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scipt with apparently no ...
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Sending email using own s...
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writing list to csv file ...
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Loop over dataframe to fi...
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Website Scraping Problems
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PyGUI installation issue
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context Django
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Thumbs Up New Users Introduce Yourself
Posted by: Yoriz - Sep-13-2016, 04:53 PM - Forum: Bar - Replies (434)

Please feel welcome to use this thread to introduce yourself to the forum.

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  A List of Free Game Resources
Posted by: Yoriz - Sep-13-2016, 04:21 PM - Forum: Game Tutorials - Replies (1)

http://..... More

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Posted by: Kebap - Sep-13-2016, 02:27 PM - Forum: Board - Replies (7)

The portal currently shows a copy of all recent posts. Which is nice. However, some of them are very long. And they are shown in total. It would be be..... More

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Thumbs Up First impressions on forum software
Posted by: Kebap - Sep-13-2016, 02:24 PM - Forum: Board - Replies (29)

The new forum software seems really nice! I just wanted to explain this, because I may post more threads focussing on small improvements and annoyance..... More

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  User signatures
Posted by: Kebap - Sep-13-2016, 02:19 PM - Forum: Board - Replies (17)

I wanted to copy my signature from the old forum to here, but receive an error message:

You cannot update your signature because it is too l..... More

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  Are the security questions for registration necessary
Posted by: Mekire - Sep-12-2016, 06:06 PM - Forum: Board - Replies (5)


Also, assuming those are intended to be permanent, you really need to get rid of those security questions for registration.  It is way too much..... More

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  Text Adventure Tutorial - if structure to dictionary
Posted by: ichabod801 - Sep-05-2016, 10:26 PM - Forum: Game Tutorials - Replies (6)

So, you're new to Python, and you want to make a game. You figure you'll make a text adventure game, that won't be too hard. To get started, you just ..... More

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  Modules part 3
Posted by: metulburr - Sep-05-2016, 09:11 PM - Forum: Fundamentals - No Replies

Package Imports
Package imports are nothing more than a directory of imports. It turns a path on your computer into another namepsace, ..... More

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  Modules part 2
Posted by: metulburr - Sep-05-2016, 09:11 PM - Forum: Fundamentals - Replies (1)

Module Creation
Python modules are just files of python code. You do not need to write special syntax to tell python you are making a m..... More

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  Modules part 1
Posted by: metulburr - Sep-05-2016, 09:10 PM - Forum: Fundamentals - No Replies

Each file is a module, and modules import other modules to use the names they define. Modules provide an easy way to organize components into a system..... More

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  Multiple expressions with "or" keyword
Posted by: metulburr - Sep-05-2016, 09:10 PM - Forum: Common pitfalls and what to do - Replies (1)

if input_value == "Yes" or "yes" or "y" or "Y":

A simple mistake: each expression after a or keyword i..... More

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  windows command prompt modifications, add options, start loc, add copy
Posted by: metulburr - Sep-05-2016, 09:06 PM - Forum: Python Installation and Execution - Replies (1)

change starting location of opening command prompt

This is a quick tutorial to change your command prompt auto start directory. Lets assume ..... More

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  syntax highlighting
Posted by: metulburr - Sep-05-2016, 12:32 AM - Forum: Board - Replies (57)

There is a plugin installed that allows syntax highlighting. The BBCode for it is

[shcode=python]CODE HERE[/shcode]
The BBCode ..... More

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  testing syntax highlighter
Posted by: metulburr - Sep-05-2016, 12:22 AM - Forum: Bar - Replies (5)

class Ship:
   def __init__(self, sheet):
       self.frames = strip_from_sheet(sheet, (0,0), (122,164), 4, 4)
       self..... More

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  testing unanswered posts (old)
Posted by: metulburr - Sep-02-2016, 04:40 PM - Forum: Board - No Replies

The CSS for code blocks is located at  ACP -> Templates and Style -> Themes -> Default -> global.css -> Select fro mthe drop down menu ".codeblock". T..... More

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  Testing formatting
Posted by: Ofnuts - Sep-02-2016, 10:01 AM - Forum: General Coding Help - Replies (1)


  • A list
  • with
  • bullets
    1. a sublist
    2. with
    3. numbers
    [/lis..... More

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  Day one thoughts
Posted by: sparkz_alot - Sep-01-2016, 08:31 PM - Forum: Board - Replies (4)

This software, myBB, seems to work quite well right out of the box. I do, however, have two dislikes. The first is the "Member List" is viewable by ev..... More

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  Strings, index and slicing
Posted by: metulburr - Sep-01-2016, 08:19 PM - Forum: Fundamentals - Replies (5)

Single and Double Quotes
[spoiler=(Click to expand)]
String literals can be enclosed in either two single or two double quotes. The reason fo..... More

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Posted by: metulburr - Sep-01-2016, 08:18 PM - Forum: Fundamentals - Replies (1)

Both lists and dictionaries are collections of objects. They both can be changed in place, can grow or shrink, and also can have any other objects nes..... More

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Posted by: metulburr - Sep-01-2016, 08:18 PM - Forum: Fundamentals - Replies (1)

You can think of Dictionaries as a collection of data that is unorganized, unlike lists. Items in dictionaries are stored and fetched by a key, instea..... More

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Posted by: metulburr - Sep-01-2016, 08:16 PM - Forum: Fundamentals - Replies (2)

Python detects block boundaries automatically, by line indentation. (the empty space to the left of your code). All statements indented the same dista..... More

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  How to Execute python code
Posted by: metulburr - Sep-01-2016, 08:15 PM - Forum: Python Installation and Execution - Replies (2)

There are 3 main ways to execute python code.

1) Interactive Prompt
[spoiler=(Click to expand)]
This is mostly used for experimenting and ..... More

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  Namespace flooding with * imports
Posted by: metulburr - Sep-01-2016, 08:14 PM - Forum: Common pitfalls and what to do - Replies (1)

This is a tutorial of what not to do. Why not to do it, and what to use instead.

What not to use: (this is the most widely used examples)
[code]..... More

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Posted by: metulburr - Sep-01-2016, 08:13 PM - Forum: Fundamentals - Replies (4)


The built-in function open() creates a Python file object, which serves as a link to a file residing on your machine. After cal..... More

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  Creating a repo for your completed scripts
Posted by: metulburr - Sep-01-2016, 08:12 PM - Forum: Tutorials - Replies (1)

If you dont know, there are sites that you can upload your code to where people can look, upload fixes, comment on, and download your code. It makes i..... More

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  Popularity Poll of myBB
Posted by: sparkz_alot - Sep-01-2016, 08:02 PM - Forum: Board - Replies (8)

What do you think of myBB from a 'user' standpoint?

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  Coding help required in P... 1 minute ago KakashiSenpai gerpark General Codin...
  [Tkinter] scipt with appa... 7 minutes ago INS INS GUI
  Sending email using own s... 29 minutes ago robertkwild robertkwild General Codin...
  writing list to csv file ... 1 hour ago jacksfrustration jacksfrustration General Codin...
  Loop over dataframe to fi... 1 hour ago Scott Pedroski55 Data Science
  Website Scraping Problems 1 hour ago JamesWilson Larz60+ Web Scraping ...
  PyGUI installation issue 2 hours ago Wallflower Gribouillis General Codin...
  ModuleNotFoundError: No m... 3 hours ago raman Gribouillis General Codin...
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  context Django 4 hours ago Sowmya JamesWilson Web Scraping ...
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