: count how many times symbol found in the target.

    # Start Counting Variable.
    count_starter = 0
    # List To Append Symbol Each Time Found In String.
    target_list = []
    # Looping In String For Symbol.
    for character in target_string:
        if character.lower() == icon_symbol.lower():
            # Append Symbol To List To Count It.
            target_list.append(target_string.find(character, count_starter))
        # Add One For Starter To Skip Previous Character.
        count_starter += 1
    # Printing The List With Symbol Positions On String (Target).

# -------------------- #
class CustomSplit:
    def __init__(self, split_func):
        self.split_func = split_func

    def __call__(self):
        return self.split_func()

def custom_split(target_string):
    Function Take One Parameter a an iterable object and loop and split it for parts and append it to a list.
    :param target_string: iterable object
    :return: List with splited part of iterable.

    # List To Append All Splited Words.
    splited_words_list = []
    # Variable To Save Words.
    helper_variable = ''
    # Looping Inside String.
    for each_word in target_string:
        # checking the next character is space or not.
        if each_word == ' ':
            # If Yes. Append Word To List.
            # Then Reset Temporary Variable
            helper_variable = ''
            # If Not Then Fill Variable With Word.
            helper_variable += each_word

    # Last Word Will Be Out Of Loop Then Go To List Right Away.
    if helper_variable:


# -------------------- #
class RenameFiles:
    def __init__(self, rename_func):
        self.rename_func = rename_func

    def __call__(self):
        return self.rename_func()

def rename_files(files_path, wanted_name, needed_extension):
    Function Takes 3 Parameters Files Directory and Name for files we need it to be and extension of the files.

    :param files_path: Folder that files inside.
    :param wanted_name: the name we need to rename the files with.
    :param needed_extension: the new extension for the files we need to rename it.
    :return: List with the new named Files.

    # List For All Files In Directory.
    directory_files = []
    # New List After Renaming Files.
    renamed_files = []
    # Numerical Range To Give To Files.
    numbering_list = range(0, 6)
    # Looping Inside Directory.
    for filename in os.listdir(files_path):
        # Adding Each File As Member In Directory Files List.

    # Looping For Two Lists, (Directory Files List and Numerical List).
    for each_file, each_number in zip(directory_files, numbering_list):
        # Creating Pattern For The New Name.
        new_name = f'{wanted_name} {each_number}.{needed_extension}'
        # Adding New Names To New List (Renamed List).
    # Printing List With New Names.

# Statistics Functions.
# -------------------- #
class MeanSquareError:
    def __init__(self, MSE_func):
        self.MSE_func = MSE_func

    def __call__(self):
        return self.MSE_func()

# Mean Squared Error.
def mean_square_error(actual_data, predicted_data):
    Function Takes 2 Parameters lists of data, making counter and add to it and zipping lists.
    :param actual_data:
    :param predicted_data:
    :return: Mean Squared Error Of Both Data Actual and Predicted.

    # Starter Counter.
    counter = 0
    # Combining BOth List With Zipping Function.
    data_combined = zip(actual_data, predicted_data)
    # Loop For Each cell in both data.
    for (each_actual, each_predicted) in data_combined:
        # Adding Results To Starter Counter.
        counter += (each_actual - each_predicted) ** 2
    return counter / len(actual_data)

# -------------------- #
class MeanData:
    def __init__(self, mean_func):
        self.mean_func = mean_func

    def __call__(self):
        return self.mean_func()

def data_mean(data_values):
    Getting The Mean Number For Data.
    :param data_values: Set Of Data
    :return: Mean Of Data Values.
    return sum(data_values) / len(data_values)

# -------------------- #
class VarianceData:
    def __init__(self, variance_func):
        self.variance_func = variance_func

    def __call__(self):
        return self.variance_func()

def data_variance(data_values, mean_of_data):
    Getting The Variance Number For Data.
    :param data_values: Set Of Data
    :param mean_of_data: Mean Of Data From Previous Function.
    :return: Variance Of Data.
    starter_counter = 0
    for data_cells in data_values:
        starter_counter += (data_cells - mean_of_data) ** 2
    return starter_counter / len(data_values)

# -------------------- #
class CoVarianceData:
    def __init__(self, covariance_func):
        self.covariance_func = covariance_func

    def __call__(self):
        return self.covariance_func()

def data_covariance(features_values, labels_values, features_mean, labels_mean):
    It measures the degree of change in the variables, i.e. when one variable changes, will there be the same/a similar change in the other variable.
    :param features_values: (X) Weights and Features Of Data
    :param labels_values: (Y) Predictions and Labels Of Data
    :param features_mean: Measured Mean Of Features For Data
    :param labels_mean: Measured Mean Of Labels For Data
    :return: Measure of relationship between 2 variables.

