Oct-21-2021, 03:53 PM
Hi all,
The below code is a simple game I'm trying to make within Tkinter. The current issue is that when I press deposit, the menu opens and the button appears, but the picture within the button doesn't appear, it's just a blank button. The button still works but the picture to go inside doesn't show. Can anyone help?
The below code is a simple game I'm trying to make within Tkinter. The current issue is that when I press deposit, the menu opens and the button appears, but the picture within the button doesn't appear, it's just a blank button. The button still works but the picture to go inside doesn't show. Can anyone help?
from tkinter import * from tkinter.ttk import * from PIL import ImageTk, Image from playsound import playsound import pygame pygame.init() window = Tk() window.title("Dice Gamble") window.attributes("-fullscreen", True) window.resizable(False, False) pygame.mixer.music.load("dice_gamble_home_music.mp3") pygame.mixer.music.play() image_open = Image.open("Z:\Finley\School\Sixth Form\School Images\CS\casinodice.gif") #change to where the picture is image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image_open) bg = Label(image=image) bg.image = image bg.place(x=-50, y=-50) def play(): print ("PLAY") def deposit(): deposit_page = Toplevel() deposit_page.title("Deposit") deposit_page.attributes("-fullscreen", True) deposit_page.resizable(False, False) deposit_exit_button_photo = PhotoImage(file = r"Z:\Finley\School\Sixth Form\School Images\CS\exit.png") deposit_exit_button = Button(deposit_page, text="", image = deposit_exit_button_photo, command = exit_menu) deposit_exit_button.place(x=500,y=550) def exit_menu(): window.destroy() def settings(): print ("SETTINGS") dice_gamble_label_photo = PhotoImage(file = r"Z:\Finley\School\Sixth Form\School Images\CS\dicegamble.png") dice_gamble_label = Label(window, text="", image = dice_gamble_label_photo) dice_gamble_label.place(x=400, y=50) play_button_photo = PhotoImage(file = r"Z:\Finley\School\Sixth Form\School Images\CS\1c1p.png") play_button = Button(window, text ="", image = play_button_photo, command=play) play_button.place(x=500,y=250) deposit_button_photo = PhotoImage(file = r"Z:\Finley\School\Sixth Form\School Images\CS\deposit.png") deposit_button = Button(window, text="", image = deposit_button_photo, command = deposit) deposit_button.place(x=500,y=400) exit_button_photo = PhotoImage(file = r"Z:\Finley\School\Sixth Form\School Images\CS\exit.png") exit_button = Button(window, text="", image = exit_button_photo, command = exit_menu) exit_button.place(x=500,y=550) settings_button_photo = PhotoImage(file = r"Z:\Finley\School\Sixth Form\School Images\CS\settings.png") settings_button = Button(window, text="", image = settings_button_photo, command = settings) settings_button.place(x=790,y=550) window.mainloop()
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