This is a list of things we are planning to do after the forum update (in which broke the forums as well as adding a new responsive theme). Please post on here and we will edit this post to add it to the list. This can be about any theme, any modification, or issue since the forum has been changed. Please make sure to be very descriptive and include screenshots as much as possible. Also please make sure to clear your cache before bug testing the forum as we are constantly changing it, the problem may have been already fixed. Control + F5 on desktop. Settings -> Privacy -> Clear Browsing Data -> select only Cached images and files -> Clear (on Android)
This is going to be a slow process. We dont have a full time web dev working on tweaking the forum. It is mostly us tweaking on the weekends when we are not at work.
To do list
Responsive Theme bugs and/or modification
This is going to be a slow process. We dont have a full time web dev working on tweaking the forum. It is mostly us tweaking on the weekends when we are not at work.
To do list
- reset password not working
- META description for google search queries to state that "we are a dedicated python programming forum" instead of some random forum description
- "Double click" HTML code visible in top left corner page for codebox. It jumps from center above the codebox to the top left of the page. see attachment
- Adding reputation or like is not possible on mobile (no 'Rate' or 'Like' buttons in iPhone / Safari)
- After rating on computer forum page became unresponsive, after page reload everything was back in normal (MacOS / Safari)
- Remove confirmation modal for deleting all alerts and deleting old alerts.
- Add purge spammer button to members profile page regardless of post count. I have modified the change to member.php (always set first argument to true for post count), but hte effect does not take like it did before
$can_purge_spammer = purgespammer_show(1, $memprofile['usergroup'], $memprofile['uid']);
Responsive Theme bugs and/or modification
- move post,update pst, and preview post buttons to below the input box of the editor so people dont have to scroll down so far to hit the button (with attachments it can be a full page to scroll below the editor box)
- Responsive theme: tooltip preview does not work in thread listing, it does work however in new users listing of the topbar plugin is: Thread Tooltip Preview (1.33)
Allows users to preview the content of a thread via a tooltip, similar to vBulletin.
- search.php results switches to a less responsive page by having to scroll left and right
- Copy customs solved plugin button from default mybb theme to new themes light and dark (dont know exactly which template it is in)
- syntax highlighter
- Quote box appearance fix
- editor button customization (remove php, and add python logo image as code tag button, etc.)
- unanswered post top link in forums section responsive theme
- unread post top link in forums section responsive theme
- Interpreter top link in responsive theme
- IRC top link in responsive theme
- add stats toplink in responsive them (stats.php and add <Prostats> to that template)
- list of latest threads page in merge threads to easily identify thread ID when merging
- responsive theme customization (Labeled light and dark) planning on setting to default to bug test
- default theme restoration (Labeled python)
- fix javascript bug in responsive theme
- add users who have viewed this thread on responsive theme
- force source mode and remove WYSIWYG mode
- "users browsing this thread" and "users browsed this thread" at bottom the page in responsive theme, not top for better real estate usage
- error and output tags appearance
- Add a toplink to access search.php labeled Advanced Search as responsive theme does not seem to have access to this
- Fix responsive theme on mobile for the editor right side cut off and unable to access on phone, see attachment
- allow all groups (Except banned and user*) access to like button
- Responsive theme: possibly expand Forums toplinks and Extras toplink so they are not in a drop down. Still unsure if this is final expectation as would have to see what it looks like expanded.
- logo is sometimes small, and sometimes large, see attachment. This is not related to the sidebar being opened or closed, screenshots were taken when i could.
- users online today plugin in responsive theme
- egosearch AKA "My Discussions" (enter your own username in search / threads you have posted to whether you are author or not)
- report button not working in any theme
- edit log missing from edits
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