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Which is the best platform to teach kids python? - Printable Version

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Which is the best platform to teach kids python? - Angelamaria - Aug-21-2020


My kid is 7 years old and he is interested in coding. Now I am looking for an online coding platform to teach him coding? Can someone please suggest me which would be the best one?

RE: Which is the best platform to teach kids python? - Knight18 - Aug-21-2020

You should search around online for websites specfically targeted towards kids. Like this one. kidscancode

Kids would probably learn better visually (videos) rather than books and text.

RE: Which is the best platform to teach kids python? - michael1789 - Aug-21-2020

7 is pretty young. I loved learning from kidscancode, but his pygame stuff is not really suited to pure beginners.

That said, video would be the way to go, you just might have to do the first projects along with them.

I think maybe a choose your own adventure would be a good start. They can add and change it. Later they can put in enemies, magic, farts(because they are 7! lol) and learn things step by step and add them to their game.

RE: Which is the best platform to teach kids python? - Angelamaria - Sep-30-2020

Thank you for suggesting this.

Game Development Course For Kids - Angelamaria - Sep-30-2020


I would like to know whether there is any online coding platform for kids that will teach them to develop their own small games. Could someone please help me?

RE: Game Development Course For Kids - Larz60+ - Sep-30-2020

There's quite a few of them. Google 'python game development for kids'