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Knapsack 0-1 & Python & qbasic qb64 & WE
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Knapsack 0-1 & Python & qbasic qb64 & WE
Knapsack 0-1 & python & qbasic qb64 & WE

Classic Knapsack problem is solved in many ways


Long read:

My newest program synthesizes all ciphers from 0 & 1
adding an extra register and 0 remain on left in cipher

Number of comparisons decreases from N! to 2^N
for example N=5 N!=120 >> 2^N=32

Random values origin are automatically assigned quantity and quality
and integral of value is obtained and in general: integral of quantity and quality
and it is possible to divide only anyone will not understand

Program qb64 write results to directory

Main thing is very brief and clear to even all

n=5; N=n+1; G=5; a=2**N         # N=7: L=5: a = 2^(N+1): 'knapsack.bas DANILIN
L=[];C=[];e=[];j=[];q=[];s=[]       # Dim L(N), C(N), j(N), q(a), q$(a), d(a)

from random import randint  # Randomize Timer 
for i in range(0,n):        # For i=1 To N: 
    L[i]=randint(1,3)       # L(i)=Int(Rnd*3+1) 
    C[i]=10+randint(1,9)    # C(i)=10+Int(Rnd*9) 
    print(i+1,L[i],C[i])    # Print i, L(i), C(i)

for h in range(a-1,(a-1)//2,-1):    # For h=a-1 To 0 Step -1  # 
    e[h]=b[3:len(b)]            # binary without origin
    for k in range (n):         # For k=1 To N:
        j[k]=int(e[h][k])       # j(k)=Val(Mid$(q$(h), k, 1)) ' from chifer              
        q[h]=q[h]+L[k]*j[k]*C[k]    # q(h)=q(h)+L(k)*j(k)*C(k) ' 0 or 1
        d[h]=d[h]+L[k]*j[k]     # d(h)=d(h)+L(k)*j(k)   Next
        #print(e[h],L[k],j[k],C[k],d[h], q[h])
    if d[h]<= G:            # If d(h) <= L Then 
        print(e[h], G, d[h], q[h])      # Print #1, d(h), q(h), q$(h)   Next

max=0; m=1              # max=0: m=1: 
for i in range(a):          # For i=1 To a
    if d[i]<=G and q[i]>max:        # If d(i)<=L Then If q(i) > max 
        max=q[i]; m=i           # Then max=q(i): m=i    Next
print (d[m], q[m], e[m])        # Print #1,: Print #1, d(m), q(m), q$(m): End
# Mass Cost 1 2 12 2 3 17 3 1 14 4 3 17 5 1 13 Chifer Mass Cost 11000 5 5 75 10101 5 4 51 01001 5 4 64 00111 5 5 78 !!! 00110 5 4 65 00101 5 2 27 00000 5 0 0 Mass MAX Chifer 5 78 00111
Only Knapsack 0-1 binary Python

n=5; N=n+1; G=5; a=2**N	# KNAPSACK 0-1 DANILIN 	
L=[];C=[];e=[];j=[];q=[];s=[] #
from random import randint
for i in range(0,n):
for h in range(a-1,(a-1)//2,-1):
    for k in range (n):
    if d[h]<= G:
        print(e[h], G, d[h], q[h])
max=0; m=1 
for i in range(a):
    if d[i]<=G and q[i]>max:
        max=q[i]; m=i	
print (d[m], q[m], e[m])
Russia looks world from future. Big data is peace data

Nobel Prize will not receive itself
Nobelevskaya premiya sama sebya ne poluchit
Нобелевская премия сама себя не получит
Le prix Nobel ne se recevra pas
Nobelpreis wird sich nicht erhalten
Il Premio Nobel non ricevera se stesso
moved to code sharing
DANILIN likes this post
which python compilers are best online?

I know 3 compilers online

of these 1 is embedded on websites and forums

kakie kompilyatory piton onlayn luchschie?
znayu 3 kompilyatora onlayn
iz nih 1 vstraivaetsya na sayty i forumy
какие компиляторы питон онлайн лучшие?
знаю 3 компилятора онлайн
из них 1 встраивается на сайты и форумы

I know 3 compilers online

of these 1 is embedded on websites and forums

which python compilers are best online?
Russia looks world from future. Big data is peace data

Nobel Prize will not receive itself
Nobelevskaya premiya sama sebya ne poluchit
Нобелевская премия сама себя не получит
Le prix Nobel ne se recevra pas
Nobelpreis wird sich nicht erhalten
Il Premio Nobel non ricevera se stesso

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