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Too Stupid to Code
Look... I'm after a brutally honest view on if people think that coding is for a certain level of education.. Perhaps a problem solving mind or something with a higher level of knowledge to grasp the concepts presented in coding and everything that goes along with it.

I'm 34 and consider my education to be poor from when I grew up.. from getting F's and even ungraded from school its not something that has held me back career wise but I'm at a point now that I would like to be more remote and coding seems to be one of the best options, but is it wasteful for me to chase something that might be a little out of my depth or can literally ANY person learn to code properly regardless of there education or understanding.

Sorry for the random question but I thought who better to ask than people who already code

Thanks in advance
I started coding in 2011 when I was 47 years old.
First with RealBasic (Xojo) on Mac OS, in 2015 I switched completely to Linux
and since Xojo is useless in Linux (way too sluggish) I use almost only python
(for GUI apps with PyQt5 or PyGtk) and sometimes MonoDevelop.

You are never too old to learn something new.
Too old was not really my concern
(Oct-02-2019, 07:01 AM)RazerNismo Wrote: Look... I'm after a brutally honest view on if people think that coding is for a certain level of education.. Perhaps a problem solving mind or something with a higher level of knowledge to grasp the concepts presented in coding and everything that goes along with it.
Problem solving is a part of programming. But i dont think you need a college degree to understand programming either. Learning to program is an education in itself. You can learn to be a great programmer from just reading a book or watching youtube videos, etc. A lot of it however is doing it yourself hands on though. So when you start out you obviously will be bad at it. We all were. And it takes time to learn programming. Dont beat yourself up.

How long have you been coding? Some people take longer than others for things to click. If you had a lot of F's in school it just might take longer for things to click. However that does not mean they never will.
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Thanks for he reply.. I have only started the basics to be fair but see so many people on youtube that say they cant do it and give up that are any hours of training in front of me

Would you say anyone can code? or is there some people that just cant do it..
Anyone can code.
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I'm not sure anyone can code, but I don't there is any specific education level required to code. I think the key factor for being a programmer is understanding instructions. Can you follow instructions precisely? Are you good at breaking down problems into simpler steps, and understanding how those steps need to be ordered? Can you explain those steps to others? That's what you do as a programmer: you break down problems into steps (incredibly simple steps), and translate those steps into a very simple language. When things break down, you need to be able to follow those steps through very precisely so you can track down where the error is occurring.
Craig "Ichabod" O'Brien -
I wish you happiness.
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I think anyone can code, but some have more of a knack for it. I think only the illiterate could not code for obvious reasons. But i think anyone else could become decent programmers. Some, yes, better than others. But that does not mean you have to ace a programmer test to be a programmer.
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i never graduate. i have a failing grade. and last year i start to learn python after 1 year i land a job as a junior developer for python. don't hold back in your past.
i work as a gasoline boy. every day i spend 3 hours 1 hour for reading book 1 hour coding and if i don't get something i watch youtube to understand more. i took 2 months to master the basic, and i spend more 3 months to move on advance level after one month. i start learning mvc to django frame work. i spend 3 months to master the basic . and 3 months to master django but until now i'm still learning. cheers programming is for everyone who is willing to learn. you don't need to become 4 digit i.q. programming is learn by heart. i'm sucks at everything but my willingness to learn push me to get this position now. sorry about my bad english.
"As they say in Mexico 'dosvidaniya'. That makes two vidaniyas."

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