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How to sort .csv file test log which item first fail and paint color
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How to sort .csv file test log which item first fail and paint color
def myApp():
    import openpyxl
    import datetime
    import os
    # these 4 can help you format cells in openpyxl
    # check the documentation online
    from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill
    from openpyxl.styles import Font
    from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter
    from openpyxl.styles import Alignment

    path2file = r'C:\Users\Sam\pythonProject\Folder_operations_CSV\writers.xlsx'
    savepath = 'failures.xlsx'

    curr_time =

    sourceFile = openpyxl.load_workbook(path2file)
    sourceFilesheets = sourceFile.sheetnames

    # make a new XL
    targetFile = openpyxl.Workbook()
    # a new wb only has 1 sheet called Sheet
    sheet =
    sheet.title = 'failures'

    # copy rows 1 to 4 into the targetFile
    # this will give you the limits, the headers and whatever row 1 is
    for sheet in sourceFilesheets:
        print('sheet is', sheet)
        # copy the first 4 rows from sourceFile to targetFile
        maxCol = sourceFile[sheet].max_column
        for rowNum in range(1, 5):
            for colNum in range(1, maxCol + 1):
                # write the headers to the target file
                data = sourceFile[sheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=colNum).value
                targetFile['failures'].cell(row=rowNum, column=colNum).value = data

    # save that, open it in Excel, check it and reopen in Python
    targetFile = openpyxl.load_workbook(savepath)
    targetFilesheets = targetFile.sheetnames

    # get the rows with failed
    # write to targetFile row 5 as first row 
    count = 5
    for sheet in sourceFilesheets:
        print('sheet is', sheet)
        maxRow = sourceFile[sheet].max_row
        maxCol = sourceFile[sheet].max_column
        for rowNum in range(5, maxRow + 1):
            if sourceFile[sheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=6).value == 'Failed':
                print('Failed row is', rowNum)
                for colNum in range(1, maxCol + 1):
                    cell_value = sourceFile[sheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=colNum).value
                    targetFile['failures'].cell(row=count, column=colNum).value = cell_value
                count += 1
                print('count is', count)

    # got all the data for Failed rows and copied to targetFile

    # now just check the limits and paint cells outside of the limits
    # I got a strange TypeError for column 310 don't know why
    # a function to find cells outside the limits and paint them
    def checkCol(lim1, lim2, col):
        maxRow = targetFile['failures'].max_row
            for rowNum in range(5, maxRow + 1):
              # print('column is', col)
              column_value = targetFile['failures'].cell(row=rowNum, column=col).value
              print('column is:', {rowNum},{col},{column_value},{lim1},{lim2})
              if not column_value==None:
                  if column_value < lim1 or column_value > lim2:
                    print('found a value outside the limits', lim1, column_value, lim2)
                    targetFile[sheet].cell(row=rowNum, column=col).fill = PatternFill(start_color='D0FBA1',


    # look through row 3 for cells with values not None
    # pass the column number to checkCol(lim1, lim2, col)
    for sheet in targetFilesheets:
        maxCol = targetFile[sheet].max_column
        # find a column with a limit
        for colNum in range(13, maxCol + 1):
            value1 = targetFile['failures'].cell(row=3, column=colNum).value
            if not value1 == None:
                # get the limits
                value2 = targetFile['failures'].cell(row=4, column=colNum).value
                # print('value1 is', value1, 'value2 is', value2)
                checkCol(value1, value2, colNum)
    # save the result so far
    print('Cells with value outside of range limits marked with colour')
    print('File saved to', savepath)

    # format the XL file
    # resize row height and cell width
    def formatCells():

        for sheet in targetFilesheets:
   = targetFile[sheet]
            for rowNum in range(1, + 1):
      [rowNum].height = 36  # about 1/2"

        for sheet in targetFilesheets:
   = targetFile[sheet]
            for colNum in range(1, + 1):
      [get_column_letter(colNum)].width = 22  # about 1"

        # set the fonts
        ft1 = Font(name='Arial', size=20)
        alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center',

        ft2 = Font(name='Arial', size=20, bold=True)
        alignment2 = Alignment(horizontal='center',

        ft3 = Font(name='Arial', size=24, bold=True)
        alignment3 = Alignment(horizontal='center',

        # set the fonts for all cells

        for sheet in targetFilesheets:
            targetFileActiveSheet = targetFile[sheet]
            maxRow = targetFileActiveSheet.max_row
            maxCol = targetFileActiveSheet.max_column
            for colNum in range(2, maxCol + 1, 1):
                for rowNum in range(1, maxRow + 1):
                    targetFileActiveSheet.cell(row=rowNum, column=colNum).font = ft1
                    targetFileActiveSheet.cell(row=rowNum, column=colNum).alignment = alignment

        # set the font for row 1 and row 3

        for sheet in targetFilesheets:
            targetFileActiveSheet = targetFile[sheet]
            maxRow = targetFileActiveSheet.max_row
            maxCol = targetFileActiveSheet.max_column
            for colNum in range(1, maxCol + 1, 1):
                targetFileActiveSheet.cell(row=1, column=colNum).font = ft2
                targetFileActiveSheet.cell(row=1, column=colNum).alignment = alignment2
                targetFileActiveSheet.cell(row=3, column=colNum).font = ft2
                targetFileActiveSheet.cell(row=3, column=colNum).alignment = alignment2

        # set the font bigger for column 7, the end of term score
        for sheet in targetFilesheets:
            targetFileActiveSheet = targetFile[sheet]
            maxRow = targetFileActiveSheet.max_row
            for rowNum in range(1, maxRow + 1, 1):
                targetFileActiveSheet.cell(row=rowNum, column=6).font = ft3
                targetFileActiveSheet.cell(row=rowNum, column=6).alignment = alignment3

        print('formatting finished ... !')

    print('All done!')
    curr_time2 =

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print("Starting Check....")
I added check if none of rows .It's ok right now.But 5 testers csv files of all test log need converted to xlsx format by manually that could do it,so complicated for that.thanks!

Messages In This Thread
RE: How to sort .csv file test log which item first fail and paint color - by SamLiu - Aug-30-2022, 11:25 AM

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