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Genetic Algorithm Tetris Python not improving
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Genetic Algorithm Tetris Python not improving
I'm trying to create an AI using a Neural Network a Genetic Algorithm to learn how to play tetris, but it looks like something is wrong because, even after 20 generations, i can't see any improvement.

The code of the neural network is this:

import numpy
import os
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3'  # or any {'0', '1', '2'}
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
import configuration

class NeuralNetwork(object):
    def __init__(self, weights):
        # define the keras model
        self.model = Sequential()
        self.model.add(Dense(configuration.NEURONS_HIDDEN_1, input_dim=configuration.INPUT, activation='relu', use_bias=False))
        self.model.add(Dense(configuration.OUTPUT, activation='softmax', use_bias=False))

        x = weights[0:configuration.INPUT * configuration.NEURONS_HIDDEN_1].reshape(configuration.INPUT,configuration.NEURONS_HIDDEN_1)

        x = weights[configuration.INPUT * configuration.NEURONS_HIDDEN_1 :].reshape(configuration.NEURONS_HIDDEN_1,

    def update_parameters(self, vision):
        """Update all the input values of the Neural Network."""
        self.__input_values = vision.reshape(-1, configuration.INPUT)

    def get_action(self):
        predictions = self.model.predict(self.__input_values)
        return numpy.argmax(numpy.array(predictions))
Where the configuration for those parameters are those one:
    INPUT = 234
    NEURONS_HIDDEN_1 = 144
    OUTPUT = 5
Input are:

All the board where 0 means block free and 1 means the block is already occupied. The board is 22x10 so those are 220 inputs already.
7 input are for the piece the AI is actually using since you can have 7 different pieces.
4 are for the rotation of the piece
2 are for the X coordinate and Y coordinate.

The output are 5

    action = self.get_action_from_nn()
            if action == 0:
            if action == 1:
            if action == 2:
                fast_piece_multiplier = configuration.points['fast_piece_multiplier']
            if action == 3:
The last output is "doing nothing"

The genetic algorithm parameters are like this:

The fitness function is this one:

  alfa = -0.510066
    beta = 0.760666
    charlie = -0.35663
    delta = -0.184483

    score = alfa * (self.aggregate_height()) + beta * self.total_cleared + charlie * self.holes() + delta * self.bumpiness()
    return score
calculate the total height of each column inside the board,
are how many rows the AI cleared,
calculate how many holes are inside the board and
calculate the difference in height between each pair of columns.

This is not my fitness function, i tried with a lot of different ones and found this one inside a blog where another tetris project was discussed and that was the Fitness function the guy used.

This is the genetic algorithm implementation:

import multiprocessing
import random
from multiprocessing import Process
import numpy
import configuration
from game import Game

def thread_function(procnum, tetris_ai, return_dict_scores, return_dict_shapes):
    game = Game(tetris_ai)
    return_dict_scores[procnum] = game.end_game_score()
    #return_dict_shapes[procnum] = game.end_game_shapes()

def calculate_fitness(population):
    """Calculate the fitness value for the entire population of the generation."""
    # First we create all_fit, an empty array, at the start. Then we proceed to start the chromosome x and we will
    # calculate his fit_value. Then we will insert, inside the all_fit array, all the fit_values for each chromosome
    # of the population and return the array. max_points is used to return all the apple positions of the game with
    # the best snake so that we can watch again the game later
    all_fit = []
    pieces_backup = []
    max_points = 0

    manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
    return_dict_scores = manager.dict()
    return_dict_shapes = manager.dict()

    index = -1
    for j in range(1):
        processes = []
        for i in range(configuration.NUMBER_OF_POPULATION):
            index += 1
            p = Process(target=thread_function, args=(index, population[index], return_dict_scores, return_dict_shapes,))

        for p in processes:

    for value in return_dict_scores.values():
        if value > max_points:
            pieces_backup = None
            max_points = value
    return all_fit, pieces_backup

def select_best_individuals(population, fitness):
    """Select X number of best parents based on their fitness score."""
    # Create an empty array of the size of number_parents_crossover and the shape of the weights
    # after that we need to create an array with x number of the best parents, where x is NUMBER_PARENTS_CROSSOVER
    # inside config file. Then we search for the fittest parents inside the fitness array created by the
    # calculate_fitness function. Numpy.where return (array([], dtype=int64),) that satisfy the query, so we
    # take only the first element of the array and then it's value (the index inside fitness array). After we have
    # the index of the element we just need to take all the weights of that chromosome and insert them as a new
    # parent. Finally we change the fitness value of the fitness value of that chromosome inside the fitness
    # array in order to have all different parents and not only the fittest
    parents = numpy.empty((configuration.NUMBER_PARENTS_CROSSOVER, population.shape[1]))
    for parent_num in range(configuration.NUMBER_PARENTS_CROSSOVER):
        index_fittest = numpy.where(fitness == numpy.max(fitness))
        index_fittest = index_fittest[0][0]
        parents[parent_num, :] = population[index_fittest, :]
        fitness[index_fittest] = -999999999999
    return parents

def crossover(parents, offspring_size):
    """Create a crossover of the best parents."""
    # First we start by creating and empty array with the size equal to offspring_size we want. The type of the
    # array is [ [Index, Weights[]] ]. We select 2 random parents and then mix their weights based on a probability
    offspring = numpy.empty(offspring_size)
    for offspring_index in range(offspring_size[0]):
        while True:
            index_parent_1 = random.randint(0, parents.shape[0] - 1)
            index_parent_2 = random.randint(0, parents.shape[0] - 1)
            if index_parent_1 != index_parent_2:
                for weight_index in range(offspring_size[1]):
                    if numpy.random.uniform(0, 1) < 0.5:
                        offspring[offspring_index, weight_index] = parents[index_parent_1, weight_index]
                        offspring[offspring_index, weight_index] = parents[index_parent_2, weight_index]
    return offspring

def mutation(offspring_crossover):
    """Mutating the offsprings generated from crossover to maintain variation in the population."""
    # We mutate each genes of a chromosome based on a probability, but the range of the weights must be -1 and 1
    for offspring_index in range(offspring_crossover.shape[0]):
        for index in range(offspring_crossover.shape[1]):
            if numpy.random.random() < configuration.MUTATION_PERCENTAGE:
                value = numpy.random.choice(numpy.arange(-1, 1, step=0.01), size=1)
                offspring_crossover[offspring_index, index] += value
                if offspring_crossover[offspring_index, index] < -1:
                    offspring_crossover[offspring_index, index] = -1
                elif offspring_crossover[offspring_index, index] > 1:
                    offspring_crossover[offspring_index, index] = -1

    return offspring_crossover
Credit: [Tetris Project][1]


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