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I hate text editors
Obviously editing files is important, so why are editors such trash? Emacs is the theoretical best, due to it's incredible configurability, yet it's hindered (imo) by having an interface that's completely insane.

I end up using Visual Studio almost all day, and yet I hate how bloated and slow it is (does intellisense EVER finish loading documentation? ).

If I don't need VS's features, like source control, I'll use notepad++ for quick edits.

So here we are. Files need editing, and I dislike the tools available. What's a programmer to do?

Design the editor they wish they had all along, of course. A few ideas from emacs, the layout of visual studio, the speed of notepad++... hopefully :p 

So the plan is to write an event driven text editing engine. Sort of like twisted. Until performance is an issue, I plan on implementing almost all features in user configurable files (including copy/paste). That way, you can change keybindings easily, while having working examples of how to extend the editor. Or, you know, wacky things like having different key bindings for different file types.

So, I have a few ideas on what I'd want this monstrosity to do. But what would your ideal editor look like/do? What ideas do you have for how the interface between text buffers and event handlers should look?
Quote:Emacs is the theoretical best, due to it's incredible configurability, yet it's hindered (imo) by having an interface that's completely insane.

I use Vim a lot. It took me awhile to get use to it, etc. But now there is little i would change. I find myself switching modes and doing various repetitive tasks without thinking about it. I found a vimrc config file a liked and have been using it for years. 

I normally stay away from large projects such as VS, pycharm , etc. For larger projects I just Geany (Which in of itself is a lightweight GUI IDE).

The interface of emacs and Vi is popular...even to the extent of having programs mimic their style. Even more so with users on linux using tile windows managers where the goal is to avoid using the mouse at whatever cost.
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sounds like a project Sick

layer 1 would be the display (open a window where needed, do all the I/O)  Angel

written in python and made to work in brython so it can be used to edit in/as a web app Blush

something also for Android mobile apps Angel

a module for L&F of vi* editors and another for L&F of emacs Cry
Tradition is peer pressure from dead people

What do you call someone who speaks three languages? Trilingual. Two languages? Bilingual. One language? American.
(Oct-18-2016, 04:55 AM)Skaperen Wrote: a module for L&F of vi* editors and another for L&F of emacs Cry

What good does it to have Yet Another Text Editor that has the L&F of an existing one? Why wouldn't you use the original instead?

Personally, in 40 years of computing, I have had to switch editors a few times, with such "paradigm shifts" as punch card to paper terminal, paper terminal to CRT, and line-oriented editing (mainframe) to character-oriented (PC and Unix machines), line-mode to full-screen, and full-screen to GUI. So, IMHO when you complain about your text editor, this is a first world problem...

Also, I'm from a generation and culture for which coding is more thinking and less typing, so the editor is somewhat less important(*) :)

(*) But I'm a Kate user and I fart in your general direction:)
Unless noted otherwise, code in my posts should be understood as "coding suggestions", and its use may require more neurones than the two necessary for Ctrl-C/Ctrl-V.
Your one-stop place for all your GIMP needs:
Another editor?!
"As they say in Mexico 'dosvidaniya'. That makes two vidaniyas."
Vim is mostly trash. I can't ctrl-alt-b to brew a pot of coffee. I can do it in emacs, but the default binding is ctrl-x alt-<, which, as previously mentioned, is almost completely insane.
There was an editor I used back in the dos days that I loved named Brief, the company that created it was called
underware (intentional mispelling). I was sad when it vanished,,  and went back to emacs and (ugh) vi.

Today I use PyCharm and I am very happy with it.
(Oct-18-2016, 02:55 PM)nilamo Wrote: Vim is mostly trash.  I can't ctrl-alt-b to brew a pot of coffee.  I can do it in emacs, but the default binding is ctrl-x alt-<, which, as previously mentioned, is almost completely insane.

Have you tried using configurations to map keybindings, or modify the user interface? Thats one thing i love about it, i can stroll through linux users github accounts and change my vim config to theirs and try our numerous combinations on configurations. Though i have my own, it is interesting to see how people lay theirs out. This is one i often use
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Tried vim and emacs, couldn't stand either one. I used to use UltraEdit, but when I had to shift my home computer to Linux, that didn't work (they have a linux version, but it's a port of v18, and they're on like v26 now). I use Sublime Text now. I haven't gotten the hang of it yet, but it works reasonably well.
Craig "Ichabod" O'Brien -
I wish you happiness.
Recommended Tutorials: BBCode, functions, classes, text adventures
Did you try Atom?
"As they say in Mexico 'dosvidaniya'. That makes two vidaniyas."

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