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"Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" creating a path works but only for CMD promt
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"Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" creating a path works but only for CMD promt
I followed the instructions in that book step by step, but it didn't get me nowhere with adding custom paths.
The book says:
From System variables, select the Path variable and click Edit. In the Value text field, append a semicolon, type C:\MyPythonScripts, and then click OK. Now you can run any Python script in the C:\MyPythonScripts folder by simply pressing WIN-R and entering the script’s name.

Because that didn't work at all, I did this:
I did not use any semicolons(why would I?), just added C:\\MyPythonScripts as a custom path and it worked in CMD promt. I can now run a program there by just typing the name of the program, but it still doesn't work when using WIN-R. Why would that be?

Thanks, and sorry if I was unclear about anything.
I have the same question. Huh I'll leave a comment here hoping somebody can provide an answer.
here's what I do. I have one module for each project that lays out all of the directories, URL's and common file locations in a relative structure, using pathlib.
Here's a sample for a geocoding project:

the module is named and is imported by just about every other module in the project.
A neat feature of using something like this, is that you can run it on it's own in a copy of the project to
immediately set up your directory structure (it will create missing directories, but will leave already existing
directories alone):
import os
from pathlib import Path

class GeoPaths:
    def __init__(self, depth=0):
        dir_depth = abs(depth)

        self.homepath = Path('.')

        while dir_depth:
            self.homepath = self.homepath / '..'
            dir_depth -= 1

        rootpath = self.homepath / '..'

        self.docspath = rootpath / 'docs'

        self.testspath = rootpath / 'tests'

        self.datapath = rootpath / 'data'

        self.csvpath = self.datapath / 'csv'

        self.htmlpath = self.datapath / 'html'

        self.jsonpath = self.datapath / 'json'
        self.MasterAddressPath = self.datapath / 'MasterAddressDatabase'

        self.prettypath = self.datapath / 'pretty'

        self.tmppath = self.datapath / 'tmp'

        # Osm data is arranged by state and file type.
        # A rather longdirectory tree, but laid out here for ease of use in software
        self.osmpath = self.datapath / 'osm'

        self.geofabrik_datapath = self.osmpath / 'GeofabrikAndCensus'

        # URL's
        self.TigerLineGeoDatabase: ''
        self.qgis_plugins = ''
        self.osmfilelink = ''
        self.geofabrikserver = ''

        # Common files:
        self.geofabrikjson = self.jsonpath / 'GeofabrikLinks.json'

if __name__ == '__main__':
Before running the script, my directory structure for a new project looks like this:
├── src │   └── └── venv ...
After running directory structure looks like this:
$ . ./venv/bin/activate
(venv)$ python src/
. ├── data │   ├── csv │   ├── html │   ├── json │   ├── MasterAddressDatabase │   ├── osm │   │   └── GeofabrikAndCensus │   ├── pretty │   └── tmp ├── docs ├── src │   └── ├── tests └── venv ...
Now, assume you have a module named in the src diretory, and you want to open a json file named sillyfile.json.
here's the code that would do that:
from GeoPaths import GeoPaths
import json

class MySillyClass:
    def __init__(self):
        self.gpaths = GeoPaths()
        self.jsonfile = self.gpaths.jsonpath / 'sillyfile.json'

    def create_dict(self):
        sillydict = {
            'Cowboys': '21',
            'GreenBayPackers': '7'

        with'w') as fp:
            json.dump(sillydict, fp)

    def read_it_back(self):
        with as fp:
            read_sillydict = json.load(fp)
        for key, value in read_sillydict.items():
            print(f"{key}: {value}")    

def main():
    mcc = MySillyClass()

if __name__ == '__main__':
you can actually run this

Cowboys: 21 GreenBayPackers: 7
The depth attribute in can be used when code in in a subdirectory of src.
Increment by on for each sublevel, and paths will automatically be adjusted for all source code in that subdirectory.

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