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digest header generating issue
I'm trying to generate digest header for the request similarly to JavaScript code from example, however python script produces different result

This is JavaScript code:

import sha256 from "crypto-js/sha256";
import Base64 from "crypto-js/enc-base64";

// Test payload to compare python and js output
const payload = {
    code: "this_is_fake_code",
    grant_type: "authorization_code",
    redirect_uri: "this_is_redirect_url",

function calculateDigest() {
    const payload_data = JSON.stringify(payload);
    const sha256digest = sha256(payload_data);
    const base64sha256 = Base64.stringify(sha256digest);
    const calculatedDigest = "sha-256=" + base64sha256;
    return calculatedDigest;

Origin of JavaScript code Nordea API ; function name in doc is also calculateDigest
It produces digest: sha-256=wAbReUicUDARTKnA4WTiEcJulJ65E06wKrxf6ijiVtw=

And this is Python code:
import hashlib
import base64
import json
import collections
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from hashlib import blake2b

# Test payload to compare python and js output
payload = {
    'code': 'this_is_fake_code',
    'grant_type': "authorization_code",
    'redirect_uri': 'this_is_redirect_url'

digest_str = json.dumps(payload).encode('utf-8')
sha256digest = hashlib.sha256(digest_str).hexdigest()

base64sha256 = base64.b64encode(bytes(sha256digest, 'utf-8')).decode()
# base64sha256 = base64.b64encode(sha256digest).decode()
digest = 'sha-256=' + base64sha256
It produces digest: sha-256=ODhjM2NkMWZjN2I0YTM4M2Q0YzYyZjVmNGIzZjZhMDY1Y2YwZmIzMGJmY2E0NzkwYzk0NjEyMGRkYmUwNjQ0Yw==

Can you help me to create a code that will produce result equal to crypto-js library but in python?
# simple and reliable"/login")
def auth_login():
    email = request.forms.get("mail")
    pswd = request.forms.get("password")

    if auth_mail(email) is False:
        cur = con.cursor()
        sql = "SELECT id, name, mail, password FROM user_table WHERE mail=?"
        res = cur.execute(sql, (email,))
        row = res.fetchone()
        if bcrypt.checkpw(pswd.encode(), row["password"]):
            payload = {
                "id": row["id"],
                "name": row["name"],
                "mail": row["mail"],

            visited = jwt.encode(payload, key, algorithm)
            return redirect("/")
        return HTTPError(
            401, "Sorry.. The password doesn't match..!"
    return HTTPError(401, "Sorry.. NO user..!")

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