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Please help me [copy and paste file from src to dst]
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Please help me [copy and paste file from src to dst]
I need to copy and paste a file with certain extensions from one location to another and receive notify by Mail from outlook if file it doesn't already exist in the destination folder
Exclamation if already file exists in the destination folder : Skip and no send any notification

NB* : I don't want to be copying everything every single time, just those files that don't exist in the destination folder.

My code

import glob
import os
import shutil
import os
import win32com.client as win32
 #  Outlook application instance
olApp = win32.Dispatch('Outlook.Application')
olNS = olApp.GetNameSpace('MAPI')

# path 
src = '/Users/Administrator/Desktop/A'
dst = '/Users/Administrator/Desktop/B'

# check if the file exists in dst with extensions 

file = os.path.join(os.path.join(src, "*.txt"))
if os.path.exists(dst):
    for file in glob.iglob(os.path.join(src, "*.txt")):
        if os.path.isfile(file): 
            shutil.copy2(file, dst)
            mailItem = olApp.CreateItem(0)
            mailItem.Subject = 'Check file'
            mailItem.BodyFormat = 1
            mailItem.Body = "File is Successful Copy"
            mailItem.To = '<[email protected]>' 
	print(" Skipped: already file exists ")
Doesn't look too daunting!

For emailing you could look here.

import os
import shutil

# a lot of .txt text files here
path2source = '/home/pedro/winter2022/21BE/correctAnswersCW/'
# nothing in here right now
path2destination = '/home/pedro/tmp/'

source = os.listdir(path2source)
source_files = []
for s in source:
    if s.endswith('.txt'):
destination = os.listdir(path2destination)

# read what is in the destination directory first
# don't get directories
destination_files = []
for d in destination:
    if os.path.isfile(path2destination + d):

# maybe you want to check the metadata, to see if the source file is newer than an existing file
# not done that here
# can copy directories with .copytree()
# make a function send_an_email(file_name) to send the mail
for s in source_files:
    if not s in destination_files:
        shutil.copy(path2source + s, path2destination + s)
        print('copied', s)

# for sending an email using SMTP_SSL(), look here, seems straightforward
(Nov-23-2022, 05:00 AM)Pedroski55 Wrote: Doesn't look too daunting!

For emailing you could look here.

import os
import shutil

# a lot of .txt text files here
path2source = '/home/pedro/winter2022/21BE/correctAnswersCW/'
# nothing in here right now
path2destination = '/home/pedro/tmp/'

source = os.listdir(path2source)
source_files = []
for s in source:
    if s.endswith('.txt'):
destination = os.listdir(path2destination)

# read what is in the destination directory first
# don't get directories
destination_files = []
for d in destination:
    if os.path.isfile(path2destination + d):

# maybe you want to check the metadata, to see if the source file is newer than an existing file
# not done that here
# can copy directories with .copytree()
# make a function send_an_email(file_name) to send the mail
for s in source_files:
    if not s in destination_files:
        shutil.copy(path2source + s, path2destination + s)
        print('copied', s)

# for sending an email using SMTP_SSL(), look here, seems straightforward

I am grateful for your help.

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