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[Pyglet] Space ships movements
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[Pyglet] Space ships movements
Hi, I want to do a spaceship that I can control with the arrows on the keyboard. For now I'm able to make it rotate on itself with the left and the right arrow, but I want to make it go in the direction that the ship is facing. For now, all I can do is make it go up and down, but on one axis.

My code look like this:
import pyglet

fenetre = pyglet.window.Window(700, 700, 'Lost')

fusee_img = pyglet.image.load('player1-ConvertImage.jpg')
fusee_img.anchor_x = fusee_img.width
fusee_img.anchor_y = fusee_img.height
fusee = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(fusee_img, x=100, y=100)

keys = pyglet.window.key.KeyStateHandler()

def update(dt):
    left = keys[pyglet.window.key.LEFT]
    right = keys[pyglet.window.key.RIGHT]
    up = keys[pyglet.window.key.UP]
    down = keys[pyglet.window.key.DOWN]
    if up and down:
    elif up:
        fusee.y += (dt * 100)
    elif down:
        fusee.y -= dt * 100
    if right and left:
    elif right:
        fusee.rotation += dt * 300
    elif left:
        fusee.rotation -= dt * 300

pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(update, 1 / 120.0)

def on_draw():
The math is pretty simple
import math
def get_direction(angle):
    rad = math.radians(angle)
    return math.cos(rad), math.sin(rad)
You might have to adjust angle for math to work as expected. Like 90, 180, -90.
No more thinking up is up. It is now forward. You have to add to x and y for up and down.
direction = get_direction(angle)
x += direction[0] * dt * 100
y += direction[1] * dt * 100
99 percent of computer problems exists between chair and keyboard.

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