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convert to bin problem
hi, sorry for my bad english,
i tried to create phash compare using "VideoHash"

#pip install videohash
from videohash import VideoHash
import time
start_time = time.time()
path = "input.mp4"
a = VideoHash(path=path)
b = str(a)
print("len :",len(b))
c = int(b,2)
d = bin(c)
print("len :",len(d))
print(time.time() - start_time,"Seconds")
and the result:
0b0000100100001110111000100111111101100001011000010100000000000000 <class 'videohash.videohash.VideoHash'> 0b0000100100001110111000100111111101100001011000010100000000000000 len : 66 <class 'str'> 652708032737787904 <class 'int'> 0b100100001110111000100111111101100001011000010100000000000000 len : 62 9.695210933685303 Seconds
but the number of digits after conversion is different, the original is 66, and the converted is 62,
i tried to using format( '#064b') but it for string data,
i need it because the binary needs to compare using a bitwise technique
def hamming_distance(a, b):
  return bin(a ^ b).count('1')
print(hamming_distance(a, b))
please help me
Conversion to int removed the zeros at the beginning. You could simply add a 1 at the beginning
s = '1'+ a[2:]
c = int(s)
« We can solve any problem by introducing an extra level of indirection »
(Apr-19-2024, 05:21 AM)Gribouillis Wrote: Conversion to int removed the zeros at the beginning. You could simply add a 1 at the beginning
s = '1'+ a[2:]
c = int(s)
thank you for the reply,
the main problem, the standard is 64-bit data,
it can be stated at 0b00, to 0b11
and the target is bin(ary) for bitwise operation
ok, i solve it by split it by chars
for i in range(2,len(str(a))):

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