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Error in Matrix operation
from sympy import *
from time import time
from mpmath import radians
from math import *
import tf

Format of test case is [ [[EE position],[EE orientation as quaternions]],[WC location],[joint angles]]
You can generate additional test cases by setting up your kuka project and running $ roslaunch kuka_arm forward_kinematics.launch
From here you can adjust the joint angles to find thetas, use the gripper to extract positions and orientation (in quaternion xyzw) and lastly use link 5
to find the position of the wrist center. These newly generated test cases can be added to the test_cases dictionary.

test_cases = {1:[[[2.16135,-1.42635,1.55109],
[0.62073, 0.48318,0.38759,0.480629]],

def test_code(test_case):
## Set up code
## Do not modify!
x = 0
class Position:
def __init__(self,EE_pos):
self.x = EE_pos[0]
self.y = EE_pos[1]
self.z = EE_pos[2]
class Orientation:
def __init__(self,EE_ori):
self.x = EE_ori[0]
self.y = EE_ori[1]
self.z = EE_ori[2]
self.w = EE_ori[3]

position = Position(test_case[0][0])
orientation = Orientation(test_case[0][1])

class Combine:
def __init__(self,position,orientation):
self.position = position
self.orientation = orientation

comb = Combine(position,orientation)

class Pose:
def __init__(self,comb):
self.poses = [comb]

req = Pose(comb)
start_time = time()


## Insert IK code here!

# FK/IK Code begins

d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 = symbols('d1:8') # Link Offset
a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6 = symbols('a0:7') # Link Lengths
alpha0, alpha1, alpha2, alpha3, alpha4, alpha5, alpha6 = symbols('alpha0:7') # Twist angles
q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7 = symbols('q1:8') # joint angle

DH_Table = { alpha0: 0, a0: 0, d1: 0.75, q1: q1,
alpha1: -pi/2., a1: 0.35, d2: 0, q2: -pi/2. + q2,
alpha2: 0, a2: 1.25, d1: 0, q3: q3,
alpha3: -pi/2., a3: -0.054, d1: 1.5, q4: q4,
alpha4: pi/2., a4: 0, d1: 0, q5: q5,
alpha5: -pi/2., a5: 0, d1: 0, q6: q6,
alpha6: 0, a6: 0, d1: 0.303, q7: 0 }

def TF_Matrix(alpha, a, d, q):
TF = Matrix([[ cos(q), -sin(q), 0, a],
[sin(q)*cos(alpha), cos(q)*cos(alpha), -sin(alpha), -sin(alpha)*d],
[sin(q)*sin(alpha), cos(q)*sin(alpha), cos(alpha), cos(alpha)*d],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1]])
return TF

T0_1 = TF_Matrix(alpha0, a0, d1, q1).subs(DH_Table)
T1_2 = TF_Matrix(alpha1, a1, d2, q2).subs(DH_Table)
T2_3 = TF_Matrix(alpha2, a2, d3, q3).subs(DH_Table)
T3_4 = TF_Matrix(alpha3, a3, d4, q4).subs(DH_Table)
T4_5 = TF_Matrix(alpha4, a4, d5, q5).subs(DH_Table)
T5_6 = TF_Matrix(alpha5, a5, d6, q6).subs(DH_Table)
T6_EE = TF_Matrix(alpha6, a6, d7, q7).subs(DH_Table)

T0_EE = T0_1 * T1_2 * T2_3 * T3_4 * T4_5 * T5_6 * T6_EE

px = req.poses[x].position.x
py = req.poses[x].position.y
pz = req.poses[x].position.z

(roll, pitch, yaw) = tf.transformations.euler_from_quaternion(
[req.poses[x].orientation.x, req.poses[x].orientation.y,
req.poses[x].orientation.z, req.poses[x].orientation.w])

r, p, y = symbols('r p y')

ROT_x = Matrix([[1, 0, 0],
[0, cos®, -sin®],
[0, sin®, cos®]])

ROT_y = Matrix([[ cos(p), 0, sin(p)],
[ 0, 1, 0],
[-sin(p), 0, cos(p)]])

ROT_z = Matrix([[cos(y), -sin(y), 0],
[sin(y), cos(y), 0],
[ 0, 0, 1]])

ROT_EE = ROT_z * ROT_y * ROT_x

Rot_Error = ROT_z.subs(y, radians(180)) * ROT_y.subs(p, radians(-90))

ROT_EE = ROT_EE * Rot_Error
ROT_EE = ROT_EE.subs({'r':roll, 'p': pitch, 'y': yaw})

EE = Matrix([[px],
WC = EE - (0.303) * ROT_EE[:,2]

theta1 = atan2(WC[1], WC[0])
side_a = 1.501
side_b = sqrt(pow((sqrt(WC[0] * WC[0] + WC[1] * WC[1]) - 0.35), 2) + pow((WC[2] - 0.75), 2))
side_c = 1.25

angle_a = acos((side_b * side_b + side_c * side_c - side_a * side_a)/(2 * side_b * side_c))
angle_b = acos((side_a * side_a + side_c * side_c - side_b * side_b)/(2 * side_a * side_c))
angle_c = acos((side_a * side_a * + side_b * side_b - side_c * side_c)/(2 * side_a * side_b))

theta2 = pi/2 - angle_a - atan2(WC[2] - 0.75, sqrt(WC[0] * WC[0] + WC[1] * WC[1]) - 0.35)
theta3 = pi/2 - (angle_b + 0.036)

