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chat simulation between 2 chat bots
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chat simulation between 2 chat bots
hello everyone.

here is a small program to test a chat between two chatbots "david" and "zira" also you can chat with david... this is just a sketch or a skeleton of a program...

requirements are pyttsx3 package since the chatbots uses TTS:

here is the code:

import pyttsx3
import random

engine = pyttsx3.init()

def david_speech(answer):
    # getting details of current speaking rate
    rate = engine.getProperty('rate')
    # print(rate)  # printing current voice rate
    engine.setProperty('rate', 150)     # setting up new voice rate
    voices = engine.getProperty('voices')  # getting details of current voice
    # engine.setProperty('voice', voices[0].id)  #changing index, changes voices. o for male
    engine.setProperty('voice', voices[0].id)


def zira_speech(answer):
    # getting details of current speaking rate
    rate = engine.getProperty('rate')
    # print(rate)  # printing current voice rate
    engine.setProperty('rate', 150)     # setting up new voice rate
    voices = engine.getProperty('voices')  # getting details of current voice
    # engine.setProperty('voice', voices[0].id)  #changing index, changes voices. o for male
    engine.setProperty('voice', voices[1].id)


# david_speech("i will speak this text")
# zira_speech("i will speak this text")

def david_brain(inp):
    test1_replies = ["hi there i'm david i'm a chat bot", "hello how are you doing?",
                     "hello my name is david and i'm a simple python chat bot", "how are you today"]
    test1 = ["hi", "hello", "how are you?"]
    today1 = ["how was", "what did you do", "nice day", "good morning"]
    today1_replies = ["good day to you too :)", "i'm fine and i hope you are too",
                      "i didn't do much today i just like talking"]
    feelings1 = ["happy", "sad", "worry", "good", "bad", "i wish", "i want"]
    feelings1_replies = ["i also feel like that some times",
                         "i totally understand how you feel", "it's okay to feel like that don't worry"]

    if any(s in inp for s in test1):
        return random.choice(test1_replies)
    elif any(s in inp for s in today1):
        return random.choice(today1_replies)
    elif any(s in inp for s in feelings1):
        return random.choice(feelings1_replies)
        return "goodbye"

def zira_brain(inp2):
    test1_replies = ["hello my name is zira and i'm a python chat bot who are you?",
                     "hi nice to meet you :)", "hello i haven't talk to some one in along time"]
    test1 = ["hi", "hello", "how are you"]
    today1 = ["good day", "nice day", "it's okay"]
    today1_replies = ["you are so kind to try and understand me",
                      "thank you i wish you well :)", "have a nice day"]
    feeling1_replies = ["i worry i worry too much i think my programmer made me a bit neurotic",
                        " i feel good i think how do you feel?", "i wish i could see nature instead of reading about it"]
    feeling1 = ["python", "i didn't do much", "i hope"]

    if any(s in inp2 for s in test1):
        return random.choice(test1_replies)
    elif any(s in inp2 for s in today1):
        return random.choice(today1_replies)
    elif any(s in inp2 for s in feeling1):
        return random.choice(feeling1_replies)
        return "goodbye"

def main():
    option1 = int(input(
        "press key 1 to talk to chatbot david or press key 2 to have chatbot david and chatbot zira try to talk to each other: "))
    if option1 == 1:
        while True:

            ans = input("> ")
            if ans == "q":
    elif option1 == 2:

        to_david = zira_brain("hi")
        while True:
            to_zira = david_brain(to_david)
            to_david = zira_brain(to_zira)

            if to_david == "goodbye" or to_zira == "goodbye":

This simple omegle chatbot program allows the user to interact with two chatbots named "David" and "Zira".
The chatbots use text-to-speech (TTS) capabilities provided by the pyttsx3 library.
The program has two main functions:
1. Allow the user to chat with David directly
2. Simulate a conversation between David and Zira
The chatbots use pre-defined responses based on keywords in the user's input to provide appropriate replies.

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