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how solve: local variable referenced before assignment ?
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how solve: local variable referenced before assignment ?

i am writing a code for a stepper motor, it moves from the left to the right.
i limit the movement with a software limit.
if the stepper go to the right it wil stop by >= 15000
if the stepper go to the left it wil stop by <= 8000
once he reaches the limit, he may not move in the same direction again.
So far you would say simple.
so i write a code.
but it wil gif a error:
Quote:Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 27, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 9, in move
NameError: local variable referenced before assignment
because: X_right and X_left of course.
but where can i do the "assignment" ?
you only want to do that once, and not every time a loop is completed.
thank you.
(the line numbers are not matching)
def movement(K):
    while (K):
        if move == 8:
            X_left  = 0
            if X_right == 0:
                if pos >= 15000:
                    X_right = 1                            
        if move == 9:
            X_right = 0
            if X_left == 0:
                if pos <= 8000:                            
                    X_left  = 1
while True:
    K = 1
Next time post the code that generates the error you are asking about. The posted code runs without an error. It has problems, but it does not raise an error.

What platform you are using (raspberry pi?). What stepper motor? What package(s) do you use to control your stepper motor? Can you command your stepper motor to move at a specified speed, or can you only control speed by waiting between steps?
i changed that, it was a poorly chosen example.

This is actually just an example code to illustrate the problem.
the actual code is something like 500 lines.

the actual question is: where in the code do I put X_left = 0 and X_right = 0.
so that the error code no longer appears
X_left and X_right do nothing in your new example (Please post new code in a new post instead of replacing code in an old post). These variables exist in the function and disappear the moment the function ends. Are X_left and X_right used outside the function? If so, how is that supposed to happen when the movement loop runs forever? Or is this you excluding critical information that you don't think is important.

I'm curious to see how move, X_left, X_right, pos and the stepper motor control work together. Post that code please. I think you want your code to look like this, but I can't be sure without seeing how the code is used. 500 lines of code is not much.
here the code:
the code is not complete, it is still under construction.

the error is on line 500 & 508
from machine import Pin, Timer, I2C, UART
import time
import utime
import machine
from PCF8574 import PCF8574
import array
import gc															# garbage collection

test25              = Pin(25, Pin.OUT)							# on-board led
scanner_read_write  = Pin(28, Pin.OUT)							# scanner read write
scanner_read_write.value(0)										#read write

test25. value(0)												# on-board led

limit_swich_reaches = 20		# is a number that does not exist in this case

uart = UART(0, baudrate=9600, tx=Pin(0), rx=Pin(1))				# touch screen
scanner_uart = UART (1, baudrate=9600, tx=Pin(4), rx=Pin(5))	# scanner
#scanner_uart.init   (bits=8, parity=None, stop=2)

pcf1 = PCF8574(0x21, sda=26,  scl=27)								# I2C you have to change in libary: line 97 - i2c_id=0 to i2c_id=1

pcf1.Pin(PCF8574.P0, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)							# I2C
pcf1.Pin(PCF8574.P1, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
pcf1.Pin(PCF8574.P2, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
pcf1.Pin(PCF8574.P3, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
pcf1.Pin(PCF8574.P4, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
pcf1.Pin(PCF8574.P5, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
pcf1.Pin(PCF8574.P6, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
pcf1.Pin(PCF8574.P7, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)

pcf2 = PCF8574(0x22, sda=26,  scl=27)			# I2C you have to change in libary: line 97 - i2c_id=0 to i2c_id=1

pcf2.Pin(PCF8574.P0, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)		# I2C
pcf2.Pin(PCF8574.P1, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
pcf2.Pin(PCF8574.P2, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
pcf2.Pin(PCF8574.P3, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
pcf2.Pin(PCF8574.P4, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
pcf2.Pin(PCF8574.P5, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
pcf2.Pin(PCF8574.P6, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)
pcf2.Pin(PCF8574.P7, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP)

pcf3 = PCF8574(0x24, sda=26,  scl=27)			# I2C you have to change in libary: line 97 - i2c_id=0 to i2c_id=1

