Quote:The only problem I can see, is that eventually the header will be so busy with random report-y things that it'll just confuse new people.Wow i just caught what you were talking about...I thought you were talking about the drop down box from this plugin.
Yeah there is a limit to how many we can have. There is the option to condense them all into a drop box themselves. Some forums have numerous drop boxes in this area for so many links. https://ubuntuforums.org/ is one i can think of. Im not sure if we would ever have enough links to even do that.
I think its more of wide variety of options. The default myBB only had new posts and todays posts. My discussions, unread posts, and unanswered posts were all requested by users. You can acquire all these also from the search function at the top link, but these are more of a quick link to the most used.
I (personally) like having a lot of options on how to search the forums (and on quick links). Some people like one way and some people like another. Some days i care more about answering threads with 0 posts, some days i dont.
As for confusing new people i would think they find it out themselves by experimenting. Most new people only care about their own threads and will find a way to get to their thread one way or another. Of course there is always the chance they actually read the help docs
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