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Need help with coding in script
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Need help with coding in script

I'm trying to get the info for a JSON file in to a script.

    def onMessagetoonSceneinfo(self, Connection, Response):	
        Domoticz.Debug("onMessagetoonSceneinfo called")
        if 'states' in Response:
            for state in Response['states']['state']:
                self.scenes[state['id'][0]] = int(state['tempValue'][0])
But this gives the following error

2023-02-03 20:25:06.213 Error: for state in Response['states']['state']: 2023-02-03 20:25:06.213 Error: TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
The output of the JSON files is as follows

{ "states": [ { "state": [ { "id": [ "0" ], "tempValue": [ "2000" ], "dhw": [ "1" ] }, { "id": [ "1" ], "tempValue": [ "1900" ], "dhw": [ "1" ] }, { "id": [ "2" ], "tempValue": [ "1700"
Who can help me with this

Many thanks
Response['states'] is a list of one or more dicts. states imply there may be more than one dict
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(Feb-03-2023, 07:37 PM)buran Wrote: Response['states'] is a list of one or more dicts

Hi Buran,

I'm sorry but i do not have a lot of knowlegde of python (yet)
What i try to achieve is to change a currrent script a bit to get a list of 4 scenes out of the JSON

Something like this:


this is the complete JSON

"states": [ { "state": [ { "id": [ "0" ], "tempValue": [ "2000" ], "dhw": [ "1" ] }, { "id": [ "1" ], "tempValue": [ "1900" ], "dhw": [ "1" ] }, { "id": [ "2" ], "tempValue": [ "1700" ], "dhw": [ "1" ] }, { "id": [ "3" ], "tempValue": [ "1800" ], "dhw": [ "1" ] }, { "id": [ "4" ], "tempValue": [ "1000" ], "dhw": [ "1" ] } ] } ],
ID# = tempValue
By "scenes" do you mean these?
{'id': ['0'], 'tempValue': ['2000'], 'dhw': ['1']} {'id': ['1'], 'tempValue': ['1900'], 'dhw': ['1']} {'id': ['2'], 'tempValue': ['1700'], 'dhw': ['1']} {'id': ['3'], 'tempValue': ['1800'], 'dhw': ['1']} {'id': ['4'], 'tempValue': ['1000'], 'dhw': ['1']}
I got those like this:
import json

with open("test.txt", "r") as file:
    json_data = json.load(file)
    states = json_data["states"][0]["state"]

print(*states, sep="\n")
The top level of your json file is a dictionary.
The dictionary has a key['states']. It appears to be the only key in the dictionary.
The value for 'states' is a list. In the example you posted, the list length is 1.
json_data['states'][0] is another dictionary. From your posted file it too appears to have only one key, 'state'.
json_data['states'][0]['state'] is another list. I think this list are the 'scenes' you mention.
(Feb-03-2023, 08:13 PM)deanhystad Wrote: By "scenes" do you mean these?
{'id': ['0'], 'tempValue': ['2000'], 'dhw': ['1']} {'id': ['1'], 'tempValue': ['1900'], 'dhw': ['1']} {'id': ['2'], 'tempValue': ['1700'], 'dhw': ['1']} {'id': ['3'], 'tempValue': ['1800'], 'dhw': ['1']} {'id': ['4'], 'tempValue': ['1000'], 'dhw': ['1']}
I got those like this:
import json

with open("test.txt", "r") as file:
    json_data = json.load(file)
    states = json_data["states"][0]["state"]

print(*states, sep="\n")
The top level of your json file is a dictionary.
The dictionary has a key['states']. It appears to be the only key in the dictionary.
The value for 'states' is a list. In the example you posted, the list length is 1.
json_data['states'][0] is another dictionary. From your posted file it too appears to have only one key, 'state'.
json_data['states'][0]['state'] is another list. I think this list are the 'scenes' you mention.

