Aug-17-2020, 03:44 PM
I have a python script that takes records from an .MDB using a sql query and prints them to a excel document. Two of the fields that are printed are date/time fields. where about in my script would I place the date.time portion of the conversion? and what would that look like? below is the excel portion of the script. I need the format to be YYYY/MM/DD and time to be xx:xx. Thanks!
import pyodbc from platform import python_version pyVersion = str(python_version()) if (pyVersion[0:3] == "2.7"): from Tkinter import * import Tkinter, Tkconstants, tkFileDialog, tkMessageBox if (pyVersion[0] == "3"): from tkinter import filedialog, messagebox from tkinter import * import os import glob from openpyxl import Workbook import datetime if len(lstDuplicates) > 0: dirName = os.path.dirname(mdbPath.get()) mdbName = os.path.basename(mdbPath.get()) xlfilepath = os.path.join (dirName,mdbName.split('.')[0] + "_Duplicates.xlsx") print(xlfilepath) wb = Workbook() ws = ws.title = "Duplicates" ws['A1'] = "DuplicateRecords" ws['B1'] = "Purpose" ws['C1'] = "Length Surveyed" ws['D1'] = "Direction" ws['E1'] = "Inspector" ws['F1'] = "Date" ws['G1'] = "Time" for x in range(len(lstDuplicates)): ws['A' + str(x + 2)] = lstDuplicates[x] for x in range(len(lstPurpose)): ws['B' + str(x + 2)] = lstPurpose[x] for x in range(len(lstLength)): ws['C' + str(x + 2)] = lstLength[x] for x in range(len(lstDirection)): ws['D' + str(x + 2)] = lstDirection[x] for x in range(len(lstInspector)): ws['E' + str(x + 2)] = lstInspector[x] for x in range(len(lstDate)): ws['F' + str(x + 2)] = lstDate[x] for x in range(len(lstTime)): ws['G' + str(x + 2)] = lstTime[x] return