pcf3.Pin(PCF8574.P0, Pin.OUT)		# I2C
pcf3.Pin(PCF8574.P1, Pin.OUT)
pcf3.Pin(PCF8574.P2, Pin.OUT)
pcf3.Pin(PCF8574.P3, Pin.OUT)
pcf3.Pin(PCF8574.P4, Pin.OUT)
pcf3.Pin(PCF8574.P5, Pin.OUT)
pcf3.Pin(PCF8574.P6, Pin.OUT)
pcf3.Pin(PCF8574.P7, Pin.OUT)

pcf3.digital_write(PCF8574.P0, 1)			# to make sure al relays are off
pcf3.digital_write(PCF8574.P1, 1)
pcf3.digital_write(PCF8574.P2, 1)
pcf3.digital_write(PCF8574.P3, 1)
pcf3.digital_write(PCF8574.P4, 1)
pcf3.digital_write(PCF8574.P5, 1)
pcf3.digital_write(PCF8574.P6, 1)
pcf3.digital_write(PCF8574.P7, 1)

LXpulse    = Pin(6, Pin.OUT)
LXdir      = Pin(7, Pin.OUT)
LYpulse    = Pin(8, Pin.OUT)
LYdir      = Pin(9, Pin.OUT)
LZpulse    = Pin(10, Pin.OUT)
LZdir      = Pin(11, Pin.OUT)
LWpulse    = Pin(12, Pin.OUT)
LWdir      = Pin(13, Pin.OUT)

RXpulse    = Pin(14, Pin.OUT)
RXdir      = Pin(15, Pin.OUT)
RYpulse    = Pin(16, Pin.OUT)
RYdir      = Pin(17, Pin.OUT)
RZpulse    = Pin(18, Pin.OUT)
RZdir      = Pin(19, Pin.OUT)
RWpulse    = Pin(20, Pin.OUT)
RWdir      = Pin(21, Pin.OUT)

X_front = 0
X_back  = 0
Y_top   = 0
Y_down  = 0

def pulse (stepper_driver):
    if stepper_driver == 0:
        time.sleep_us (25)
    if stepper_driver == 1:       
        time.sleep_us (25)
    if stepper_driver == 2:        
        time.sleep_us (25)
    if stepper_driver == 3:        
        time.sleep_us (25)
    if stepper_driver == 4:        
        time.sleep_us (25)
    if stepper_driver == 5:        
        time.sleep_us (25)
    if stepper_driver == 6:        
        time.sleep_us (25)
    if stepper_driver == 7:        
        time.sleep_us (25)
    if stepper_driver == 8:        
        time.sleep_us (25)
    if stepper_driver == 9:        
        time.sleep_us (25)
    if stepper_driver == 10:        
        time.sleep_us (25)
    if stepper_driver == 11:        
        time.sleep_us (25)
    if stepper_driver == 12:        
        time.sleep_us (25)
    if stepper_driver == 13:        
        time.sleep_us (25)
    if stepper_driver == 14:        
        time.sleep_us (25)
    if stepper_driver == 15:        
        time.sleep_us (25)        
#*****ALLOCATE DIR PINS******************************************************************************
def dir_pin (move):
    if move == 0:  LXdir.value(0)							# left X front
    if move == 1:  LXdir.value(1)							# left X back
    if move == 2:  LYdir.value(0)							# left Y top    
    if move == 3:  LYdir.value(1)							# left Y down    
    if move == 4:  LZdir.value(0)							# left Z in
    if move == 5:  LZdir.value(1)							# left Z out    
    if move == 6:  LWdir.value(0)							# left W for    
    if move == 7:  LWdir.value(1)							# left W back
    if move == 8:  RXdir.value(0)							# right X front   
    if move == 9:  RXdir.value(1)							# right X back   
    if move == 10: RYdir.value(0)							# right Y top    
    if move == 11: RYdir.value(1)							# right Y down
    if move == 12: RZdir.value(1)							# right Z in  
    if move == 13: RZdir.value(0)							# right Z out   
    if move == 14: RWdir.value(0)							# right W for   
    if move == 15: RWdir.value(1)							# right W back

