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Full Version: Using MySQL database images or data dumps
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I am trying to build a web app using Dash. I am trying to analyse F1 data (lap times) using the ergast API . I was previously using the requests module in python to retrieve data in JSON format e.g. will be the URL for lap 1 for Alonso. This has become time consuming in python, even though I have used multithreading to implement the GET requests.

Instead, I am looking to use the MySQL database images and have an independent server which I can query, instead of performing thousands of GET requests for a single race. Is there any comprehensive way to do this in Python? I am highly confused about this as I am not familiar with MySQL as well. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you
How are you building the URL?
this is probably where the difficulty lies, although since you are using an API, there's a possibility that it's just a slow API.

Need further details on:
  • Details on how you build a URL
  • What type of analysis are you doing on the lap times
  • Is MySQL a required intermediate step, or could other methods be used?
  • Whatever other details you can provide to make us understand the problem.