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Form that puts diacritics on the words in the text
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Form that puts diacritics on the words in the text
yes, the code should compare words from the FORM with words that do not have diacritics from the dictionary-2.txt. If a match is found, the word in the form should be replaced with the corresponding word that has diacritics from dictinary.txt.

I change the code. The Print is ok, but in the form nothing changes. Why ?

import re
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import filedialog, messagebox, simpledialog

root = None

# Încărcarea bazei de date din fișierul .txt
with open('dictionar.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    continut_dictionar =

with open('dictionar-2.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
    continut_dictionar_fara_diacritice =

diacritice = {
    'a': 'ă', 'A': 'Ă', 'i': 'î', 'I': 'Î', 's': 'ș', 'S': 'Ș', 't': 'ț', 'T': 'Ț'

SUFIXE = ["-mi", "-a", "-ti", "-au"]

def get_words(filename):
    """Read words from file.  Remove punctuation and convert to lowercase.  Return list of words."""
    punctuation = re.compile("[:'\.”“;\?!]")
    with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        return [re.sub(punctuation, " ", word).lower() for word in]
def elimina_sufix(cuvant):
    for sufix in SUFIXE:
        if cuvant.endswith(sufix):
            return cuvant[:-len(sufix)]
    return cuvant

def elimina_operatori(cuvant):
    operatori = [":", '"', "'", ".", "”", "“", ",", ";", "?", "!"]
    while cuvant and cuvant[0] in operatori:
        cuvant = cuvant[1:]
    while cuvant and cuvant[-1] in operatori:
        cuvant = cuvant[:-1]
    return cuvant

def verifica_text(cuvinte_text):
    text_input.tag_remove("evidentiat", "1.0", tk.END)  # Ștergem evidențierea anterioară
    start_index = "1.0"
    cuvant_gasit = False

    for cuv in cuvinte_text:
        cuv_baza = elimina_sufix(cuv).lower()
        cuv_baza = elimina_operatori(cuv_baza)
        end_index = start_index + f"+{len(cuv)}c"
        if cuv_baza not in continut_dictionar and cuv_baza not in CUVINTE_SKIP:
            text_input.tag_add("evidentiat", start_index, end_index)
            text_input.tag_configure("evidentiat", background="yellow", font=("Arial", 12, "bold"))
            cuvant_gasit = True
            break  # Întrerupem bucla după primul cuvânt nerecunoscut
        start_index = end_index + "+1c"

    if not cuvant_gasit:
        messagebox.showinfo("Informare", "Totul este ok!")

def modifica_cuvant():
    global continut_dictionar  # Declarăm variabila ca globală pentru a o putea modifica
    start_index = text_input.tag_ranges("evidentiat")[0]
    end_index = text_input.tag_ranges("evidentiat")[1]
    cuvant = text_input.get(start_index, end_index)

    cuvant_modificat = simpledialog.askstring("Modificare cuvânt", f"Modificați cuvântul '{cuvant}':")
    if cuvant_modificat:
        cuvant_modificat = elimina_sufix(cuvant_modificat).lower()
        cuvant_modificat = elimina_operatori(cuvant_modificat)

        if cuvant_modificat:
            text_input.delete(start_index, end_index)  # Șterge cuvântul evidentiat
            text_input.insert(start_index, cuvant_modificat)  # Inserează cuvântul modificat
            cuvinte_text = text_input.get("1.0", tk.END).split()  # Actualizează lista de cuvinte
            cuvinte_text = [elimina_sufix(cuv.lower()) for cuv in cuvinte_text]
            cuvinte_text = [elimina_operatori(cuv) for cuv in cuvinte_text]
            continut_dictionar += f", {cuvant_modificat}"
            with open('dictionar.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                f.write(f", {cuvant_modificat}")  # Adaugă cuvântul modificat în dictionar.txt
            print("Cuvantul modificat a fost adaugat in dictionar.txt")

def skip_cuvant():
    start_index = text_input.tag_ranges("evidentiat")[0]
    end_index = text_input.tag_ranges("evidentiat")[1]
    cuvant = text_input.get(start_index, end_index)
    with open('dictionar.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        f.write(f", {cuvant}")  # Adaugă cuvântul skip în dictionar.txt
    verifica_text(text_input.get("1.0", tk.END).split())
    print("Cuvantul a fost adaugat in dictionar.txt")

def adauga_diacritice():
    text = text_input.get("1.0", tk.END)
    cuvinte_text = text.split()

    cuvinte_cu_diacritice = []
    for cuv in cuvinte_text:
        cuv_fara_diacritice = cuv
        if cuv_fara_diacritice in plain_2_diacritic:
            cuv_cu_diacritice = plain_2_diacritic[cuv_fara_diacritice]

    text_cu_diacritice = " ".join(cuvinte_cu_diacritice)

    text_input.delete("1.0", tk.END)
    text_input.insert("1.0", text_cu_diacritice)

    # Actualizează interfața grafică
    global root

    print("Diacritice au fost adăugate")

def main():
    global text_input
    text_input = tk.Text(root, height=20, width=50)

    btn_verifica = tk.Button(root, text="Verificare", command=lambda: verifica_text(text_input.get("1.0", tk.END).split()))
    btn_verifica.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=10)

    btn_modifica = tk.Button(root, text="Modificare", command=modifica_cuvant)
    btn_modifica.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=10)

    btn_skip = tk.Button(root, text="Skip", command=skip_cuvant)
    btn_skip.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=10)

    btn_diacritice = tk.Button(root, text="Diacritice", command=adauga_diacritice)
    btn_diacritice.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=10)

# Eliminăm definiția globală din main() și o mutăm aici
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Adăugare Diacritice")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create the plain to diacritic translation dictionary
    plain_2_diacritic = dict(zip(get_words("dictionar-2.txt"), get_words("dictionar.txt")))
    print("Plain to Diacritic Dictionary:")

    main()  # Apelăm funcția main() pentru a începe interfața grafică
    root.mainloop()  # Rulăm bucla principală a interfeței grafice

Messages In This Thread
RE: Form that puts diacritics on the words in the text - by Melcu54 - Aug-18-2023, 04:33 PM

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