#*****PCF8574 EXTENDED I/O INTERRUPT*****************************************************************
PCF8574_interrupt = 0
pin = Pin(2, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN)									# pull-up nog controleren

def callback(pin):
    global PCF8574_interrupt
    PCF8574_interrupt = 1
pin.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=callback)					# nextion interrupt

#*****RESET PCF8574_INTERRUPT*************************************************************************
def reset_PCF8574_interrupt():
    global PCF8574_interrupt
    PCF8574_interrupt = 0
def get_I2C_left ():														# check or there are limitswitch reached
        byte_input = pcf1.digital_read_all_byte()					# I2C  
        return byte_input
def get_I2C_right ():														# check or there are limitswitch reached
        byte_input = pcf2.digital_read_all_byte()					# I2C  
        return byte_input    
#*****SEE ORE A TOUCHSCREEN BUTTONE IS RELEASED*******************************************************
nextion_interrupt = 0
pin = Pin(3, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_DOWN)									# pull-up nog controleren

def callback(pin):
    global nextion_interrupt
    nextion_interrupt = 1
pin.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=callback)					# nextion interrupt        

#*****RESET NEXTION_INTERRUPT************************************************************************
def reset_nextion_interrupt():
    global nextion_interrupt
    nextion_interrupt = 0
#*****GET delay_between_steps*********************************************************
def get_dbs(speed):								# dbs = delay_between_steps  
    if speed == 10: delay_between_steps = 1800 # delay_between_steps = 
    if speed == 20: delay_between_steps = 1600 # the speed of the movement
    if speed == 30: delay_between_steps = 1400 # how bigger the value
    if speed == 40: delay_between_steps = 1200 # how slower the movement
    if speed == 50: delay_between_steps = 1000
    if speed == 60: delay_between_steps = 800
    if speed == 70: delay_between_steps = 600
    if speed == 80: delay_between_steps = 400
    if speed == 90: delay_between_steps = 200
    return delay_between_steps

#*****GET length_of_acc_decc_delay*********************************************************
def get_loadd(speed):							 # loadd = length of acc decc delay 
    if speed == 10: length_of_acc_decc_delay = 600   
    if speed == 20: length_of_acc_decc_delay = 750       
    if speed == 30: length_of_acc_decc_delay = 900        
    if speed == 40: length_of_acc_decc_delay = 1050        
    if speed == 50: length_of_acc_decc_delay = 1200
    if speed == 60: length_of_acc_decc_delay = 1350
    if speed == 70: length_of_acc_decc_delay = 1500
    if speed == 80: length_of_acc_decc_delay = 1650
    if speed == 90: length_of_acc_decc_delay = 2100
    return length_of_acc_decc_delay

#*****GET length_of_acc_decc_pulses******************************************************
def get_loadp(speed):							  # load = length of acc decc pulses
    if speed == 10: length_of_acc_decc_pulses = 200  
    if speed == 20: length_of_acc_decc_pulses = 250       
    if speed == 30: length_of_acc_decc_pulses = 300        
    if speed == 40: length_of_acc_decc_pulses = 350        
    if speed == 50: length_of_acc_decc_pulses = 400
    if speed == 60: length_of_acc_decc_pulses = 450
    if speed == 70: length_of_acc_decc_pulses = 500
    if speed == 80: length_of_acc_decc_pulses = 550
    if speed == 90: length_of_acc_decc_pulses = 700
    return length_of_acc_decc_pulses

