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can you call a function from a list?
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can you call a function from a list?
What i am trying to do:
create a inventory item that uses a function.
The code doesn't work but i will include it as it shows the function i am trying to call on as a list item.

def hall():
    name=input('enter name')
    print('you found an item')
    return name,inv

def show(inv):

def trophy(name):
  for i in range(1, len(name)+5, 1):
        print (sym, end="")
  for i in range(1, len(name)+5, 1):
        print (sym, end="")

def main():
What are you trying to do? Describe using terms you know and don't worry about translating to Python.
(Nov-09-2020, 01:47 AM)deanhystad Wrote: What are you trying to do? Describe using terms you know and don't worry about translating to Python.

I would like to have a function callable from a list.

I am tasked with having to create an obtainable item that prints a decoration around a users name. The code for that is in the trophy function. If at all possible i am looking for a way to have a list or tuple that holds callable functions. I feel i have to be able to hold the actual function in the list because i cant think of any other way to be able to select and print(see) the item as is through a list.
yes example:
def ziggy(name):
    print(f"Hello, I'm {name}")

mylist = ['abc', 'def', ziggy, 'fff']

Hello, I'm Alfie
In Python a variable is a reference to a thing.
x=5     # x is a reference to the integer object 5
y=print # y is a reference to the print function
y(x)    # This is the same as print(5)
Since a collection is just a variable that can reference multiple things, you can do the same kind of things with a list, tuple or dictionary.
alist = [print, 1]

atuple = (print, 2)

adict = {'func':print, 'value':3}
1 2 3
There is nothing special about the print function. Any function can be referenced by a variable or a list or a dictionary. You could make a list of functions if you want. One of my favorite examples of a collection of functions is this simple calculator. This time around I defined the operations as lambdas. I could also use the functions defined in the operator library
calc = {
    '+': lambda a, b: float(a)+float(b),
    '-': lambda a, b: float(a)-float(b),
    '*': lambda a, b: float(a)*float(b),
    '/': lambda a, b: float(a)/float(b)

while True:
    equation= input('Enter Equation: ')
    if equation:
        a, op, b = equation.split()
        print(f'{a} {op} {b} = {calc[op](a, b)}')
Enter Equation: 3 + 4 3 + 4 = 7.0 Enter Equation: 6 / 3 6 / 3 = 2.0 Enter Equation:
Thank you for that reply.
I can see you are able to index a single value from the examples but what about the entire iteration of the function. I may be missing something but i dont see a way to store a function such as below into a list
def trophy():
  for i in range(1, len(name)+5, 1):
        print (sym, end="")
  for i in range(1, len(name)+5, 1):
        print (sym, end="")
and later reference it from the list and get the functions entire output.

also what syntax would be used to add the function to the list. I tried list+=function() but that wasnt right.
(Nov-09-2020, 02:32 AM)KEYS Wrote: I feel i have to be able to hold the actual function in the list because i cant think of any other way to be able to select and print(see) the item as is through a list.
You can iterate over items in a list and apply a fucntion on each item, no need to have the function in a/the list
for item in some_list:
or using list comprehension (e.g. if you have a list and want to create new list with elements being the result, i.e. value returned by some function)
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I have no idea why or what but I can address this 'adding to list' / 'getting entire function output' part:

>>> def my_func():
...     print('Hello world')
>>> list_ = []
>>> list_.append(my_func)
>>> list_[0]()
Hello world
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I still don't see where a list comes into play. What makes you think you need a list of functions? Are you basing this on your trophy function using multiple print()'s? Or is it that you have multiple items in the inventory and will need multiple trophy's? I don't understand what you are asking.

If you can help us understand the problem you are trying to solve I am sure we can provide better answers.
(Nov-09-2020, 03:49 PM)deanhystad Wrote: I still don't see where a list comes into play. What makes you think you need a list of functions? Are you basing this on your trophy function using multiple print()'s?
yes in a way.
Picture the function as an obtainable object called trophy. I need to be able to have a list of objects like an inventory that can be called on and shown. I will need to have a few other functions that print out a type of art representing an item and have those items stored in a list so they can later be individually selected to view and or view them all.

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