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How should I run pip-date in python3?
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How should I run pip-date in python3?
Hello once again!

I keep trying to see the date of the installation of my modules in python3.

I installed for that task even one more module called pip-date, but the command to run that module is "$ pip-date" in Linux. How should it be in Windows?

Thanks a lot,

"That's been one of my mantras - focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains."
Steve Jobs
I'm not a Windows user but look perhaps in the folder
newbieAuggie2019 likes this post
(Mar-31-2023, 08:49 AM)newbieAuggie2019 Wrote: the command to run that module is "$ pip-date" in Linux.
Hmmm, it seems that actually the dollar sign ("$") is a sort of prompt symbol in Linux, similar to the sign ">" in the Windows shell...

That means that to run the module pip-date in Linux, you just type the name of the module, and then press the "ENTER" key.

If I do that in the anaconda prompt on windows, it shows the '"pip-date" is not recognized as an internal or external command [...]' error, which apparently it is due to a wrong... path!!! Alas! (I hate configurating paths, as I usually do it wrong).

When I type this:

(base) C:\Users\MyName>pip list -o
I get this:

Package                    Version    Latest     Type
------------------         -------    -------    -----
charset-normalizer          2.0.4      3.1.0      wheel
colorama                    0.4.5      0.4.6      wheel
cryptography                38.0.1     40.0.1     wheel
pip                         22.3.1     23.0.1     wheel
pyOpenSSL                   22.0.0     23.1.1     wheel
requests                    2.28.1     2.28.2     wheel
ruamel.yaml.clib            0.2.6      0.2.7      wheel
setuptools                  65.5.0     67.6.1     wheel
tqdm                        4.64.1     4.65.0     wheel
urllib3                     1.26.13    1.26.15    wheel
wheel                       0.37.1     0.40.0     wheel
And if I type this:

(base) C:\Users\MyName>pip freeze requests
I get this:

certifi @ file:///C:/b/abs_85o_6fm0se/croot/certifi_1671487778835/work/certifi
cffi @ file:///C:/b/abs_49n3v2hyhr/croot/cffi_1670423218144/work
charset-normalizer @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/charset-normalizer_1630003229654/work
colorama @ file:///C:/Windows/TEMP/abs_9439aeb1-0254-449a-96f7-33ab5eb17fc8apleb4yn/croots/recipe/colorama_1657009099097/work
conda-content-trust @ file:///C:/Windows/TEMP/abs_4589313d-fc62-4ccc-81c0-b801b4449e833j1ajrwu/croots/recipe/conda-content-trust_1658126379362/work
conda-package-handling @ file:///C:/b/abs_44a2d5ajjt/croot/conda-package-handling_1666940385350/work
cryptography @ file:///C:/b/abs_36x9ifdcl4/croot/cryptography_1665612655344/work
idna @ file:///C:/b/abs_bdhbebrioa/croot/idna_1666125572046/work
menuinst @ file:///C:/Users/BUILDE~1/AppData/Local/Temp/abs_455sf5o0ct/croots/recipe/menuinst_1661805970842/work
pluggy @ file:///C:/ci/pluggy_1648042746254/work
pycosat @ file:///C:/b/abs_4b1rrw8pn9/croot/pycosat_1666807711599/work
pycparser @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/pycparser_1636541352034/work
pyOpenSSL @ file:///opt/conda/conda-bld/pyopenssl_1643788558760/work
PySocks @ file:///C:/ci_310/pysocks_1642089375450/work
requests @ file:///C:/ci/requests_1657735340829/work
ruamel.yaml @ file:///C:/b/abs_30ee5qbthd/croot/ruamel.yaml_1666304562000/work
ruamel.yaml.clib @ file:///C:/b/abs_aarblxbilo/croot/ruamel.yaml.clib_1666302270884/work
six @ file:///tmp/build/80754af9/six_1644875935023/work
toolz @ file:///C:/b/abs_cfvk6rc40d/croot/toolz_1667464080130/work
tqdm @ file:///C:/b/abs_0axbz66qik/croots/recipe/tqdm_1664392691071/work
urllib3 @ file:///C:/b/abs_21qa0j12xt/croot/urllib3_1670527000672/work
win-inet-pton @ file:///C:/ci_310/win_inet_pton_1642658466512/work
As the list is alphabetically ordered, you can easily find pip-date on it, so I'm sure I have pip-date installed. How should I do to make it run?

