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Delete edge between 2 vertex in graph problem
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Delete edge between 2 vertex in graph problem
Hello Python community,

I am new to python and it is my first post. I wanted to make a graph describing nodes (vertex) and edges. I could easily add nodes and edges from the graph. But whenever I try to delete an edge, it is not working properly. Below is my code. The problem comes from the remove_edge method which when it calls the find_edge method, I am getting new Vertices created instead of the ones I have already inserted.
Could anyone help me try to solve this issue?

Thanks in advance for anyone who goes through the code. Heart Heart Heart

import networkx as nx
import matplotlib as plt
# Class Vertex
class Vertex:
def __init__(self, value): # Init method called whenever Vertex instance encountered
self.value = value # Vertex has a value property
self.edges = {} # Vertex has edges property stored in a dictionary

def __eq__(self, other): # Used to compare == equality between different Vertex objects
return self.value == other.value # Returns "True" if both Vertex objects are same

def __hash__(self):
return int(self.value)

def degree(self): # degree method returns the number of edges
return len(self.edges)

def __str__(self): # __str__ method used to return a string
return str(self.value)

def __repr__(self): # __repr__ method used by developers for debugging
return "Vertex({})".format(repr(self.value))

# Class Edge

class Edge:
def __init__(self, v, w): # Class Edge has two vertices v and w
self.v = v # Edge has Vertex v property
self.w = w # Edge has Vertex w property

def other(self, v): # other gives the other vertex of an edge
if v == self.v: # If vertex v, then give vertex w
return self.w
elif v == self.w: # If vertex w, then give vertex v
return self.v
raise # raises Error or smg like that...

def __str__(self): # __str__ method used to return a string
return "<Edge between vertex {} and vertex {}>".format(str(self.v), str(self.w))

def __repr__(self): # __repr__ method used by developers for debugging
return "Edge({}, {})".format(repr(self.v), repr(self.w))

# Class Graph

class Graph:
def __init__(self): # Class Graph has vertices and edges
self.vertices = [] # Initial Graph's vertices property set to an empty list
self.edges = [] # Initial Graph's edges property set to an empty list

def find_vertex(self, value):
for vertex in self.vertices:
if vertex.value == value:
return vertex
return None
def find_edge(self,v, w): # find_edge used to return wth element of edges for v in dictionary
if w in v.edges: # Looking for Vertex 'w' in Vertex v.edges dictionary and if present
return v.edges[w] # Return Vertex v.edges[w]- i.e accessing key 'w' in the v.edges dictionary
else: # If no edges found for v, return None
return None
def add_edge(self, v, w): # Adds edge between two vertices
edge = self.find_edge(v, w) # Goes to find_edge to see if there is an edge bw the 2 vertices
if not edge: # If there is no edge between the 2 vertices,
edge = Edge(v, w) # Make an edge between the 2 vertices
v.edges[w] = edge # Creating a key 'w' in v.edges dictionary and assigning value edge to it
w.edges[v] = edge # Creating a key 'v' in w.edges dictionary and assigning value edge to it
# This means that for Vertex v and w's property 'edges', which is initially an empty dictionary, we create a key with
# the other vertex as key (i.e. w for v and vice versa) and assign Edge(v, w) to both objects' values for each key
self.edges.append(edge) # Append the edge to the graph self.edges list


def remove_edge(self, v, w): # Removes the edge between two vertices
[b] edge = self.find_edge(v, w) # Goes to find_edge to see if there is an edge bw the 2 vertices ##### GETTING NONE HERE #####[/b]
if edge: # If there is an edge
del v.edges[w] # Delete the wth element of edges in v
del w.edges[v] # Delete the vth element of edges in w
self.edges.remove(edge) # Remove "edge" from graph's self.edges

def add_vertex(self, vertex): # Adding a vertex implies adding it to the graph's self.vertices list

def remove_vertex(self, vertex): # Removing a vertex
for w in vertex.edges: # Iterate over that vertex's edges
edge = vertex.edges[w] # Pass the vertex edges to the variable "edge"
self.edges.remove(edge) # Remove "edge" from Graph's self.edges list
del w.edges[vertex] # Delete all edges of vertex with [vertex] as index
vertex.edges = [] # The passed vertex's edges are reinitialized to None
self.vertices.remove(vertex) # Remove vertex from graph's list of vertices

def clone(self):
g = Graph()
for vertex in self.vertices:
for edge in self.edges:
g.add_edge(g.find_vertex(edge.v.value), g.find_vertex(edge.w.value))
return g

def __str__(self): # __str__ method used to return a string
return '\n'.join([str(x) for x in
["Graph {"] + self.vertices + self.edges + ["}"]])

def main():

g = Graph()

g.add_edge(Vertex('0'), Vertex('1'))

[b]g.remove_edge(Vertex('0'), Vertex('1'))[/b]


Messages In This Thread
Delete edge between 2 vertex in graph problem - by Mudd07 - Oct-10-2020, 03:46 PM

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