    # Labels and Features Added and Multiplied.
    features_labels_sum_multiply = 0
    # Combine Both Features and Labels In One Object.
    feature_label_combined = zip(features_values, labels_values)
    for (features_values, labels_values) in feature_label_combined:
        features_labels_sum_multiply += ((features_values - features_mean) * (labels_values - labels_mean))
    return features_labels_sum_multiply / len(features_values)

# -------------------- #
class CoEfficientData:
    def __init__(self, coefficient_func):
        self.coefficient_func = coefficient_func

    def __call__(self):
        return self.coefficient_func()

def data_coefficient(features_values, labels_values):
    Measure of correlation overcomes the scale dependency of covariance by standardizing the measures.
    :param features_values: (X) Weights and Features Of Data
    :param labels_values: (Y) Predictions and Labels Of Data
    :return: Number Between 0 and 1.

    features_mean = data_mean(features_values)
    labels_values = data_mean(labels_values)
    features_variance = data_variance(features_values, features_mean)
    labels_variance = data_variance(labels_values, labels_values)
    beta_one = data_covariance(features_values, labels_values, features_mean, labels_values) / features_variance
    beta_zero = labels_values - (beta_one * features_mean)
    return beta_one, beta_zero

# -------------------- #
class SimpleLinearRegression:
    def __init__(self, spl_func):
        self.spl_func = spl_func

    def __call__(self):
        return self.spl_func()

def simple_linear_regression(features_train, labels_train, features_test):
    Using a linear regression model will allow you to discover whether a relationship between variables exists at all.
    :param features_train:
    :param labels_train:
    :param features_test:
    beta_one_train, beta_zero_train = data_coefficient(features_train, labels_train)
    predicted_data = beta_one_train * features_test + beta_zero_train
    return predicted_data

# -------------------- #
class EvaluateModel:
    def __init__(self, eval_func):
        self.eval_func = eval_func

    def __call__(self):
        return self.eval_func()

def evaluate_model(features_train, labels_train, features_test, labels_test):
    Evaluate Model anc Compare Train Data With Test Data.
    :param features_train:
    :param labels_train:
    :param features_test:
    :param labels_test:
    prediction_data = simple_linear_regression(features_train, labels_train, features_test)
    return mean_square_error(prediction_data, labels_test)

# -------------------- #
class Transformer:
    # Attributes
    def __init__(self, standarad_scaler, min_Max_Scaler):
        self.standarad_scaler = standarad_scaler
        self.min_Max_Scaler = min_Max_Scaler

    def __call__(self):

def standaradscaler(feature):
    Mean_feature = mean(feature)
    std_feature = std(feature)
    scaled_feature = (feature - Mean_feature) / std_feature
    return scaled_feature

def minMaxScaler(feature):
    min_max_scaler = (feature - (np.min(feature))) / ((np.max(feature)) - (np.min(feature)))
    return min_max_scaler
Thank You For Support All.
You have defined a lot of classes but never instantiate an object based on a class. Also, help me out, why are you using decorators on all those functions that are defined outside of the classes?
(Feb-21-2020, 07:04 PM)jefsummers Wrote: You have defined a lot of classes but never instantiate an object based on a class.

Yes, i suppose to make instances objects whaen i am useing the classes after import it in a project. i will say Example.
import AMW # Functions PAckage File.
splits = CustomSplit.custom_split()
Quote:Also, help me out, why are you using decorators on all those functions that are defined outside of the classes?

