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Class and methods
I have this code but it doesn't seem to work.

class textanalysis(object):
Class Analysis(object):   
  def _init_(self, text):
        #enlever la ponctuation
        formater = text.replace(',','').replace('.','').replace('!','').replace('?','')
        #transformer en minuscule
        formater = formater.lower()
        self.fmt = formater
    def freqall(self):
        mots = self.fmt.split(' ')
        #creer un dictionnaire
        dico = {}
        for word in set(mots):    #set est utiliser pour qu'il n'y ait pas de repetitions
            dico[word] = self.fmt.count(word)
            return dico
    def freq0f(self, word):
        freqdico = self.freqall()
        if word in freqdico:
            return frqdico[word]
            return 0
If I enter a text, I receive an error:
" TypeError: textanalysis() takes no arguments "
Anyone can help me fix the error?
buran write May-12-2024, 06:26 AM:
Please, use proper tags when post code, traceback, output, etc. This time I have added tags for you.
See BBcode help for more info.
Sorry. But I can clarify some or one point above program. Is this Italian? If so, that's not the correct translation. You'll have to type in I say.
Programs are like instructions or rules. Learning it gets us closer to a solution. Desired outcome. Computer talk.
What is this supposed to do?
class textanalysis(object):
It looks like the start of a class, but there is no code that follows the class declaration. Where are the methods for class textanalysis?

Class Analysis should be class Analysis. class with lower case 'c', not capital 'C'.

When declaring a class you don't have to specify the superclass when the superclass is object. class Analysis(): is fine. No need for class Analysis(object):.

Indentation is important in Python, it is how you define a block of code. I think your indentation is wrong for the return statement here:
        for word in set(mots):    #set est utiliser pour qu'il n'y ait pas de repetitions
            dico[word] = self.fmt.count(word)
            return dico  # Should be indented same as for
Your class is odd. I would put the counting in __init__(), like this:
class Analysis():
    """Count word occurrances in text."""
    def __init__(self, text):
        words = "".join((c for c in text if c not in ".,?!")).lower().split() = len(words)
        self.word_counts = {}
        for word in words:
            self.word_counts[word] = self.word_counts.get(word, 0) + 1

    def most_common(self):
        """Return list of (word, count) tuples sorted in decreasing order."""
        words = [(word, count) for word, count in self.word_counts.items()]
        words.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
        return words
    def words(self):
        """Return list of words in text."""
        return list(self.word_counts)

    def count(self, word):
        """Return count for a word."""
        return self.word_counts.get(word, 0)

    def frequency(self, word):
        """Return frequency for a word"""
        return self.count(word) /

text = """I'm blue
Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di
Da ba dee da ba di"""

x = Analysis(text)
["i'm", 'blue', 'da', 'ba', 'dee', 'di'] 44 {"i'm": 1, 'blue': 1, 'da': 14, 'ba': 14, 'dee': 7, 'di': 7} [('da', 14), ('ba', 14), ('dee', 7), ('di', 7), ("i'm", 1), ('blue', 1)] 14 0.3181818181818182
Much of what was done above could be done using a Counter dictionary.

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