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Which Python Version?
I have used Linux mint for at least six years. There were some funky things about it such as installing wxpython, and a few other packages, but I have always managed to get around them. Install of wxpython was especially difficult, but I think the newest version is not as difficult as previous one, and think it's now OK to install with pip.

Also, Linux Mint 20 has corrected a lot of otherwise painful stuff. I have been running version 20 since it came out, and haven't suffered anything painful since then. It can be installed fro either KDE or Gnome (I use the later).
What is wxpython? Sort of like bpython?

(Jan-19-2021, 02:33 AM)Larz60+ Wrote: I have used Linux mint for at least six years. There were some funky things about it such as installing wxpython, and a few other packages, but I have always managed to get around them. Install of wxpython was especially difficult, but I think the newest version is not as difficult as previous one, and think it's now OK to install with pip.

Also, Linux Mint 20 has corrected a lot of otherwise painful stuff. I have been running version 20 since it came out, and haven't suffered anything painful since then. It can be installed fro either KDE or Gnome (I use the later).
I remember buying RedHat in the 1990's. Cost like $60. Linux had just been introduced. Long time ago; don't remember much.

(Jan-18-2021, 05:35 PM)muzikman Wrote: I have another laptop that can only run distros like Elementary. It is a piece of junk. Celeron, 4GM Ran. No SSD.

My favorite distro is Manjaro with the Deepin desktop. They stopped supporting Deepin. I like KDE a lot and my main laptop runs it very well. The touch pad is terrible.

I should take the time to learn the shortcuts. I have been computing for 30 years. I took the time to learn them in Windblows but not across linux distros.

I hate Windows. Linux is no nonsense. Simple firewall and backup with TimeShift. The windows updates keep overwriting my restore points and it is loaded with bloatware.

I am just stuck on the DE. I switch from Gnome to KDE, the Mint. I hate using CSS to customize the scroll bars in Gnome based systems. It's a pain.

I can't even decide on a window manager.
I actually installed a Vagrant box on Windows and now I can run any version of Python with pyenv.

They have made it much simpler to install everything on linux. First thing you need to do is install the proper build dependencies for your version of Linux.

Then, go here for the automated installer.

This is what I used without a hitch. I just had to insert some scripting code into my .bashrc file. After the install finishes, it will tell you exactly what you need to put in your .bashrc or whatever shell you're using.

(Jan-15-2021, 09:55 PM)Larz60+ Wrote: Since 2013 when I first started using python in earnest, I have used the most recent version available. I am currently using 3.9.1

However not all packages will run under the latest version, so I use pyenv and virtual environments, that way each project will have it's own python version, and switching is done automatically when the virtual environment is activated.

If you are interested in using this approach, see: python version management
I do like the Mint desktop. I had to tweak it with CSS to increase the scrollbars, etc... They stopped developing Manjaro with Mint as well. I'm not sure if it still exists as a community distro. The reason I like Manjaro is because it uses system.d and the package management is awesome. The AUR repositories are almost as big as Ubuntu's.

Sure, I could install the Mint desktop but it just never comes out the way you want it to.

(Jan-19-2021, 02:33 AM)Larz60+ Wrote: I have used Linux mint for at least six years. There were some funky things about it such as installing wxpython, and a few other packages, but I have always managed to get around them. Install of wxpython was especially difficult, but I think the newest version is not as difficult as previous one, and think it's now OK to install with pip.

Also, Linux Mint 20 has corrected a lot of otherwise painful stuff. I have been running version 20 since it came out, and haven't suffered anything painful since then. It can be installed fro either KDE or Gnome (I use the later).
I just checked and they have the Cinnamon desktop wrapped up in a community edition of Manjaro.

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