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FTPlib - moving a file

I'm trying to move a file called: "Rec1_20180122.avi" into a folder named '20180122' with no success.

I've googled a bit, and I came to the conclusion that I should do it with ftp.rename(src, dst).

Could you please help me out with this issue? It just doesn't work. I tried this as well:

f = 'Rec1_20180122.avi'
d = '20180122'

ftp.rename(f, ftp.cwd(d))
Did you try:
ftp.rename('Rec1_20180122.avi', '20180122/Rec1_20180122.avi')
"just doesn't work" isn't a thing.
If something other than what was expected happens, tell us what. If you get an error, post it. Some code reproducing it would also be nice.
Thanks, it doesnt work yet:

ftp.rename(f, '/' + str(day))
ftp.rename(str(f), '/' + str(day) + '/')
These are the error messages:

ftp.rename(f, '/' + str(day))
  File "C:\Python\lib\", line 608, in rename
    return self.voidcmd('RNTO ' + toname)
  File "C:\Python\lib\", line 276, in voidcmd
    return self.voidresp()
  File "C:\Python\lib\", line 249, in voidresp
    resp = self.getresp()
  File "C:\Python\lib\", line 242, in getresp
    raise error_temp(resp)
ftplib.error_temp: 451 Rename/move failure: Invalid cross-device link


It needed full path:

ftp.rename('/{}/{}'.format(storage, f),'/{}/{}/{}'.format(storage, day, f))

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