R0_3 = T0_1[0:3, 0:3] * T1_2[0:3, 0:3] * T2_3[0:3, 0:3]
R0_3 = R0_3.evalf(subs={q1:theta1, q2:theta2, q3:theta3})
R3_6 = R0_3.inv("LU") * ROT_EE

theta4 = atan2(R3_6[2,2], -R3_6[0,2])
theta5 = atan2(sqrt(R3_6[0,2] * R3_6[0,2] + R3_6[2,2] * R3_6[2,2]), R3_6[1,2])
theta6 = atan2(-R3_6[1,1], R3_6[1,0])

# FK/IK Code Ends

# theta1 = 0
# theta2 = 0
# theta3 = 0
# theta4 = 0
# theta5 = 0
# theta6 = 0


## For additional debugging add your forward kinematics here. Use your previously calculated thetas
## as the input and output the position of your end effector as your_ee = [x,y,z]

FK = T0_EE.evalf(subs={q1: theta1, q2: theta2, q3: theta3, q4: theta4, q5: theta5, q6: theta6})

## End your code input for forward kinematics here!

## For error analysis please set the following variables of your WC location and EE location in the format of [x,y,z]
# your_wc = [1,1,1] # <--- Load your calculated WC values in this array
# your_ee = [1,1,1] # <--- Load your calculated end effector value from your forward kinematics
your_wc = [WC[0],WC[1],WC[2]]
your_ee = [FK[0,3],FK[1,3],FK[2,3]]

## Error analysis
print ("\nTotal run time to calculate joint angles from pose is %04.4f seconds" % (time()-start_time))

# Find WC error
if not(sum(your_wc)==3):
wc_x_e = abs(your_wc[0]-test_case[1][0])
wc_y_e = abs(your_wc[1]-test_case[1][1])
wc_z_e = abs(your_wc[2]-test_case[1][2])
wc_offset = sqrt(wc_x_e**2 + wc_y_e**2 + wc_z_e**2)
print ("\nWrist error for x position is: %04.8f" % wc_x_e)
print ("Wrist error for y position is: %04.8f" % wc_y_e)
print ("Wrist error for z position is: %04.8f" % wc_z_e)
print ("Overall wrist offset is: %04.8f units" % wc_offset)

# Find theta errors
t_1_e = abs(theta1-test_case[2][0])
t_2_e = abs(theta2-test_case[2][1])
t_3_e = abs(theta3-test_case[2][2])
t_4_e = abs(theta4-test_case[2][3])
t_5_e = abs(theta5-test_case[2][4])
t_6_e = abs(theta6-test_case[2][5])
print ("\nTheta 1 error is: %04.8f" % t_1_e)
print ("Theta 2 error is: %04.8f" % t_2_e)
print ("Theta 3 error is: %04.8f" % t_3_e)
print ("Theta 4 error is: %04.8f" % t_4_e)
print ("Theta 5 error is: %04.8f" % t_5_e)
print ("Theta 6 error is: %04.8f" % t_6_e)
print ("\n**These theta errors may not be a correct representation of your code, due to the fact \
\nthat the arm can have muliple positions. It is best to add your forward kinmeatics to \
\nconfirm whether your code is working or not**")
print (" ")

# Find FK EE error
if not(sum(your_ee)==3):
ee_x_e = abs(your_ee[0]-test_case[0][0][0])
ee_y_e = abs(your_ee[1]-test_case[0][0][1])
ee_z_e = abs(your_ee[2]-test_case[0][0][2])
ee_offset = sqrt(ee_x_e**2 + ee_y_e**2 + ee_z_e**2)
# ee_x_e = math.fabs(ee_x_e)
# print ("\nEnd effector error for x position is: %04.8f" % ee_x_e)
# print ("End effector error for y position is: %04.8f" % ee_y_e)
# print ("End effector error for z position is: %04.8f" % ee_z_e)
# print ("Overall end effector offset is: %04.8f units \n" % ee_offset)

print ("\nEnd effector error for x position is: %r" % ee_x_e)
print ("End effector error for y position is: %r" % ee_y_e)
print ("End effector error for z position is: %r" % ee_z_e)
print ("Overall end effector offset is: %r units \n" % ee_offset)

if __name__ == "__main__":
# Change test case number for different scenarios
test_case_number = 1


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 236, in <module>
File "", line 90, in test_code
T0_1 = TF_Matrix(alpha0, a0, d1, q1).subs(DH_Table)
File "", line 84, in TF_Matrix
TF = Matrix([[ cos(q), -sin(q), 0, a],
File "/home/robond/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sympy/core/", line 226, in __float__
raise TypeError("can't convert expression to floa

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