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Reindex columns

How can I reindex columns? I get an error that says "ValueError: Length mismatch: Expected axis has 18 elements, new values have 5 elements"

The excel file is attached.

[Image: vUfQ0oX]

import pandas as pd
import getpass
import sys
import datetime
from ftplib import FTP_TLS
import sys

user_id = getpass.getuser()

# Read Download and Dealers
data = pd.read_csv('C:/Users/'+ user_id +'/Desktop/Portable Script/Download_Report_Teleservices.csv',sep=";")
dealers = pd.read_csv('C:/Users/'+ user_id +'/Desktop/Portable Script/Teleservices_Support.csv',engine='python',sep=";")


data = data.reindex(['Número do ponto de serviço autorizado','ID','VIN','Data de criação','Escalado em'])
data.columns = ['Local_ID','ID bilhete','Chassis','Entrada','Escalado']

# Add Telefone

# Add current date column
data['Data Envio'] = pd.to_datetime('today').strftime("%d/%m/%Y")


# Merge, remove extra columns,
data_merged = data.merge(dealers,how='left', left_on='Local_ID',right_on='Código')

data_merged = data_merged.loc[:,["Telefone","Local","ID bilhete","Chassis","Entrada","Escalado", "Data Envio"]]
data_merged.columns = ['Telefone', 'Instalações', 'ID bilhete', 'Chassis', 'Entrada', 'Escalado', 'Data Envio']

# create today name
now =
Nday = str(
Nmonth = str(now.month).zfill(2)
Nyear = now.year
name = "Teleservices" + "_" + str(Nyear)+ "_" +str(Nmonth)+ "_" +str(Nday)

# Save file
data_merged.to_csv('C:/Users/'+ user_id +'/Desktop/Portable Script/Teleservices_V2/' +  name + '.csv',sep=";",index=False,encoding='utf-8-sig')
#data_merged.to_csv('C:/Users/rfcr/Rigor/Caetano Retail - Organização/1 - Baviera/5 - Power BI/Teleservices/Daily Tickets/' +  name + '.csv',sep=";",index=False,encoding='utf-8-sig')

#Login to FTP (TLS secure)
ftp = FTP_TLS()
ftp.connect('', port=21)
ftp.login(user='cretail.csi', passwd='cSvJCasuo2kzTH')

# Open File
file = open('C:/Users/'+ user_id +'/Desktop/Portable Script/Teleservices_V2/' +  name + '.csv','rb')

# Change directory in FTP

# Upload file to FTP with correct name
ftp.storbinary('STOR ' + name + '.csv', file)

# Close FTP and File

# Finsih Script
Hi rr1997,

I don't think you have uploaded the File, could you do it again ?

And I think I will be able to help you.


Eddie Winch
(Feb-23-2021, 03:22 PM)eddywinch82 Wrote: Hi rr1997,

I don't think you have uploaded the File, could you do it again ?

And I think I will be able to help you.


Eddie Winch

Hi, I can't attach files, so this url have my file, can you please check that?
Hi rr1997,

Many thanks for posting the Url for the File,

I will get back to you soon.


Eddie Winch
rr1997 likes this post
Hi rr1997,

If I change the following line Of Code, which you have provided.

From :-

data = data.reindex(['Número do ponto de serviço autorizado','ID','VIN','Data de criação','Escalado em'])
To :-

data = data.reindex(['Número do ponto de serviço autorizado','ID','VIN','Data de criação','Escalado em'], axis='columns')
I now get the Error :-