Thanks again,

"That's been one of my mantras - focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains."
Steve Jobs
(Mar-31-2023, 10:03 AM)Gribouillis Wrote: I'm not a Windows user but look perhaps in the folder

Thanks a lot!

Sorry, you probably posted your advice while I was taking a long time writing my comments.

In my Windows 10 I found the in C:\Users\MyName\miniconda3\Scripts from where I could copy, paste, and run it on Spyder, but again, ALL the modules are shown to have been installed on exactly the same date, although not exactly at the same time, as you can see in the following excerpt:

numpy                  2023-02-07  02:26:55                          1.23.5             conda           wheel   sys
numpydoc               2023-02-07  02:11:27                          1.5.0              conda           wheel   sys
packaging              2023-02-07  02:11:11                          22.0               conda           sdist   sys
pandas                 2023-02-07  02:26:56                          1.5.2              conda           wheel   sys
pandocfilters          2023-02-07  01:43:59   2023-02-07  02:28:08   1.5.0              conda           wheel   sys
paramiko               2023-02-07  02:11:26                          2.8.1              conda           wheel   sys
parso                  2023-02-07  02:11:11                          0.8.3              conda           wheel   sys
which I don't think it's right. Oh, well...

Thanks a lot again!

"That's been one of my mantras - focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains."
Steve Jobs
What makes you think the install dates shouldn't be the same. miniconda is not as bloated as anaconda, but it still installs a lot of packages compared to doing a Python install, and the packages it installs are all required. What were you thinking of uninstalling?
(Mar-31-2023, 11:00 AM)newbieAuggie2019 Wrote: If I do that in the anaconda prompt on windows, it shows the '"pip-date" is not recognized as an internal or external command [...]' error, which apparently it is due to a wrong... path!!! Alas! (I hate configurating paths, as I usually do it wrong).
You most install pip-date when (base) environment is active,then it will work.
tom_env) G:\all_flask\2023\web_dir (main)
λ pip install pip-date
Collecting pip-date
  Downloading pip_date-1.0.5-py3-none-any.whl (32 kB)
Requirement already satisfied: requests in g:\miniconda3\envs\tom_env\lib\site-packages (from pip-date) (2.27.1)
Collecting lxml
  Downloading lxml-4.9.2-cp310-cp310-win_amd64.whl (3.8 MB)
     |████████████████████████████████| 3.8 MB 3.3 MB/s
Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer~=2.0.0 in g:\miniconda3\envs\tom_env\lib\site-packages (from requests->pip-date) (2.0.12)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in g:\miniconda3\envs\tom_env\lib\site-packages (from requests->pip-date) (3.4)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 in g:\miniconda3\envs\tom_env\lib\site-packages (from requests->pip-date) (1.26.11)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in g:\miniconda3\envs\tom_env\lib\site-packages (from requests->pip-date) (2022.12.7)
Installing collected packages: lxml, pip-date
Successfully installed lxml-4.9.2 pip-date-1.0.5

(tom_env) G:\all_flask\2023\web_dir (main)
λ pip-date

Using cTime for WindowsPE

Package                Installed (cTime)      LastModified (mTime)   Version            Inst     Prec   Type    Loc
absl-py                2021-03-12  11:11:10                          0.12.0             pip             wheel   sys
alembic                2021-09-09  02:04:31                          1.7.1              pip             wheel   sys
.... ect 
This is my own enviroment that i made,i never use (base).
If i go back to (base) it will not work.
(tom_env) G:\all_flask\2023\web_dir (main)
λ activate base

conda.bat activate base

(base) G:\all_flask\2023\web_dir (main)
λ pip-date
'pip-date' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

(base) G:\all_flask\2023\web_dir (main)
The i haver to install pip install pip-date in (base),then it will work,and find package that is only in (base) environment.
Understating how environment works is big part of using Anacond/Miniconda.
There is no paths problem when a environment is activated it will use only path for that environment.

If i look back so have i answered you before about this,look at this Thread again .
Gribouillis likes this post

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