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Method of k-nearest neighbors
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Method of k-nearest neighbors
It is necessary to implement one of the methods for solving the problem of classification of statistical data: the method of reference vectors or the method of k nearest neighbors.
In the course of work it is required:
• visualize the initial data in the form of a scatter plot
• generate a data model
• Train the model
• Test the model

Here is the code, but it is not completely correct in relation to this task, help please change it.
from __future__ import division
import pandas as pd
url = r'' \
df = pd.read_csv(url, header=None)
df.columns = [u'Sepal.Lenght, cm',
              u'Sepal.Width, cm',
              u'Petal.Lenght, cm',
              u'Petal.Width, cm',
import numpy as np
def test_and_train(df, proportion):
    mask = np.random.rand(len(df)) < proportion
    return df[mask], df[~mask]
train, test = test_and_train(df, 0.67)
from math import sqrt
def euclidean_distance(instance1,instance2):
    squares = [(i-j)**2 for i,j in zip(instance1,instance2)]
    return sqrt(sum(squares))
import operator
def get_neighbours(instance, train,k):
    distances = []
    for i in train.ix[:,:-1].values:
    distances = tuple(zip(distances, train[u'Class'].values))
    return sorted(distances,key=operator.itemgetter(0))[:k]
from collections import Counter
def get_response(neigbours):
    return Counter(neigbours).most_common()[0][0][1]
def get_predictions(train, test, k):
    predictions = []
    for i in test.ix[:,:-1].values:
        neigbours = get_neighbours(i,train,k)
        response = get_response(neigbours)
    return predictions
def mean(instance):
    return sum(instance)/len(instance)
def get_accuracy(test,predictions):
    return mean([i == j for i,j in zip(test[u'Class'].values, predictions)])
get_accuracy(test,get_predictions(train, test, 5))
import pylab as pl
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier
import pylab as pl
variables = [u'Sepal.Lenght, cm',u'Sepal.Width, cm',
              u'Petal.Lenght, cm',u'Petal.Width, cm']
results = []
for n in range(1,51,2):
    clf = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=n)[variables], train[u'Class'])
    preds = clf.predict(test[variables])
    accuracy = np.where(preds==test[u'Class'], 1, 0).sum() / float(len(test))
    print("Neighbors: %d, Accuracy: %3f" % (n, accuracy))
    results.append([n, accuracy])
results = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=["n", "accuracy"])
pl.plot(results.n, results.accuracy)
pl.title("Accuracy with Increasing K")

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