This is my very (very) first test to code a GUI and I know it'll be a very (very) long way
In the following example, printing textbox content works, but I do not figured out how to record it into a variable; I'm persuaded I'm missed many things and I'm lost in the huge documentations: links and advices are highly apprciated.
This is my very (very) first test to code a GUI and I know it'll be a very (very) long way

In the following example, printing textbox content works, but I do not figured out how to record it into a variable; I'm persuaded I'm missed many things and I'm lost in the huge documentations: links and advices are highly apprciated.
import sys from PySide6.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QApplication, QWidget, QLineEdit from PySide6.QtCore import Slot class MyMainWindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setWindowTitle("Qt window") self.setMinimumSize(800,600) # widget of central area centralArea = QWidget() centralArea.setStyleSheet("background: #5A5E6B") self.setCentralWidget(centralArea) # textbox implementation textBox1 = QLineEdit("", centralArea) textBox1.setStyleSheet('background: lightgrey;' 'color: red;') textBox1.setGeometry(200, 90, 270, 30) textBox1.textEdited.connect(self.getTextInTextBox) # signal = "textEdited" # my own slot = "getTextInTextBox" # slots definition @Slot(str) def getTextInTextBox(self, txt: str): textRecovering: QLineEdit = self.sender() print(f"Text in the textbox is '{textRecovering.text()}'") return textRecovering.text() # should i define a setter / getter ? if __name__ == "__main__": app = QApplication(sys.argv) MyWindow = MyMainWindow() MyWindow.show() #implementedText = MyWindow .getTextInTextBox() sys.exit(app.exec())
Error:TypeError: MyMainWindow.getTextInTextBox() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'self' and 'txt'