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Interpeter / Installer help
New to the language. I have a Mac Book Pro 10.12.5. I went to the Python Website before checking my terminal to see if an older version or up to date version existed. I first downloaded the Python Launcher from Python's website. Then downloaded the 64 bit package which gave me the IDLE and I also purchased the Python Runner from the Apple Store. I am not clear if I downloaded the correct Interpreter and all the necessary files. I did call Apple before downloading to see if there was a preinstall. No help there. I did the terminal check afterwards and its says Python 2.7 but not clear on how to install it so that I can practice. I am self teaching/learning. Can someone please help?
(Aug-11-2017, 03:35 AM)AMSSINC5 Wrote: I did the terminal check afterwards and its says Python 2.7 but not clear on how to install it so that I can practice.

If you open a terminal, and type python -V, and get a version (instead of a "python not found" error), then it's successfully installed, and ready for you to use.  It's either there, or it's not there... there isn't a special version of it for development.
Your Mac should have come with 2.7 pre-installed. Did you download and install the latest version 3.6.2? If not, as someone just learning, you should. If you did, you may need to use "python3" rather than just "python".  Also, make sure you read the "Notes on this release" section on the download page Python 3.6.2 download, as it has important information for you.
If it ain't broke, I just haven't gotten to it yet.
OS: Windows 10, openSuse 42.3, freeBSD 11, Raspian "Stretch"
Python 3.6.5, IDE: PyCharm 2018 Community Edition
Installing Python 3 on Mac OS X

pyenv is really good for installing(Python,Anaconda,PyPy ect) and switching between versions.
It's also safe don't mess with system version of python.

Eg on Linux,work the same way on MAC.
# Install Python 3.6.2
mint@mint ~ $ pyenv install 3.6.2
Downloading Python-3.6.2.tar.xz...
Installing Python-3.6.2...
Installed Python-3.6.2 to /home/mint/.pyenv/versions/3.6.2

# Make 3.6.2 OS default version
mint@mint ~ $ pyenv global 3.6.2

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