I am using Pandas' replace function and it works on one DataFrame but not on another and I don't understand why. I have tried many different solutions but nothing seems to work - Please take a look at the example code below:
**Update: I had a slight error in the code where I was not assigning rslt_df to the new replaced rslt_df, so I thought that was the issue but it does not work if I add floats into the picture. Notice the new output works when the value is a float that does not have too many decimals - so that has to be the issue! Ex: 138.420000 gets repalced but 126.035232 and 44.209704 do not.
I am using Pandas' replace function and it works on one DataFrame but not on another and I don't understand why. I have tried many different solutions but nothing seems to work - Please take a look at the example code below:
import pandas as pd import talib as ta rslt_df = pd.DataFrame() test_df = pd.DataFrame() df = pd.DataFrame({'Close': [1, 2.3842, 5.389132, 4.09712373, 5.90845, 6.0981234, 7, 8, 9]}) # ROC------------------------------------------------- for i in range(2): if i != 0: rslt_df['roc%i' % i] = ta.ROC(df['Close'].shift(1), timeperiod=i) # replace rtest_df print("rslt_df:\n", rslt_df) print("dtypes= ", rslt_df.dtypes) # rslt_df = rslt_df.fillna(0) rslt_df = rslt_df.replace(to_replace=[138.420000, 126.035232, 44.209704], value=[11111, 22222, 33333]) # This one does NOT replace all of them print("rslt_df:\n", rslt_df) # replace roc df--------------------- print("dtypes2= ", test_df.dtypes) test_df = df.replace(to_replace=[1, 9], value=[33333, 44444]) print("test_df:\n", test_df)
# Output rslt_df: roc1 0 NaN 1 NaN 2 138.420000 3 126.035232 4 -23.974330 5 44.209704 6 3.210206 7 14.789412 8 14.285714 dtypes= roc1 float64 dtype: object rslt_df: roc1 0 NaN 1 NaN 2 11111.000000 3 126.035232 4 -23.974330 5 44.209704 6 3.210206 7 14.789412 8 14.285714 dtypes2= Series([], dtype: object) test_df: Close 0 33333.000000 1 2.384200 2 5.389132 3 4.097124 4 5.908450 5 6.098123 6 7.000000 7 8.000000 8 44444.000000* Update: I added two prints of the dtypes of each DataFrame and the one that is working is a Series[] and the one that is not working is a float64. Not sure if this is the problem and I don't know why the two are different but it feels like a little progress ;-/
**Update: I had a slight error in the code where I was not assigning rslt_df to the new replaced rslt_df, so I thought that was the issue but it does not work if I add floats into the picture. Notice the new output works when the value is a float that does not have too many decimals - so that has to be the issue! Ex: 138.420000 gets repalced but 126.035232 and 44.209704 do not.