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Full Version: "Forum contains new posts" icons are broken?
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In the forum index, the forum have a disk on the left, that indicates (when it is dark) that there are unread posts. And it seems that since this morning it indicates new posts when there are none.

Is it just me?
I didn't notice such occurence yet
i havent done anything in the last 8 hours. The discs work for me.
It's happened with me. Even the thread topic was bold like there is a new post in it. But there was no new one.
Screenshots or it didn't happen.
A) a mod made a new post and then deleted it, and it registers to everyone as a new post still
B) Do you actually go into the thread or just the forum in which it is? Because it does not register as viewed until you go into each thread. So if there were 2 new posts in the same forum, and you only went into one, the disc would still show as unread. 
C) try selecting "Mark this forum as read" and see if it fixes

I dont pay too much attention to the discs as i use the unread link at the top to find new posts. As i read them, the discs get marked as read. Also above this search is alos a mark threads read, which will do all. I often use this if i know i have no interest in the discussion in that thread.
(Oct-05-2016, 03:46 PM)metulburr Wrote: [ -> ]A) a mod made a new post and then deleted it, and it registers to everyone as a new post still
B) Do you actually go into the thread or just the forum in which it is? Because it does not register as viewed until you go into each thread. So if there were 2 new posts in the same forum, and you only went into one, the disc would still show as unread. 
C) try selecting "Mark this forum as read" and see if it fixes

I dont pay too much attention to the discs as i use the unread link at the top to find new posts. As i read them, the discs get marked as read. Also above this search is alos a mark threads read, which will do all. I often use this if i know i have no interest in the discussion in that thread.

A) possibly, but on several forums?
B) I think I check throughly
C) You can also click the roundel for the same effect.