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DFS with weighted edges
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DFS with weighted edges
I'm making a project (the code I'm showing here is related to a part but not the same, more like practice exercise) where I have weighted edges and need to find the shortest path from node A to node B with DFS, the shortest path being the one where the sum of the edges' weights is the shortest. The original code given in this exercise considers the shortest path as the one that goes through less nodes, I have to alter it. I already added the weight parameter to the Edge class, and the addEdge method in the Digraph class was changed so that the key of the edges dictionary is the source node and the value is a list like [destination node, weight of the edge]. In theory, I kinda understand what I have to do to change the rest (like have a variable suming the weights of the paths as it goes, compare it and keep the smallest sum) but I'm very very new to programming and I get confused easily, so can anyone help? No breaks please. Sorry for my English, it's not my mother tongue. Here is the code:

class Node(object):
    def __init__(self, name):
        Requires: name is a string
        """ = name
    def getName(self):
    def __str__(self):

class Edge(object):
    def __init__(self, src, dest, weight):
        Requires: src and dst Nodes, weight float
        self.src = src
        self.dest = dest
        self.weight = weight
    def getSource(self):
        return self.src
    def getDestination(self):
        return self.dest
    def getWeight(self):
        return self.weight
    def __str__(self):
        return self.src.getName() + '---' + str(self.weight) + '--->' + self.dest.getName()

class Digraph(object):
    #nodes is a list of the nodes in the graph
    #edges is a dict mapping each node to a list of its children and weights
    def __init__(self):
        self.nodes = []
        self.edges = {}
    def addNode(self, node):
        if node in self.nodes:
            raise ValueError('Duplicate node')
            self.edges[node] = []
    def addEdge(self, edge):
        src = edge.getSource()
        dest = edge.getDestination()
        weight = edge.getWeight()
        if not(src in self.nodes and dest in self.nodes):
            raise ValueError('Node not in graph')
        self.edges[src].append([dest, weight])
    def childrenOf(self, node):
        return self.edges[node]
    def hasNode(self, node):
        return node in self.nodes
    def __str__(self):
        result = ''
        for src in self.nodes:
            for dest in self.edges[src]:
                result = result + src.getName() + '->'
                + dest.getName() + '\n'
        return result

#all done till here

def printPath(path):
    Requires: path a list of nodes
    result = ''
    for i in range(len(path)):
        result = result + str(path[i])
        if i != len(path) - 1:
            result = result + '->'
    return result

def DFS(graph, start, end, path, shortest):
    graph a Digraph;
    start and end nodes;
    path and shortest lists of nodes
    a shortest path from start to end in graph
    path = path + [start] 
    print('Current DFS path:', printPath(path))
    if start == end:
        return path
    for node in graph.childrenOf(start):
        if node not in path: #avoid cycles
            if shortest == None or len(path) < len(shortest):
                newPath = DFS(graph, node, end, path, shortest)
                if newPath != None:
                    shortest = newPath
    return shortest

def search(graph, start, end):
    graph  a Digraph;
    start and end are nodes
    shortest path from start to end in graph
    return DFS(graph, start, end, [], None)
What have you tried? Usually for homework it's better to ask specific questions, otherwise it's hard for us to help without doing some of your work for you.
(May-08-2019, 07:06 PM)micseydel Wrote: What have you tried? Usually for homework it's better to ask specific questions, otherwise it's hard for us to help without doing some of your work for you.

Oh sorry. So I'm thinking about adding a pathWeight parameter and a shortestWeight (as in shortest path) parameter to the DFS function. Also will be adding these to the search function where they both start as 0. OR I wouldn't add any of these new parameters but would take the path parameter and the graph it belongs to and calculate the sum of the edges' weight in a new function(?) Not quite sure which logic is simpler/easier.

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