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rotating image with Tkinter

I am trying to rotate images on canvas using Tkinter after() method.

My images dont appear in the window and they dont seem to rotate. I get an error message:

invalid command name "3064880984move" while executing "3064880984move" ("after" script)
Here's the code:

from tkinter import *
from PIL import Image, ImageTk

ws = Tk()


l = Label(ws, font = "bold")

x = 1

def move():
    global x
    if x == 3:
       x = 1
    if x == 1:
        img = PhotoImage(file='/home/pi/Desktop/sasuke.png')
        Label(ws, image=img).pack()
    elif x ==2:
        img2 = PhotoImage(file='/home/pi/Desktop/3.png')
        Label(ws, image=img2).pack()
    elif x ==3:
        img3 = PhotoImage(file='/home/pi/Desktop/Master-Warning-Light.png')
        Label(ws, image=img3).pack()


Anyone familiar with that type of error?

Thank you
Here is a very simple example of tkinter image slideshow. Compare it to your code.
Frankduc likes this post
oh thank you Gribouillis
it works!
Do you have any idea why your program didn't work?

I cleaned up your program a little and ran it..
import tkinter as tk

image_files = [
ws = tk.Tk()
l = tk.Label(ws, font="bold")
index = 0

def move():
    global index
    img = tk.PhotoImage(file=image_files[index])
    tk.Label(ws, image=img).pack()
    index = (index + 1) % len(image_files)
    ws.after(2000, move)


When I run this program I don't see any images. The window also gets taller every two seconds.

I remember reading something about images in tkinter buttons and labels. tkinter doesn't keep a reference to the image, leaving that to your program. If you don't keep a reference to the image the reference count drops to zero and the image is marked for disposal. When the image is garbage collected it cannot be drawn. I modify my program to keep a refence to the image.
import tkinter as tk

image_files = [
ws = tk.Tk()
l = tk.Label(ws, font="bold")
index = 0

def move():
    global index
    global img   #  This keeps the image in a global variable.  I should see images now.
    img = tk.PhotoImage(file=image_files[index])
    tk.Label(ws, image=img).pack()
    index = (index + 1) % len(image_files)
    ws.after(2000, move)


When I run this program I see an image, but the window is still growing every two seconds. That is probably caused by creating and packing a new Label object each time I change the image. I am going to change my program to reuse the same label.
import tkinter as tk

image_files = [
ws = tk.Tk()
image_label = tk.Label(ws, font="bold")
index = 0

def move():
    global index
    global img
    img = tk.PhotoImage(file=image_files[index])
    image_label["image"] = img
    index = (index + 1) % len(image_files)
    ws.after(2000, move)


Now the window doesn't grow each time a new image is displayed. If there was just a way to get rid of those horrible global variables. Oh! I know! I will make a class to keep all the info needed for the slideshow.
import tkinter as tk
import itertools

images = ["dice1.png", "dice2.png", "dice3.png", "dice4.png", "dice5.png", "dice6.png"]

class ImageViewer(tk.Tk):
    """A tkinter window that displays images like a slideshow"""
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # Label to display the image
        self.image_label = tk.Label(self)
        # Label to display the image file name
        self.name_label = tk.Label(self, width=30)
        self.image = None
        self.delay = 2000
        self.running = False

    def start(self, image_files, loop=True, delay=None):
        Start slide show.  Set loop to True to cycle through images forever.
        Set delay to seconds that image is shown.
        if loop:
            """Cycle forever"""
            self.image_files = itertools.cycle(image_files)
            """Show slides once"""
            self.image_files = iter(image_files)
        if delay is not None:
            self.delay = delay * 1000
        self.running = True

    def stop(self):
        """Stop slideshow"""
        self.running = False

    def update_image(self):
        """Show the next image"""
        if self.running:
                image_file = next(self.image_files)
                self.name_label["text"] = image_file
                self.image = tk.PhotoImage(file=image_file)
                self.image_label["image"] = self.image
                self.after(self.delay, self.update_image)
            except StopIteration:
                self.running = False

viewer = ImageViewer()
viewer.start(images, loop=True, delay=1)

Gribouillis and Frankduc like this post
Hi dean,

Yes i research this before asking and have found an answer on stackoverflow but i didn't understand the solution.

As usual this is a great explanation on how to do things with classes.
This is what i am suppose to reproduce.
But i must add buttons with the Ras Pi to pause the images and to switch images during time display.
They must be displayed from 8:30 morning to 8:30 pm.

Was wondering if it is possible to replace loop = True in start() function by = 8:30)
I have seen some way to do that with DT.datetime.combine(, DT.time(hour= 8))

and simply add an elif statement to switch to another set of images.

I did a quick test no error but no images:

import tkinter as tk
import datetime as DT
import time
image_files = [

image_files1 = [
ws = tk.Tk()
image_label = tk.Label(ws, font="bold")
index = 0
def move():
    global index
    global img
    img = tk.PhotoImage(file=image_files[index])
    image_label["image"] = img
    index = (index + 1) % len(image_files)
    ws.after(2000, move)
def move1():
    global index
    global img
    img = tk.PhotoImage(file=image_files1[index])
    image_label["image"] = img
    index = (index + 1) % len(image_files1)
    ws.after(2000, move)

def time_shift():

    target = DT.datetime.combine(, DT.time(hour=8))
def time_shift2():

    target = DT.datetime.combine(, DT.time(hour=10))

if time_shift():
elif time_shift2():

Thank you for your input.
time_shift() and time_shift2() do nothing and return None, so the branches of the if are never executed.

That said, use classes.
Hi Gribouillis,

I manage to make it work but images dont switch. Is hour = 10 am in the morning or 10 pm?
I am not great with classes but i will try.

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