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Recursion and permutations: print all permutations filling a list of length N
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Recursion and permutations: print all permutations filling a list of length N
Hello everyone Big Grin ,

I have written a code and I need to add a condition.

The condition is to give the length of the list, for example, if the output list must be composed of N elements.
In other words, the input must be the length of the final list and the chain of elements that must be permuted in the final result. I leave the statement of the homework and the code that I have to which the length must be implemented.

# swap ith and jth character of string
def swap(s, i, j):
    q = list(s)
    q[i], q[j] = q[j], q[i]
    return ''.join(q)

# recursive function
def _permute(p, s, permutes):
    if p >= len(s) - 1:

    for i in range(p, len(s)):
        _permute(p + 1, swap(s, p, i), permutes)

# helper function
def permute(s):
    permutes = []
    _permute(0, s, permutes)
    return permutes

s = str(input("Write any string to get all the permutations without repetitions: "))
all_permute = permute(s)
Write a program, which reads an integer N and a sequence of distinct symbols (as a string). The
program then prints all ways how to fill a list of the length N by the symbols. The number of symbols
≥ N. Each symbol can occur at most once in a filled list.

Input: 2
+ x
+ #
x +
x #
# +
# x

Input: 1
Hello everyone Big Grin ,

I have written a code using recursion, which follows the following rules:

2 inputs:
  • 1st input: define the length of the output, as an integer.
  • 2nd input: write all elements that user want, as a string, that will be part of the output.

With these two inputs, the program must do the following:
  • 1st. Find all possible substrings of the length entered in the input, [] * 1st input.
  • 2nd. Form all the possible combinations with the elements entered in the 2nd input.
  • 3rd. Print all possible combinations of length [] * 1st input, with the elements of the 2nd input, without repeating.

My code is as follows and it fails to give the length of the output:

def stringPermutations(string, prefix, permutation_list):
    if len(string) == 0:
        for i in range(len(string)):
            rem = string[0:i] + string[i + 1:]
            stringPermutations(rem, prefix + string[i], permutation_list)
    return sorted(list(dict.fromkeys(permutation_list)))
def main():
    n = int(input("write size: "))
    b = str(input("Write String: "))
    permutation_list = [] * n
    print(stringPermutations(b, " ", permutation_list))

if __name__ == '__main__':
Input: 2
+ x
+ #
x +
x #
# +
# x

Could someone tell me why it doesn't work?
Thank you very much for the help!
Your line 12 isn't accomplishing anything. What are you trying to do there?
single_list = []
multiplied_list = [] * 10

print(f'Single: {single_list}')
print(f'Multiplied: {multiplied_list}')
Single: [] Multiplied: []
(Apr-08-2021, 08:28 PM)GOTO10 Wrote: Your line 12 isn't accomplishing anything. What are you trying to do there?
single_list = []
multiplied_list = [] * 10

print(f'Single: {single_list}')
print(f'Multiplied: {multiplied_list}')
Single: [] Multiplied: []

I am trying to give the length of the list using n variable
(Apr-08-2021, 09:17 PM)SantiagoPB Wrote: I am trying to give the length of the list using n variable

I guess what I mean is, "Why did you think this would work?" Writing the recursive function requires some thought, and you accomplished that, so I'm trying to understand what the logic was behind your approach. What if you start by just assuming that the integer input will be 1 and the string will be 3 characters long, and figure out how you'd code that solution?

(Disclaimer: I haven't tried to code a solution and don't have a specific approach in mind.)
(Apr-08-2021, 09:47 PM)GOTO10 Wrote:
(Apr-08-2021, 09:17 PM)SantiagoPB Wrote: I am trying to give the length of the list using n variable

I guess what I mean is, "Why did you think this would work?" Writing the recursive function requires some thought, and you accomplished that, so I'm trying to understand what the logic was behind your approach. What if you start by just assuming that the integer input will be 1 and the string will be 3 characters long, and figure out how you'd code that solution?

(Disclaimer: I haven't tried to code a solution and don't have a specific approach in mind.)

I found the solution!!! Anyway thanks for your messages. It works like I did it, was just a problem in the print( ) function.

def stringPermutations(string, prefix, permutation_list):
    if len(string) == 0:
        for i in range(len(string)):
            rem = string[0:i] + string[i + 1:]
            stringPermutations(rem, prefix + string[i], permutation_list)
    return sorted(list(dict.fromkeys(permutation_list)))
def main():
    n = int(input("write size: "))
    b = str(input("Write String: "))
    permutation_list = [] * n
    print(stringPermutations(n, b, " ", permutation_list))
if __name__ == '__main__':
As you can see I just put the variable n inside of the print
(Apr-09-2021, 06:48 AM)SantiagoPB Wrote: I found the solution!!!
def stringPermutations(string, prefix, permutation_list):
    if len(string) == 0:
        for i in range(len(string)):
            rem = string[0:i] + string[i + 1:]
            stringPermutations(rem, prefix + string[i], permutation_list)
    return sorted(list(dict.fromkeys(permutation_list)))
def main():
    n = int(input("write size: "))
    b = str(input("Write String: "))
    permutation_list = [] * n
    print(stringPermutations(n, b, " ", permutation_list))
if __name__ == '__main__':
As you can see I just put the variable n inside of the print

Interesting, but your code doesn't run for me. stringPermutations expects 3 arguments but is receiving 4 in line 13, so on my system that is resulting in a TypeError.

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