What i like to have
'id': ['1'], 'tempValue': ['1900']

With a output to be something like this


ID1 must be self.scene1 with corresponding tempValue of ID1
ID2 must be self.scene2 with corresponding tempValue of ID2
import json

with open("test.txt", "r") as file:
    json_data = json.load(file)
    states = json_data["states"][0]["state"]

for state in states:
        "id =", state["id"][0], "value =", state["tempValue"][0], "dhw", state["dhw"][0]
id = 0 value = 2000 dhw 1 id = 1 value = 1900 dhw 1 id = 2 value = 1700 dhw 1 id = 3 value = 1800 dhw 1 id = 4 value = 1000 dhw 1
It can be useful to make json data to a Pandas the DataFrame,then is easier to work with datat eg query and get a result.
import pandas as pd
import json

with open('state.json') as file:
    json_data = json.load(file)

df = pd.json_normalize(json_data['states'][0], record_path='state')
>>> df
    id tempValue  dhw
0  [0]    [2000]  [1]
1  [1]    [1900]  [1]
2  [2]    [1700]  [1]
3  [3]    [1800]  [1]
4  [4]    [1000]  [1]

>>> # Clean up
>>> df = df.applymap(lambda x: x[0]).astype(int)
>>> df
   id  tempValue  dhw
0   0       2000    1
1   1       1900    1
2   2       1700    1
3   3       1800    1
4   4       1000    1

>>> # To eg get id-1 tempValue 
>>> df.query('id == 1')['tempValue']
1    1900

>>> val = df.query('id == 1')['tempValue']
>>> val.values[0]
(Feb-03-2023, 08:29 PM)deanhystad Wrote:
import json

with open("test.txt", "r") as file:
    json_data = json.load(file)
    states = json_data["states"][0]["state"]

for state in states:
        "id =", state["id"][0], "value =", state["tempValue"][0], "dhw", state["dhw"][0]
id = 0 value = 2000 dhw 1 id = 1 value = 1900 dhw 1 id = 2 value = 1700 dhw 1 id = 3 value = 1800 dhw 1 id = 4 value = 1000 dhw 1

Many thanks for your support.
This helped a lot

    def onMessagetoonSceneinfo(self, Connection, Response):	
        Domoticz.Debug("onMessagetoonSceneinfo called")
        if 'states' in Response:
            #this message contains the scenes
            Domoticz.Debug("onMessagetoonSceneinfo processing list of scenes")
            for state in Response["states"][0]["state"]:
                Domoticz.Log("id ="+ state["id"][0] + " Temp =" + state["tempValue"][0])
2023-02-04 09:58:02.200 Toon: id =0 Temp =2000 2023-02-04 09:58:02.200 Toon: id =1 Temp =1900 2023-02-04 09:58:02.200 Toon: id =2 Temp =1700 2023-02-04 09:58:02.200 Toon: id =3 Temp =1800 2023-02-04 09:58:02.201 Toon: id =4 Temp =1000
Still getting this error

TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str
How can i solve this?
The input JSON as your complete posted is not valied
Tips use jsoncrack to check if valid and see structure.
{ "states": [ { "state": [ { "id": [ "0" ], "tempValue": [ "2000" ], "dhw": [ "1" ] }, { "id": [ "1" ], "tempValue": [ "1900" ], "dhw": [ "1" ] }, { "id": [ "2" ], "tempValue": [ "1700" ], "dhw": [ "1" ] }, { "id": [ "3" ], "tempValue": [ "1800" ], "dhw": [ "1" ] }, { "id": [ "4" ], "tempValue": [ "1000" ], "dhw": [ "1" ] } ] } ] }
Code of your code and print it,insted of the log stuff.
import json

with open('state.json') as file:
    Response = json.load(file)
    if 'states' in Response:
        for state in Response["states"][0]["state"]:
            print("id ="+ state["id"][0] + " Temp =" + state["tempValue"][0])
id =0 Temp =2000 id =1 Temp =1900 id =2 Temp =1700 id =3 Temp =1800 id =4 Temp =1000
With f-string.
import json

with open('state.json') as file:
    Response = json.load(file)
    if 'states' in Response:
        for state in Response["states"][0]["state"]:
            print(f'id = {state["id"][0]} Temp = {state["tempValue"][0]}')
id = 0 Temp = 2000 id = 1 Temp = 1900 id = 2 Temp = 1700 id = 3 Temp = 1800 id = 4 Temp = 1000
Hi snippsat

Thank for the JSON check site.
I've check the JSON and it is correct.
Probably a copy/pase error to the forum

What i'm look for is not an output to a log or text
I want the output from the JSON as variable

Scene0 = Tempvalue for ID 0
Scene1 = Tempvalue for ID 1

Then further in the script use this variable as and equation

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