def AFD(hom, man, move, pos):			# AFD = acceleration - fixed speed - decceleration
    dir_pin(move)		# allocate directions pins
    reset_nextion_interrupt()					# reset "nextion_interrupt" flag
    if move == 0:		# LXF
        stepper_pulse = 0
        X_or_Y_axle = 1
        Z_axle = 0
        W_axle = 0
        speed = 80
        steps = 40000        
    if move == 1:		# LXB
        stepper_pulse = 1
        X_or_Y_axle = 1
        Z_axle = 0
        W_axle = 0
        speed = 80
        steps = 40000
    if move == 2:		# LYT
        pcf3.digital_write(PCF8574.P1, 0)	# RY brake = not braking
        stepper_pulse = 2
        X_or_Y_axle = 1
        Z_axle = 0
        W_axle = 0
        speed = 80
        steps = 40000
    if move == 3:		# LYD
        pcf3.digital_write(PCF8574.P1, 0)	# RY brake = not braking 
        stepper_pulse = 3
        X_or_Y_axle = 1
        Z_axle = 0
        W_axle = 0
        speed = 90
        steps = 40000
    if move == 4:		# LZI
        stepper_pulse = 4
        X_or_Y_axle = 0
        Z_axle = 1
        W_axle = 0
        speed = 80
        steps = 40000
    if move == 5:		# LZO
        stepper_pulse = 5
        X_or_Y_axle = 0
        Z_axle = 1
        W_axle = 0
        speed = 80
        steps = 40000
    if move == 6:		# LWF
        stepper_pulse = 6
        X_or_Y_axle = 0
        Z_axle = 0
        W_axle = 1
        speed = 80
        steps = 4000
    if move == 7:		# LWB
        stepper_pulse = 7
        X_or_Y_axle = 0
        Z_axle = 0
        W_axle = 1
        speed = 80
        steps = 40000
    if move == 8:		# RXF
        stepper_pulse = 8
        X_or_Y_axle = 1
        Z_axle = 0
        W_axle = 0
        speed = 80
        steps = 40000
        move_dir = 1
    if move == 9:# RXB
        stepper_pulse = 9
        X_or_Y_axle = 1
        Z_axle = 0
        W_axle = 0
        speed = 80
        steps = 40000
        move_dir = 0
    if move == 10:	# RYT
        pcf3.digital_write(PCF8574.P1, 0)	# RY brake = not braking
        stepper_pulse = 10
        X_or_Y_axle = 1
        Z_axle = 0
        W_axle = 0
        speed = 80
        steps = 40000
        move_dir = 1
    if move == 11:	# RYD
        pcf3.digital_write(PCF8574.P1, 0)	# RY brake = not braking
        stepper_pulse = 11
        X_or_Y_axle = 1
        Z_axle = 0
        W_axle = 0
        speed = 80
        steps = 40000
        move_dir = 0
    if move == 12:	# RZI
        stepper_pulse = 12
        X_or_Y_axle = 0
        Z_axle = 1
        W_axle = 0
        speed = 80
        steps = 40000
        move_dir = 1
    if move == 13:	# RZO
        stepper_pulse = 13
        X_or_Y_axle = 0
        Z_axle = 1
        W_axle = 0
        speed = 80
        steps = 40000
        move_dir = 0
    if move == 14:	# RWF
        stepper_pulse = 14
        X_or_Y_axle = 0
        Z_axle = 0
        W_axle = 1
        speed = 80
        steps = 40000
        move_dir = 1
    if move == 15:	# RWB
        stepper_pulse = 15
        X_or_Y_axle = 0
        Z_axle = 0
        W_axle = 1
        speed = 80 
        steps = 40000        
        move_dir = 0
    X_front = 0
    X_back  = 0
    # acceleration
    if X_or_Y_axle == 1:           

