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talib - RSI error
I've been struggling trying to troubleshoot this - please let me know if you need more code / info - thanks

Error Message:
Quote:TypeError: Argument 'real' has incorrect type (expected numpy.ndarray, got list)
c.execute('SELECT Close from StockDetails where Symbol = ?', row)
Close =c.fetchall()
rsi = pd.Series(talib.RSI(Close, timeperiod=14)).replace(np.nan,0)
print(Close) gives the following
Quote:[(108.68000030517578,), (110.88999938964844,), (112.20999908447266,), (114.68000030517578,), (114.3499984741211,), (114.08999633789062,), (116.9000015258789,), (115.36000061035156,), (114.56999969482422,), (113.58000183105469,), (115.1500015258789,), (114.4000015258789,), (117.01000213623047,), (116.4000015258789,), (118.80999755859375,), (118.4800033569336,), (116.73999786376953,), (117.38999938964844,), (117.23999786376953,), (118.97000122070312,), (119.30000305175781,), (117.77999877929688,), (117.37000274658203,), (117.30000305175781,), (117.30999755859375,), (117.83000183105469,), (117.2300033569336,), (117.38999938964844,), (118.48999786376953,), (118.63999938964844,), (119.61000061035156,), (122.88999938964844,), (126.16000366210938,), (127.05999755859375,), (128.14999389648438,), (126.97000122070312,), (126.9800033569336,), (126.02999877929688,), (126.20999908447266,), (127.3499984741211,), (128.11000061035156,), (127,), (126.33000183105469,), (125.4800033569336,), (123.91999816894531,), (118.80000305175781,), (121.55999755859375,), (120.16999816894531,)]
this is the entire code with the imports
import pandas as pd
import sqlite3
import talib
import numpy as np
import yfinance as yf
from datetime import datetime
import os
import csv
from csvsort import csvsort
conn = sqlite3.connect('Strategy_RSI_MACD_Data.db')
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("select distinct Symbol from StockDetails LIMIT 5")
tickers = c.fetchall() 
for row in tickers:
   c.execute('SELECT Close from StockDetails where Symbol = ?', row)
   Close =c.fetchall()
   rsi = pd.Series(talib.RSI(Close, timeperiod=14)).replace(np.nan,0)
What's the rest of the error?
What specifically is expecting a numpy array?
What's a talib? Do you have a link to the docs we can look at?

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