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-19-b1f6520698fe> in <module> 28 dealers 29 # Merge, remove extra columns, ---> 30 data_merged = data.merge(dealers,how='left', left_on='Local_ID',right_on='Código') 31 32 data_merged c:\python39\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ in merge(self, right, how, on, left_on, right_on, left_index, right_index, sort, suffixes, copy, indicator, validate) 7948 from pandas.core.reshape.merge import merge 7949 -> 7950 return merge( 7951 self, 7952 right, c:\python39\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\reshape\ in merge(left, right, how, on, left_on, right_on, left_index, right_index, sort, suffixes, copy, indicator, validate) 72 validate=None, 73 ) -> "DataFrame": ---> 74 op = _MergeOperation( 75 left, 76 right, c:\python39\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\reshape\ in __init__(self, left, right, how, on, left_on, right_on, axis, left_index, right_index, sort, suffixes, copy, indicator, validate) 650 self.right_join_keys, 651 self.join_names, --> 652 ) = self._get_merge_keys() 653 654 # validate the merge keys dtypes. We may need to coerce c:\python39\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\reshape\ in _get_merge_keys(self) 1003 if not is_rkey(rk): 1004 if rk is not None: -> 1005 right_keys.append(right._get_label_or_level_values(rk)) 1006 else: 1007 # work-around for merge_asof(right_index=True) c:\python39\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ in _get_label_or_level_values(self, key, axis) 1561 values = self.axes[axis].get_level_values(key)._values 1562 else: -> 1563 raise KeyError(key) 1564 1565 # Check for duplicates KeyError: 'Código' ​ ​
Could you also upload, your other .csv File.

Teleservices_Support.csv ?

As that is also used in the Code you provide, and I think it's absence, may be causing that KeyError.

If you have that File, The Code you provide may work now, with the change I made. But I would like to try
the Code out myself, with the other .csv File if that is okay with you ?

Eddie Winch
rr1997 likes this post
(Feb-23-2021, 08:11 PM)eddywinch82 Wrote: Hi rr1997,

If I change the following line Of Code, which you have provided.

From :-

data = data.reindex(['Número do ponto de serviço autorizado','ID','VIN','Data de criação','Escalado em'])
To :-

data = data.reindex(['Número do ponto de serviço autorizado','ID','VIN','Data de criação','Escalado em'], axis='columns')
I now get the Error :-

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- KeyError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-19-b1f6520698fe> in <module> 28 dealers 29 # Merge, remove extra columns, ---> 30 data_merged = data.merge(dealers,how='left', left_on='Local_ID',right_on='Código') 31 32 data_merged c:\python39\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ in merge(self, right, how, on, left_on, right_on, left_index, right_index, sort, suffixes, copy, indicator, validate) 7948 from pandas.core.reshape.merge import merge 7949 -> 7950 return merge( 7951 self, 7952 right, c:\python39\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\reshape\ in merge(left, right, how, on, left_on, right_on, left_index, right_index, sort, suffixes, copy, indicator, validate) 72 validate=None, 73 ) -> "DataFrame": ---> 74 op = _MergeOperation( 75 left, 76 right, c:\python39\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\reshape\ in __init__(self, left, right, how, on, left_on, right_on, axis, left_index, right_index, sort, suffixes, copy, indicator, validate) 650 self.right_join_keys, 651 self.join_names, --> 652 ) = self._get_merge_keys() 653 654 # validate the merge keys dtypes. We may need to coerce c:\python39\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\reshape\ in _get_merge_keys(self) 1003 if not is_rkey(rk): 1004 if rk is not None: -> 1005 right_keys.append(right._get_label_or_level_values(rk)) 1006 else: 1007 # work-around for merge_asof(right_index=True) c:\python39\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ in _get_label_or_level_values(self, key, axis) 1561 values = self.axes[axis].get_level_values(key)._values 1562 else: -> 1563 raise KeyError(key) 1564 1565 # Check for duplicates KeyError: 'Código' ​ ​
Could you also upload, your other .csv File.

Teleservices_Support.csv ?

As that is also used in the Code you provide, and I think it's absence, may be causing that KeyError.

If you have that File, The Code you provide may work now, with the change I made. But I would like to try
the Code out myself, with the other .csv File if that is okay with you ?

Eddie Winch


sorry for the waiting time

here it is the url:
Hi rr1997,

Many thanks for uploading, the other .csv File for me.

When I run the Code again, with both .csv Files present on my computer, I now get an Output .csv
File, do you now get the Output, you wanted to get ? I.e. the Output .csv File that I get, when you also run the Code ?