        delay_between_steps           = get_dbs(speed)
        length_of_acc_decc_delay      = get_loadd(speed)       
        length_of_acc_decc_pulses     = get_loadp(speed)
        step_size                     = length_of_acc_decc_delay // length_of_acc_decc_pulses
        startpoint_off_acc = delay_between_steps      +  length_of_acc_decc_delay
        step_size         = length_of_acc_decc_delay // length_of_acc_decc_pulses
        for i in range (length_of_acc_decc_pulses):
            pulse (stepper_pulse)
            if move_dir == 1:
                pos += 1
                pos -= 1            
            startpoint_off_acc -= step_size
    if X_or_Y_axle == 1:            
        steps_fixed_speed = steps - (2 * length_of_acc_decc_pulses)
    if Z_axle == 1:
        steps_fixed_speed = 150000
    if W_axle == 1:
        steps_fixed_speed = 1000       
    get_I2C_left()			# kind of reset
    get_I2C_right()			# kind of reset
    # FIXED SPEED*            
    for x in range (steps_fixed_speed):       
        if nextion_interrupt == 1:
        if PCF8574_interrupt == 1:
#            if stepper_pulse == 1 and get_I2C_left()   == 0b11111101:	# if button LXB is pushed and limitswitch LXB is reached
#                limit_swich_LXB_reaches = 1                    
#                break
#            if stepper_pulse == 3 and get_I2C_left()   == 0b11110111:	# if button LYB is pushed and limitswitch LYB is reached                    
#                limit_swich_LYB_reaches = 1
#                break                           
            if stepper_pulse == 9 and get_I2C_right()  == 0b11111101:	# if button RXB is pushed and limitswitch RXB is reached                    
            if stepper_pulse == 11 and get_I2C_right() == 0b11110101:	# if button RYB is pushed and limitswitch RYB is reached
            if stepper_pulse == 13 and get_I2C_right() == 0b11100101:	# if button RZO is pushed and limitswitch RZO is reached
            if stepper_pulse == 15 and get_I2C_right() == 0b11000101:	# if button RWB is pushed and homeswitch RW is reached
        if X_or_Y_axle == 1:                
            delay_between_steps = get_dbs(speed)                
            time.sleep_us (delay_between_steps)		# fixed speed
            if man == 1:
                if move == 8:
                    X_back  = 0
                    if X_front == 0:
                        if pos >= 15000:
                            X_front = 1                            
                if move == 9:
                    X_front = 0
                    if X_back == 0:
                        if pos <= 8000:                            
                            X_back  = 1
#                if move == 10 or move == 11: 		# Y-axle                              
#                    if move_dir == 1 and Y_top != 1:
#                        if pos >= 17000:
#                            Y_top  = 1
#                            Y_down = 0
#                            break
#                    if move_dir == 0 and Y_down != 1:
#                        if pos <= 1400:
#                            Y_top  = 0
#                            Y_down = 1 
#                            break
        if Z_axle == 1:
            time.sleep_us (40)						# fixed speed
        if W_axle == 1:                
            time.sleep_us (200)						# fixed speed
        pulse (stepper_pulse)
        if move_dir == 1:
            pos += 1
            pos -= 1      
    if X_or_Y_axle == 1:
        delay_between_steps           = get_dbs(speed)
        length_of_acc_decc_pulses     = get_loadp(speed)
        step_size                     = length_of_acc_decc_delay // length_of_acc_decc_pulses
        for i in range (length_of_acc_decc_pulses):
            pulse (stepper_pulse)
            if move_dir == 1:
                pos += 1
                pos -= 1
            delay_between_steps += step_size            
    pcf3.digital_write(PCF8574.P0, 1)			# LY brake = braking        
    pcf3.digital_write(PCF8574.P1, 1)			# RY brake = braking        
    X_or_Y_axle = 0
    Z_axle = 0
    W_axle = 0
    return pos   
#***** MAIN *****************************************************************************************             
homing_once = 0

while True:
    if uart.any():			# see or anything is comming from the touchscreen

