May-25-2023, 06:30 AM
I've corrected the code for you to look over.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 |
import tkinter as tk aList = [ "Bin 1" , "Bin 2" , "Bin 3" , "Bin 4" , "Bin 5" , "Bin 6" , "Bin 7" , "Bin 8" , "Bin 9" , "Bin 10" , "Bin 11" , "Bin 12" , "Bin 13" , "Bin 14" , "Bin 15" ] onList = [ "Bin 3" , "Bin 14" ] #For test, usually empty _alist = [] root = tk.Tk() root[ 'padx' ] = 5 root[ 'pady' ] = 5 root.title( 'Feed Bins' ) root.geometry( "1200x900" ) root.columnconfigure( 0 , weight = 1 ) root.rowconfigure( 0 , weight = 1 ) frame = tk.Frame(root) frame[ 'highlightbackground' ] = 'black' frame[ 'highlightcolor' ] = 'black' frame[ 'highlightthickness' ] = 1 frame.grid(column = 0 , row = 0 , sticky = 'nsew' , padx = 5 , pady = 5 ) i = 0 for x in range ( 5 ): frame.grid_rowconfigure(x, weight = 3 , uniform = 'rows' ) for y in range ( 3 ): frame.grid_columnconfigure(y, weight = 3 , uniform = 'cols' ) label = _alist.append(tk.Label(frame, text = aList[x + (y * 5 )], relief = 'raised' , font = ( None , 16 , 'bold' ))) _alist[i][ 'bg' ] = 'red' if _alist[i] in onList else 'gray86' _alist[i].grid(column = y, row = x, sticky = 'nsew' , padx = 5 , pady = 5 ) i + = 1 #check_alerts() btn = tk.Button(root, text = 'Add item to onList' , font = ( None , 14 , 'bold' ), command = lambda : [onList.append( "Bin 9" ), print ( "Button Press" )]) btn.grid(column = 0 , row = 1 ) def check_alerts(): for x in range ( 0 , len (_alist)): if _alist[x][ 'text' ] in onList: _alist[x][ 'bg' ] = 'red' else : _alist[x].config(bg = "lightgrey" ) root.after( 1000 ,check_alerts) root.after( 1000 , check_alerts) root.mainloop() |
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The only dumb question, is one that doesn't get asked.
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