Best Regards

Eddie Winch Smile
(Feb-24-2021, 03:31 PM)eddywinch82 Wrote: Hi rr1997,

Many thanks for uploading, the other .csv File for me.

When I run the Code again, with both .csv Files present on my computer, I now get an Output .csv
File, do you now get the Output, you wanted to get ? I.e. the Output .csv File that I get, when you also run the Code ?

Best Regards

Eddie Winch Smile

When I run the code I can't get that output .csv and I want to get that .csv
Hi rr1997,

This is the Code I am using :-

import pandas as pd
import getpass
import sys
import datetime
from ftplib import FTP_TLS
import sys
user_id = getpass.getuser()
# Read Download and Dealers
data = pd.read_csv(r'C:/Users/'+ user_id +'/Desktop/Download_Report_Teleservices.csv',sep=";")
dealers = pd.read_csv(r'C:/Users/'+ user_id +'/Desktop/Teleservices_Support.csv',engine='python',sep=";")
data = data.reindex(['Número do ponto de serviço autorizado','ID','VIN','Data de criação','Escalado em'], axis='columns')
data.columns = ['Local_ID','ID bilhete','Chassis','Entrada','Escalado']
# Add Telefone
# Add current date column
data['Data Envio'] = pd.to_datetime('today').strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
# Merge, remove extra columns,
data_merged = data.merge(dealers,how='left', left_on='Local_ID',right_on='Código')
data_merged = data_merged.loc[:,["Telefone","Local","ID bilhete","Chassis","Entrada","Escalado", "Data Envio"]]
data_merged.columns = ['Telefone', 'Instalações', 'ID bilhete', 'Chassis', 'Entrada', 'Escalado', 'Data Envio']
# create today name
now =
Nday = str(
Nmonth = str(now.month).zfill(2)
Nyear = now.year
name = "Teleservices" + "_" + str(Nyear)+ "_" +str(Nmonth)+ "_" +str(Nday)
# Save file
data_merged.to_csv('C:/Users/'+ user_id +'/Desktop/' +  name + '.csv',sep=";",index=False,encoding='utf-8-sig')
#data_merged.to_csv('C:/Users/rfcr/Rigor/Caetano Retail - Organização/1 - Baviera/5 - Power BI/Teleservices/Daily Tickets/' +  name + '.csv',sep=";",index=False,encoding='utf-8-sig')
#Login to FTP (TLS secure)
ftp = FTP_TLS()
ftp.connect('', port=21)
ftp.login(user='cretail.csi', passwd='cSvJCasuo2kzTH')
# Open File
file = open('C:/Users/'+ user_id +'/Desktop/' +  name + '.csv','rb')
# Change directory in FTP
# Upload file to FTP with correct name
ftp.storbinary('STOR ' + name + '.csv', file)
# Close FTP and File
# Finsih Script
I have both .csv Files on my Desktop, and have the Output .csv File saved to the desktop too.

Try the above Code, you may not be getting the Output .csv File I get, due to an incorrect File Path(s) in the Code you are using, try putting both .csv Files on your Desktop like me.

Before trying the above suggestions, try changing the following two lines of Code.

From :-

# Read Download and Dealers
data = pd.read_csv('C:/Users/'+ user_id +'/Desktop/Portable Script/Download_Report_Teleservices.csv',sep=";")
dealers = pd.read_csv('C:/Users/'+ user_id +'/Desktop/Portable Script/Teleservices_Support.csv',engine='python',sep=";")
To :-

# Read Download and Dealers
data = pd.read_csv(r'C:/Users/'+ user_id +'/Desktop/Portable Script/Download_Report_Teleservices.csv',sep=";")
dealers = pd.read_csv(r'C:/Users/'+ user_id +'/Desktop/Portable Script/Teleservices_Support.csv',engine='python',sep=";")
And changing this line of Code.

