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How to solve pancake flip with Python
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How to solve pancake flip with Python
Hi I wonder if anyone could help me with this issue. So I am doing the pancake flip and I am trying to get the end result as

1b2w3b4b| g:0, h:0
4w|3w2b1w g:4, h:4
4b3w|2b1w g:5, h:4
3b|4w2b1w g:7, h:4
3w4w|2b1w g:8, h:4
4b3b2b1w| g:10, h:4
1b|2w3w4w g:14, h:0
1w2w3w4w g:15, h:0
with this input
However, I am getting this instead
1b2w3b4b| g:0, h:4
4w|3w2b1w g:4, h:4
4b3w|2b1w g:5, h:4
3b|4w2b1w g:7, h:4
3w4w|2b1w g:8, h:4
4b3b2b1w| g:10, h:4
1b|2w3w4w g:14, h:1
1w2w3w4w g:15, h:0
I wonder if anyone could help me correcting this? Thanks

from heapq import heappop as hpop
from heapq import heappush as hpush
from queue import Queue
from copy import deepcopy as dp


class A_Star_Node:

    def __init__(self, pancake_stack, head, index=None, flip_cost=None):

        self.pancake_stack = pancake_stack
        self.head = head
        self.prev_flip = index
        self.g_value = flip_cost + index
        if self.pancake_stack[3][1] != 'w' or self.pancake_stack[3][0] != 4:
            self.heuristic = 4
        elif (self.pancake_stack[2][1] != 'w') or (self.pancake_stack[2][0] != 3):
            self.heuristic = 3
        elif (self.pancake_stack[1][1] != 'w') or (self.pancake_stack[1][0] != 2):
            self.heuristic = 2
        elif (self.pancake_stack[0][1] != 'w') or (self.pancake_stack[0][0] != 1):
            self.heuristic = 1
            self.heuristic = 0
        if self.pancake_stack[3][1] != 'w' or self.pancake_stack[3][0] != 4:
            self.flip_value = self.g_value + 4
        elif (self.pancake_stack[2][1] != 'w') or (self.pancake_stack[2][0] != 3):
            self.flip_value = self.g_value + 3
        elif (self.pancake_stack[1][1] != 'w') or (self.pancake_stack[1][0] != 2):
            self.flip_value = self.g_value + 2
        elif (self.pancake_stack[0][1] != 'w') or (self.pancake_stack[0][0] != 1):
            self.flip_value = self.g_value + 1
            self.flip_value = self.g_value + 0

    def flip(self, index):

        stack_copy = dp(self.pancake_stack)
        pancake_stack = stack_copy[:index]

        for pancake in stack_copy[:index]:
            if pancake[1] == 'b':
                pancake[1] = 'w'
            elif pancake[1] == 'w':
                pancake[1] = 'b'
        first_half_stack = stack_copy[index:]
        pancake_stack = pancake_stack + first_half_stack
        return pancake_stack

    def __gt__(self, next_pancake):

        index_num_list = dp(self.pancake_stack)
        next_index_num = dp(next_pancake.pancake_stack)
        i = 0
        while i < 4:
            if not next_index_num[i][1]:
                next_index_num[i][1] = 'w'
                next_index_num[i][1] = True

            if not index_num_list[i][1]:
                index_num_list[i][1] = 'w'
                index_num_list[i][1] = True
            i += 1

    def flipping_step(self, location):
        output_pancake = ''
        spatula_index = FIRST_INDEX
        for size, orientation in self.pancake_stack:
            x = str(size) + orientation
            output_pancake += x
            if location == spatula_index:
                output_pancake = output_pancake + str('|')
            spatula_index += 1
        return output_pancake

    def print_flipped_steps(self):
        str_self = str(self)
        cost_str = ' g:' + str(self.g_value) + ', h:' + str(self.heuristic)
        next_step = str_self + cost_str
        while self.head is not None:
            location = self.prev_flip
            self = self.head
            cost_str = ' g:' + str(self.g_value) + ', h:' + str(self.heuristic)
            x = cost_str + '\n' + next_step
            next_step = self.flipping_step(location) + x

    def __str__(self):
        stack_str = ''
        for i, j in self.pancake_stack:
            x = str(i) + j
            stack_str += x
        return stack_str

def A_Star_Search_Algorithm(stack):
    x = 0
    y = 0
    root = A_Star_Node(stack, None, x, y)

    pancake_stack = list()
    z = (root, root)
    hpush(pancake_stack, z)

    visited = set()

    while pancake_stack is not None:
        k = hpop(pancake_stack)
        current_node = k[1]
        goal_state = current_node.pancake_stack
        if str(goal_state) not in visited:
            if goal_state != [[1, 'w'], [2, 'w'], [3, 'w'], [4, 'w']]:
                i = 1
                while i < 5:
                    child_stack = current_node.flip(i)
                    m = current_node.g_value
                    child_Node = A_Star_Node(child_stack, current_node, i, m)
                    f = child_Node.flip_value
                    x = (f, child_Node)
                    hpush(pancake_stack, x)
                    i = i + 1
                y = str(current_node.pancake_stack)

