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Python code to android app
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Python code to android app
Hi, i'm a French student and i've got a project in dataprocessing class.
In fact we have to create a Python code with everything that we learned in class, and more if we want.
Our actual project is to create an urgency programm that would help any people who doesn't know anything in first aid, to react in an emergency situation.
The fact is that this won't be really usefull on pc, so we want it to become an android app.
If you've got any tips to make it possible that would be really usefull.
We are 3 beginners working on this project, so every information would be usefull for us.
If you have any idea to improve our project, please tell me.
If the project is a succes, it will maybe set to download on the appstore one day !
Thanks anyway.
As for the app side, you might want to look at Kivy. As for the actual code, you will need to show us what you have so far. This could turn into a pretty massive project, so you may want to explain how in-depth you plan on getting.
If it ain't broke, I just haven't gotten to it yet.
OS: Windows 10, openSuse 42.3, freeBSD 11, Raspian "Stretch"
Python 3.6.5, IDE: PyCharm 2018 Community Edition
Thanks for the reply ! For now the project is at an embryonic stage, we are still brainstorming about it ! (if it's okay to say it that way)
I will send updates so you can follow the evolution.

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