From :-

data = data.reindex(['Número do ponto de serviço autorizado','ID','VIN','Data de criação','Escalado em'])
To :-

data = data.reindex(['Número do ponto de serviço autorizado','ID','VIN','Data de criação','Escalado em'], axis='columns')
In the Code you provide, at the start of this Thread.

Best Regards

Eddie Winch
rr1997 likes this post
(Feb-24-2021, 07:18 PM)eddywinch82 Wrote: Hi rr1997,

This is the Code I am using :-

import pandas as pd
import getpass
import sys
import datetime
from ftplib import FTP_TLS
import sys
user_id = getpass.getuser()
# Read Download and Dealers
data = pd.read_csv(r'C:/Users/'+ user_id +'/Desktop/Download_Report_Teleservices.csv',sep=";")
dealers = pd.read_csv(r'C:/Users/'+ user_id +'/Desktop/Teleservices_Support.csv',engine='python',sep=";")
data = data.reindex(['Número do ponto de serviço autorizado','ID','VIN','Data de criação','Escalado em'], axis='columns')
data.columns = ['Local_ID','ID bilhete','Chassis','Entrada','Escalado']
# Add Telefone
# Add current date column
data['Data Envio'] = pd.to_datetime('today').strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
# Merge, remove extra columns,
data_merged = data.merge(dealers,how='left', left_on='Local_ID',right_on='Código')
data_merged = data_merged.loc[:,["Telefone","Local","ID bilhete","Chassis","Entrada","Escalado", "Data Envio"]]
data_merged.columns = ['Telefone', 'Instalações', 'ID bilhete', 'Chassis', 'Entrada', 'Escalado', 'Data Envio']
# create today name
now =
Nday = str(
Nmonth = str(now.month).zfill(2)
Nyear = now.year
name = "Teleservices" + "_" + str(Nyear)+ "_" +str(Nmonth)+ "_" +str(Nday)
# Save file
data_merged.to_csv('C:/Users/'+ user_id +'/Desktop/' +  name + '.csv',sep=";",index=False,encoding='utf-8-sig')
#data_merged.to_csv('C:/Users/rfcr/Rigor/Caetano Retail - Organização/1 - Baviera/5 - Power BI/Teleservices/Daily Tickets/' +  name + '.csv',sep=";",index=False,encoding='utf-8-sig')
#Login to FTP (TLS secure)
ftp = FTP_TLS()
ftp.connect('', port=21)
ftp.login(user='cretail.csi', passwd='cSvJCasuo2kzTH')
# Open File
file = open('C:/Users/'+ user_id +'/Desktop/' +  name + '.csv','rb')
# Change directory in FTP
# Upload file to FTP with correct name
ftp.storbinary('STOR ' + name + '.csv', file)
# Close FTP and File
# Finsih Script
I have both .csv Files on my Desktop, and have the Output .csv File saved to the desktop too.

Try the above Code, you may not be getting the Output .csv File I get, due to an incorrect File Path(s) in the Code you are using, try putting both .csv Files on your Desktop like me.

Before trying the above suggestions, try changing the following two lines of Code.

From :-

# Read Download and Dealers
data = pd.read_csv('C:/Users/'+ user_id +'/Desktop/Portable Script/Download_Report_Teleservices.csv',sep=";")
dealers = pd.read_csv('C:/Users/'+ user_id +'/Desktop/Portable Script/Teleservices_Support.csv',engine='python',sep=";")
To :-

# Read Download and Dealers
data = pd.read_csv(r'C:/Users/'+ user_id +'/Desktop/Portable Script/Download_Report_Teleservices.csv',sep=";")
dealers = pd.read_csv(r'C:/Users/'+ user_id +'/Desktop/Portable Script/Teleservices_Support.csv',engine='python',sep=";")
And changing this line of Code.

From :-

data = data.reindex(['Número do ponto de serviço autorizado','ID','VIN','Data de criação','Escalado em'])
To :-

data = data.reindex(['Número do ponto de serviço autorizado','ID','VIN','Data de criação','Escalado em'], axis='columns')
In the Code you provide, at the start of this Thread.

Best Regards

Eddie Winch

Thank you so much!!

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