I am using Decorator for each function to link it to a different Class.
is that what you mean pal or Please can you explain question more.

thank you so much for support.
Rather than decorators, why not just indent to define the function as part of the class, like you do for the __init__ functions? Would make your code more readable and easier to maintain...
when i try this i could not access class method from other class.
example : i need the method Mean() to use it in class of Variance,
could not do it, i got the methods undefined.
Class Data_variance:
   def data_variance(data_values, mean_of_data):
    Getting The Variance Number For Data.
    :param data_values: Set Of Data
    :param mean_of_data: Mean Of Data From Previous Function.
    :return: Variance Of Data.
    starter_counter = 0
    for data_cells in data_values:
        starter_counter += (data_cells - mean_of_data) ** 2
    return starter_counter / len(data_values)
class Test_it_out:
    def test_it(self, a, b):
        return a*b
class Test_it_in :
    def foobar(self, c, d) :
        life = Test_it_out()
        return life.test_it(c,d)

alpha = Test_it_in()
1. Class is not capitalized.
2. Functions defined within a class should have the first argument as self.
3. Instantiate the class before you call a related function. Note the syntax.

This is amazing i will try to change my code following this concepts my friend thanks again for support,.
I Did It and Works So Fine My Friend Thank You For Support Buddy.
here is The Code To Check With Me If You Would like To.
import os

# --------------------------------------------------- #
class CharacterFind:
    def __init__(self, target_string, icon_symbol):
        :param target_string:       Provided String To Search Inside.
        :param icon_symbol:         Character Search For Inside String
        :return:    ---------->     How Many Times Repeated The Character and Indexes Too.
        self.target_string = target_string
        self.icon_symbol = icon_symbol

    def character_find(self):
        # Start Counting Variable.
        count_starter = 0
        # List To Append Symbol Each Time Found In String.
        target_list = []
        # Looping In String For Symbol.
        for character in self.target_string:
            if character.lower() == self.icon_symbol.lower():
                # Append Symbol To List To Count It.
                target_list.append(self.target_string.find(character, count_starter))
            # Add One For Starter To Skip Previous Character.
            count_starter += 1
        # Printing The List With Symbol Positions On String (Target).
        repeated_times = len(target_list)
        print(target_list, repeated_times)
        return target_list, repeated_times

class CustomSplit:
    def __init__(self, provided_string):
        :param provided_string:     String To Loop Inside & Split Words.
        :return:    ----------->    Splited Words In a List.
        self.provided_string = provided_string

    def custom_split(self):

        # List To Append All Splited Words.
        splited_words_list = []
        # Variable To Save Words.
        helper_variable = ''
        # Looping Inside String.
        for each_word in self.provided_string:
            # checking the next character is space or not.
            if each_word == ' ':
                # If Yes. Append Word To List.
                # Then Reset Temporary Variable
                helper_variable = ''
                # If Not Then Fill Variable With Word.
                helper_variable += each_word

        # Last Word Will Be Out Of Loop Then Go To List Right Away.
        if helper_variable:

        return splited_words_list

class RenameFiles:
    def __init__(self, files_path, wanted_name, count_of_files, needed_extension):
        :param files_path:               Directory To Rename Files Inside
        :param wanted_name:              New Name To Rename Into.
        :param count_of_files:           How Many File To Be Renamed
        :param needed_extension:         Directory, Also, Wanted Name, & Extension.
        self.files_path = files_path
        self.wanted_name = wanted_name
        self.needed_extension = needed_extension
        self.count_of_files = count_of_files

    def rename_files(self):
        # List For All Files In Directory.
        directory_files = []
        # New List After Renaming Files.
        renamed_files = []
        # Numerical Range To Give To Files.
        numbering_list = range(1, self.count_of_files + 1)
        # Looping Inside Directory.
        for filename in os.listdir(self.files_path):
            # Adding Each File As Member In Directory Files List.

        # Looping For Two Lists, (Directory Files List and Numerical List).
        for each_file, each_number in zip(directory_files, numbering_list):
            # Creating Pattern For The New Name.
            new_name = f'{self.wanted_name} ({each_number}).{self.needed_extension}'
            # Adding New Names To New List (Renamed List).
        # Printing List With New Names.
        return renamed_files

test_string = 'here is my beautiful life to be engineer'
find_character = CharacterFind(test_string, 'e')


split_mine = CustomSplit(test_string)

file_renaming_now = RenameFiles('/home/ahmdwd/Documents/Prjcts/AMWMLPkg/tst', 'New My Name File', 30, 'TIF')
renamed_files_To_split = file_renaming_now.rename_files()
Works, and looks much easier to maintain
Thanks My Friend For Support.

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