Ok, so i have a data frame and i want to change it to time series.
Output: Month Sales Inflation
0 1-Jan 266.0 1
1 2-Jan 145.9 3
2 3-Jan 183.1 5
3 4-Jan 119.3 5
4 5-Jan 180.3 4
For some reason,below code did not work.(also if anyone can explain what it means it would help a lot i just found the code from tutorial, didn't really get it)shampoo= pd.read_csv('shampoo_with_exog.csv', index_col=[0], parse_dates= True,squeeze=True)Since it didn't work, i am wanted to do it manually. What i want to do is only to keep the Jan,Feb,... and strip up until including '-' for all in Months column
def month_converter(month): months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] return months.index(month) + 1 ### this is the code for the striping part which i don't know how to do!!! Then, for i in shampoo.Month : month_converter(i)
shampoo_index = shampoo['Month'].str.index('-') shampoo.Month = shampoo['Month'].str[(shampoo_index+1):] for i in shampoo.Month : month_converter(i)Why doesn't this work?
Error:Can only use .str accessor with string values, which use np.object_ dtype in pandas