class Breadth_First_Search_Node:
    def __init__(self, stack=None, head=None, index=None):

        self.stack = stack
        self.head = head
        self.prev_node = index

    def flip(self, index):
        stack_copy = dp(self.stack)
        pancake_stack = stack_copy[:index]

        for pancake in stack_copy[index:]:
            if pancake[1] == 'b':
                pancake[1] = 'w'
            elif pancake[1] == 'w':
                pancake[1] = 'b'
        pancake_stack = pancake_stack + stack_copy[index:]
        return pancake_stack

    def print_flipped_steps(self):
        next_flipped = str(self)
        while self.head != None:
            location = self.prev_node
            self = self.head
            stack_str = ''
            i = FIRST_INDEX
            for i, j in self.stack:
                x = str(i) + str(j)
                stack_str = stack_str + x
                if location == i:
                    stack_str += '|'
                i += 1
            x = stack_str
            next_flipped = x + '\n' + next_flipped

    def __str__(self):
        output = ''
        for cost, orientation in self.stack:
            y = str(cost)
            x = y + orientation
            output = output + x
        return output

def breadth_first_search_algorithm(stack):
    root = Breadth_First_Search_Node(stack)

    queue_fringe = Queue()

    visited_pancake = set()

    while queue_fringe.empty() is False:
        current_node = queue_fringe.get()
        pancake = str(current_node.stack)
        if pancake not in visited_pancake:
            if current_node.stack != [[1, 'w'], [2, 'w'], [3, 'w'], [4, 'w']]:
                i = 1
                while i < 5:
                    x = Breadth_First_Search_Node(current_node.flip(i), current_node, i)
                    i = i + 1
                pancake = str(current_node.stack)

def moodle_input():
    user_input = list(input())
    stack_pancake = []
    i = 0
    while i < 4:
        size = user_input.pop(0)
        x = int(size)
        search_type = user_input.pop(0)
        pancake = [x, search_type]
        i += 1

    search_type = user_input.pop(0)
    if search_type == 'a':
    elif search_type == 'b':

You have an error computing the heuristic value.
(May-09-2022, 03:56 PM)deanhystad Wrote: You have an error computing the heuristic value.
Yes, I am aware. I am doing this instead but it is not the solution.
  if self.pancake_stack[3][1] == 'b' or self.pancake_stack[3][0] == 4:
            self.heuristic = 0
        elif self.pancake_stack[3][1] != 'w' or self.pancake_stack[3][0] != 4:
            self.heuristic = 4
        elif (self.pancake_stack[2][1] != 'w') or (self.pancake_stack[2][0] != 3):
            self.heuristic = 3
        elif (self.pancake_stack[1][1] != 'w') or (self.pancake_stack[1][0] != 2):
            self.heuristic = 2
        elif (self.pancake_stack[0][1] != 'w') or (self.pancake_stack[0][0] != 1):
            self.heuristic = 1
Because when I am using this input 1b2b3w4b-a all the h values are 0
1b|2b3w4b g:0, h:0
1w2b3w4b| g:1, h:0
4w|3b2w1b g:5, h:0
4b3b2w1b| g:6, h:0
1w2b|3w4w g:10, h:0
2w|1b3w4w g:12, h:0
2b1b|3w4w g:13, h:0
1w2w3w4w g:15, h:0
Actually I am expected this output
1b2b|3w4b g:0, h:0
2w|1w3w4b g:2, h:2
2b1w3w4b| g:3, h:2
4w|3b1b2w g:7, h:4
4b3b1b2w| g:8, h:4
2b1w|3w4w g:12, h:2
1b|2w3w4w g:14, h:0
1w2w3w4w g:15, h:0
It is tough finding what you did wrong when the only information provided is code that produces the wrong result. Do you have a description of what "heuristic" means in this context? It is odd that a value is calculated and then ignored.
(May-09-2022, 04:16 PM)deanhystad Wrote: It is tough finding what you did wrong when the only information provided is code that produces the wrong result. Do you have a description of what "heuristic" means in this context? It is odd that a value is calculated and then ignored.

It is part of the A* search algorithm. I am not sure if this is helpful.*_search_algorithm
It is your best guess at how far you are from the solution? Is it how many flips you think might be required? Is it how many pancakes are wrong? There must be something in your assignment that says what heuristic means for this particular problem. My guess is it is the count of pancakes in the wrong position.

Now I really find it odd that you are not using the heuristic value since it it is part of the equations that helps you choose the best route to the solution.

I also find the A_Star_Node.__gt__() method very odd. This should make some kind of comparison and return a True or False value. Yours returns None an does some kind of list update operation. Not good coding in my opinion.

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