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tmdbsimple error
I'm running into an obstacle in converting my TMDB query script into a function. The only change is having the search query as the only argument in the function and passing that along to the TMDB API. I'm receiving the following error and I have no idea why. Any help would be much appreciated!

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\REMOVED\Python Apps\My Progs\", line 52, in <module> tmdb_search('life') File "C:\Users\REMOVED\Python Apps\My Progs\", line 10, in tmdb_search response = TypeError: movie() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
import tmdbsimple as tmdb
import requests
import locale

def tmdb_search(query):
    search = tmdb.Search()
    response =
    list1 = []
    inc = 1
    #generate list for user to review
    for s in search.results:
        print(str(inc) + "." + s['title'] + " " + s['release_date'])
        inc += 1
        if inc > 5:

    #number the list, obtain user selection
    enumerate(list1, 1)
    choice = input("Choose a movie: ")
    choice1 = list1[int(choice)-1]

    #open txt file for writing
    f = open("test.txt", "x")
    movie = tmdb.Movies(int(choice1))
    response1 =

    #iterate over list of dictionaries to write chosen data to txt file
    for t in search.results:
        if t['id'] == choice1:
            imdb_url = "" + movie.imdb_id
            f.write(imdb_url + "\n\n")
            poster_url = "" + str(t['poster_path'])
            f.write(poster_url + "\n" + "\n")
            title = str(t['title']) + " " + (str(t['release_date']))
            f.write(title + "\n" + "\n")
            f.write(response1['tagline'] + "\n\n")
            f.write(t['overview'] + "\n\n")
            tmdb_id = "TMDB ID: " + str(t['id'])
            f.write(tmdb_id + "\n\n")


    #did it work?

You're not supposed to provide the query as a positional argument, but as a named argument.

Instead of, do
Thanks for your help. I should be able to review how this works in the search class of tmdbsimple, correct?
I would normally just look at the documentation for it, but yes you should be able to see this in the method's call signature.

lib/python3.6/site-packages/tmdbsimple/ has:

    def movie(self, **kwargs):
        Search for movies.

            language: (optional) (optional) ISO 639-1 code.
            query: (required) Pass a text query to search. This value should be
                URI encoded.
            page: (optional) Minimum 1, maximum 1000, default 1.
            include_adult: (optional) Choose whether to inlcude adult
                (pornography) content in the results.
            region: (optional) Specify a ISO 3166-1 code to filter release
                dates. Must be uppercase.
            year: (optional) A filter to limit the results to a specific year
                (looking at all release dates).
            primary_release_year: (optional) A filter to limit the results to a
                specific primary release year.

            A dict respresentation of the JSON returned from the API.
**kwargs consumes any keyword arguments, but the only positional argument is for the reference object.
Ah yes. This makes sense now. Thanks for helping me figure out how to figure out what's wrong.

**kwargs were starting to make sense before this but connecting them to what I'm trying to practically do helps so much!

This is the kind of thing I'll remember when I start writing classes and methods. Thanks again!

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