        data =
        print (data)				# tester
        #***** HOMING *******************************************************************************        
        if data == b'$0100P&' and homing_once == 0:		# homing button, make the home cycle start once
            for y in range (8):
#                if y == 0: AFD (homing = 1, move = 20)		# LX  AFD = acceleration - fixed speed - decceleration                    
#                if y == 1: AFD (homing = 3, move = 20)		# LY                                        
#                if y == 2: AFD (homing = 5, move = 20)		# LZ                    
#                if y == 3: AFD (homing = 7, move = 20)		# LW                    
                if y == 4: AFD (hom = 1, man = 0, move = 9, pos = 0)		# RX                    
                time.sleep_ms (100)                
                if y == 5: AFD (hom = 1, man = 0, move = 11, pos = 0)		# RY               
                time.sleep_ms (100)
                if y == 6: AFD (hom = 1, man = 0, move = 13, pos = 0)		# RZ               
                time.sleep_ms (100)
                if y == 7:                    
                    AFD (hom = 1, man = 0, move = 15, pos = 0)		# RW                   
                    still_in_stepper = 0
            LX_pos = 0
            LY_pos = 0
            LZ_pos = 0
            LW_pos = 0
            RX_pos = 0
            RY_pos = 0
            RZ_pos = 0
            RW_pos = 0
            homing_once = 1
        #***** MANUAL *******************************************************************************        
        if data== b'$0101P&':		# manual button
            x = 1
            pos = 0
            pos_RX = 0
            pos_RY = 0
            pos_RZ = 0
            pos_RW = 0           
            while x == 1:
                if uart.any():
                    data =
                    if data== b'$0216P&':		# jump out of while loop when "return"is pressed
                        x = 0              
                    if data== b'$0200P&': AFD (move = 0) 
                    if data== b'$0201P&': AFD (move = 1)
                    if data== b'$0202P&': AFD (move = 2)                
                    if data== b'$0203P&': AFD (move = 3)               
                    if data== b'$0204P&': AFD (move = 4)
                    if data== b'$0205P&': AFD (move = 5)
                    if data== b'$0206P&': AFD (move = 6)
                    if data== b'$0207P&': AFD (move = 7)
                    if data== b'$0208P&': pos_RX = AFD (hom = 0, man = 1, move = 8,  pos = pos_RX)
                    if data== b'$0209P&': pos_RX = AFD (hom = 0, man = 1, move = 9,  pos = pos_RX)                    
                    if data== b'$0210P&': pos_RY = AFD (hom = 0, man = 1, move = 10, pos = pos_RY)               
                    if data== b'$0211P&': pos_RY = AFD (hom = 0, man = 1, move = 11, pos = pos_RY)                
                    if data== b'$0212P&': pos_RZ = AFD (hom = 0, man = 1, move = 12, pos = pos_RZ)
                    if data== b'$0213P&': pos_RZ = AFD (hom = 0, man = 1, move = 13, pos = pos_RZ)
                    if data== b'$0214P&': pos_RW = AFD (hom = 0, man = 1, move = 14, pos = pos_RW)
                    if data== b'$0215P&': pos_RW = AFD (hom = 0, man = 1, move = 15, pos = pos_RW)
                    print ("pos RX", pos_RX)
                    print ("pos RY", pos_RY)
                    print ("pos RZ", pos_RZ)
                    print ("pos RW", pos_RW)
                homing_once = 0			# to allow homing movement

        #***** SCANNING *****************************************************************************        
        if data== b'$0102P&':					# scanning button
            print("A")							# tester
            scanner_read_write.value(1)			# 1 = write and 0 = read
            command = b'\x03'
            time.sleep_ms (2)
            command = b'\x0F'
            time.sleep_ms (2)
            command = b'\xFF'

i solved the problem with the global.
and it is working now :)

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Last Post: deanhystad
  Referenced before assignment finndude 3 3,433 Mar-02-2021, 08:11 PM
Last Post: finndude
  Assignment of non-existing class variable is accepted - Why? DrZ 6 4,532 Jul-13-2020, 03:53 PM
Last Post: deanhystad
  UnboundLocalError: local variable 'figure_perso' referenced before assignment mederic39 2 2,375 Jun-11-2020, 12:45 PM
Last Post: Yoriz
  local variable 'marks' referenced before assignment Calli 3 2,451 May-25-2020, 03:15 PM
Last Post: Calli
  Variable assignment wierdness with Memory eoins 1 2,142 Mar-08-2020, 10:15 AM
Last Post: scidam
  UnboundLocalError: local variable referenced before assignment svr 1 3,424 Dec-27-2019, 09:08 AM
Last Post: perfringo
  local variable troubles yokaso 4 3,340 Oct-20-2019, 05:25 PM
Last Post: ichabod801

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